I am so sorry to what happened to you @MasterMacLeod82.
It’s so unfair.
Certainely, you were not all white, but in the end it is not you who have make the final decision. And some people in the same circunstances would leave some don’t (it’s what I think).
It is unfair, because you have to mourn for a decision that waht imposed to you by the person who love best on earth and who share an unique bound forever even if one break it practically.
It mean that you live with a wife that exists but refuse to live with you. And as consequence, all the resonable hope to have children is gone.
That’s a cross. But unlesss your marriage is declared invalid, as you know your only possibility is to follow Church Teaching and remain faithfull to an absent spouse. Or to try to met someone else.
secular advises, even psychologists would probably said the last.
That’s your choice.
I pray that you will recover. I am sure that it is hard.
Maybe try to live one day at one day. “Whoo. I was unhappy, I want to die, but I have survive this day. I will survive tomorrow”. To contemplate how many more years you have may be much virtiginous.
It’s hard, but yes, it is a blessing. Your spouse hurt you so much, but left you alive. Don’t kill you. You have some time for little happiness and certainely much more happiness.
I pray that you found peace again.
best wishes.
(not my business at all, but you mentionned that you try to have a children with no result. May this had played a role in your wife’s leaving?)