My son told us this morning he's joining the Marines

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While I don’t disagree with what you are saying, for the sake of the OP, can everyone be supportive and not lob anything at her that is just going to add more fuel to her emotional fire right now? I am not asking for people to hide the truth, but this post is really about her not about her son. She needs to know how to get through this change.
Cussing and drinking alcohol are just parts of military culture which you and him will both have to come to terms with.

If foul language and drunkeness bother him much, the US Military is not the place for him.

Every place I was ever at, everyone from the lowly Airmen basics all the way up to the Generals cursed like sailors and drank like fish.
Hey that sounds like my kind of place (except for the cursing).
Maybe offer up that suffering that he may become a good Christian man through his enlistment
I already figured this, I just hope he doesn’t start drinking.
You know him better than we do, of course. I don’t know what the military is like, but I know that he would encounter the same type of drinking culture at most any university, too. But if he makes the decision not to drink, it’s certainly possible to stick with it. I made that decision when I went to college, and I stuck with it. It surprised a lot of people because I’m an introvert and generally a “go with the flow” kind of guy, so when I stuck to my guns about not drinking, people were kind of taken aback. But once they realized that I really wasn’t going to start drinking, I was just “the guy who didn’t drink.”
Well, I’m saying that if he finds himself suffering on the street at some point afterward, he may experience this sort of thing:

Look at the Colorado shoot out with a Deputy, backwards Rambo story where the cops win. Not really sure who they exactly think they are, waiting for a SEAL to get invaded.
Are you seriously posting a clip from Rambo? You don’t think you’re being a little dramatic?
Nope, Vietnam troops coming home to injustice is slowly happening all over again.
Nope, Vietnam troops coming home to injustice is slowly happening all over again.
Yeah, not really. Telling her that there is a good chance her son may end up mentally unstable and in a shootout with cops is just flat out silly. If we’re giving someone advice on what to expect if a family member joins the military, let’s not offer action movies as evidence.

This is incredibly off-base in every respect.
Do you really think this is helpful? Honestly. He hasn’t even left for boot camp and you share an extreme thing like this? I don’t care how honest you think you are being, it’s not helpful to the OP. This is not her son asking for reality, it is someone’s mother, and I think you are not helping her fears.
Hi Irishmom, we live in NY, would this mean he’ll go to Hawaii? Sorry for my huge ignorance in this matter. Maybe I should go to the Marine website for comprehensive information, I just learned of this yesterday. Thanks so much to all who have participated here.
Hi Irishmom, we live in NY, would this mean he’ll go to Hawaii? Sorry for my huge ignorance in this matter. Maybe I should go to the Marine website for comprehensive information, I just learned of this yesterday. Thanks so much to all who have participated here.
The only thing that’s determined by where you live now is which basic training he goes to. If you’re on the east coast, you go to Parris Island. If the west coast, San Diego. After that, he could be assigned anywhere in the world that there is a need for his particular specialty.
Do you really think this is helpful? Honestly. He hasn’t even left for boot camp and you share an extreme thing like this? I don’t care how honest you think you are being, it’s not helpful to the OP. This is not her son asking for reality, it is someone’s mother, and I think you are not helping her fears.

Here’s a more typical problem. My brother and his family (wife and two boys) get orders to go to Japan. ALL of their stuff leaves for Japan. Then the orders get changed…
Indeed. We’ve now seen clips of Rambo and Full Metal Jacket. Not exactly the things to show a mother who just learned of this decision her son made. Let’s be supportive as she processes the information.
Thank you Mr. Joe, as crazy as this sounds and maybe because i’m in such emotional turmoil I was able to find a little comedic relief in seeing the clip (i didn’t watch it, just the photo)and a comment below stating ‘are you seriously showing her this clip’. I called my husband over for that one. I get he’s trying to help too I understand.

Thank God for my faith, if I didn’t have it I’d be even more of a wreck. I am so proud of my son. I am also very sensitive and all of you have helped tremendously. In fact, my husband and I will spend time going through all the answers from my brothers and sisters in Christ that have comforted me.
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You have been incredibly helpful and my husband and I thank you very much. If I may, does this sound right?
Boot camp 13 weeks, home for a few days
MCT Training for a month?
Permanent Duty station 4 years , is this where he trains in his MOS vocation.

I am slowly learning the terminologies and I’m having a hard time getting the timeline right. Any assistance here is greatly appreciated! Thank you again, your (name removed by moderator)ut is greatly appreciated.
I’d also suggest doing research with your son about how to practice his faith in the military.

You can research the chaplaincy, talk about how to deal with Sunday obligation, fasting, and convenient devotional practices (there may be a lot of stuff he gets dispensed from). It’s ultimately up to him, but some more information is good.
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