NCR Report "Analysis: Archbishop Gregory Says He Won’t Deny Biden Communion. How Will Catholics Respond?"

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Hopefully we will respond with prayer and good example.
Prayer from the laity and ‘good example’ from Archbishop Gregory’s fellow bishops.
It’s between Mr. Biden, the Archbishop, and God. The only response I would or could conceive of is to mind my own business.
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Archbishop Gregory Says He Won’t Deny Biden Communion
Welp, I called that one. Not that we all couldn’t see that Abp soon-to-be-Cardinal Gregory, who had such a big problem with Trump visiting the St Pope JPII Shrine, would be welcoming Joe with open arms.

The Archbishop is not being “disobedient” by the way. Unless the Pope tells him not to give Joe communion, the decision is up to the Archbishop.

As for how I will respond, I plan on continuing to pray for all involved and for our country. That’s about the only option we have. It’s not like we can collect signatures for a recall petition for the Archbishop/ Cardinal.
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“Analysis: Archbishop Gregory Says He Won’t Deny Biden Communion. How Will Catholics Respond?”
Not in my sphere of competence to complain or cajole to any bishop, but this is wildly out of date modes of evangelization. We no longer live in Christendom mode, where we can expect the culture to cooperate with the Church and assimilate our values. We live in an apostolic age, whereby the culture is inimical to Christ and the Church.
What is the point of playing footsie with evil? Will it lead to conversion? Will it lead those watching to conversion? I doubt it.
What it will lead to is our deformed culture running the Church over and not bothering to stop and look back.
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Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, right?

Yes, Catholics, now just how well did that whole experiment with assimilation to ‘the world’, making teaching ‘watered down’ and ‘inclusive’, jettisoning visible cultural practices and turning the 10 commandments into the 10 Suggestions that one might personally believe but would not dream of foisting one’s ‘beliefs’ onto others work out now?

Where are the thousands and millions who would be so drawn to the “new Springtime’, the inclusivity, the social justice, and Jesus Himself (who is often barely mentioned, and when mentioned, as a ‘good teacher’ who was sadly limited by the ‘times’, and certainly is never present at a Sunday ‘Sacrifice’ since the majority of Catholics now believe ‘he’ is ‘just a symbol”.

Yes, I know that there have been many cultural ‘factors’ that contributed to all of this. I’m not p(name removed by moderator)ointing some major ‘event’ but rather the whole host of little ‘bendings’ and ‘spirit’ and whims etc over 60 or so years that have culminated in not a ‘renewed Christendom’ but a ‘post-Christian’ world.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, right?

Yes, Catholics, now just how well did that whole experiment with assimilation to ‘the world’, making teaching ‘watered down’ and ‘inclusive’, jettisoning visible cultural practices and turning the 10 commandments into the 10 Suggestions that one might personally believe but would not dream of foisting one’s ‘beliefs’ onto others work out now?

Where are the thousands and millions who would be so drawn to the “new Springtime’, the inclusivity, the social justice, and Jesus Himself (who is often barely mentioned, and when mentioned, as a ‘good teacher’ who was sadly limited by the ‘times’, and certainly is never present at a Sunday ‘Sacrifice’ since the majority of Catholics now believe ‘he’ is ‘just a symbol”.

Yes, I know that there have been many cultural ‘factors’ that contributed to all of this. I’m not p(name removed by moderator)ointing some major ‘event’ but rather the whole host of little ‘bendings’ and ‘spirit’ and whims etc over 60 or so years that have culminated in not a ‘renewed Christendom’ but a ‘post-Christian’ world.
Agree. Accommodating the Church to the culture is an abject failure in any age.
The archbishop is the authority here. It’s his call. It’s above my pay grade to question his choice.
So we have an archbishop and soon to be cardinal publicly . . . aiding and abetting . . . the sin of sacrilege. God help the church.
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Actually, it’s not! Think St. Catherine of Siena. St. Catherine was actually a layperson who, in charity, called out a pope and told him to get back to Rome. We, as laity, have the obligation to insist that our Bishops, Priests and Deacons uphold the teachings of the Church. The salvation of souls is at stake.

Consider the scandals of the recent past with McCarrick - who would not have been hurt had we (the laity) held those Bishops that turned a blind eye and ignored the situation?
By calling him out with the Truth and Charity. We, as the laity, have an obligation to call out scandal of any form, including with our Bishops!
It’s between Mr. Biden, the Archbishop, and God
What about the scandal it causes?
scandal is subjective. I don’t see any scandal.
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