1 Corinthians 11:27-30
I wonder if the severe warning given about receiving the Eucharist unworthily also applies to ministers who knowingly cast their pearls before swine at the level of being accesories to the mortal sin level crime of sacrilege.
Just because the merciful Lord doesn’t strike down the offending parties on the spot … doesn’t mean the Eucharist is not the most holy of “things”* and may be casually, thoughtlessly or blasphemously outraged as a public scandal.
I find it hard to believe that Gregory doesn’t know about Biden’s public approval and empowerment of abortion … or of his approving of and promoting so called “gay marriage” … even unto performing such services … not only publicly sinning mortally, but leading weak others into doing so too.
Jesus told the faithful of His time to abide by the teachings of those spiritual leaders who took their place on the “Seat of Moses” … but not to follow their evil examples.
“By their fruits you shall know them …” Jesus said of examining the good trees from the bad.
A Cardinal (Gregory) who bristled so much at a non-Catholic President (Trump) honoring a Catholic Pope at a “public” site with his Catholic wife … is breezily fine with green flagging a “Catholic” President-Elect’s future communions (Biden’s) without a word about him repenting from his widely trumpeted commitments to the mortal sins of
- celebrating homosexual practices as a virtue … and
- outraging the dignity of the most Holy Eucharist as a trivial thing
(that in opposition to St. Paul’s warnings) … may be lighty regarded and boldly procured in a
– sacrilegious display (that gives further scandal to others watching or involved) with the procurement.
Gregory’s promotion to Cardinal comes via a Pope (Francis) who once politicized a mass at the US border to oppose one U.S. cardidate’s proposed Immigration laws … after having barely counselled
a pro-abortion President in mid-persecution of the Little Sisters of the Poor … and/or the Communist leaders of Cuba (as he led an outdoor mass in Havana – with a several story high visage of terrorist Che Guevara – looming over the worshippers the entire time.
Now … if “Look, I’m a Catholic!” Joe Biden repented and became a pro-life champion who stopped “gay marrying” people to their spiritual detriment … I could rejoice in seeing an American Catholic leader reverently receive Communion.
Cc: Nancy Pulosi, John Kerry, Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsome, Xavier Becerra et al.
- The most Holy Eucharist IS not a THING but the very body, blood, soul and Divine Presence of Jesus Christ Himself.
But YOU knew that.