Near Death Experience But Doesn't Convert

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I Know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.

2 Corinthians 1
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A NDE is not the same as when a person “stays dead”.

I believe what the Church teaches about the afterlife, but NDE stories neither prove nor disprove Catholic teaching.
If anyone is interested in scientific proof, there is the AWARE project, conducted by Dr. Parnia, in which NDEs were searched and studied among thousands of patients:

Only one patient managed to be in a good enough shape and corroborated the tests implemented in the study; but, as he/she did, we may have the first well studied evidence of an inmaterial counsciousness, even when statistically it is anectodic evidence.
“For the second patient instead, it was possible to verify the accuracy of the experience and to show that awareness occurred paradoxically some minutes after the heart stopped, at a time when “the brain ordinarily stops functioning and cortical activity becomes isoelectric.” The experience was not compatible with an illusion, imaginary event or hallucination since visual (other than of ceiling shelves’ images) and auditory awareness could be corroborated.”
My personal hypothesis is that some NDE are indeed hallucinations, but we have evidence that at least one wasn’t.
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Yes Dr. Parnia was the main researcher in the multi-hospital AWARE NDE clinical study.
If anyone is interested in scientific proof, there is the AWARE project, conducted by Dr. Parnia, in which NDEs were searched and studied among thousands of patients:
As long as this study has been brought up, I want to address a common misrepresentation of the study you’ll see.

The way it worked was that they put some big cards on shelves in various rooms of the hospital where patients could be taken. Various NDEs have people claim out of body experiences where they see the doctors working on them, so the idea was to put the cards in places where someone, if they were actually having an out of body experience, would be able to see it, but someone on the table couldn’t. A claim you’ll see is that this study disproved the idea of out of body experiences on the basis that the people who experienced them didn’t see the cards. After all, if they had an out of body experience, they should’ve seen them, right?

Just one problem. Those two cases? Neither occurred in a room with the cards. So of course they wouldn’t see them even in a real out of body experience.
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I absolutely do not believe NDEs are real. What is the so-called evidence? The word of the person who alleges them?
As for the out of body experiences what goes out of body? It cannot be the soul because that would contradict Church teaching.
I absolutely do not believe NDEs are real. What is the so-called evidence? The word of the person who alleges them?
As for the out of body experiences what goes out of body? It cannot be the soul because that would contradict Church teaching.
People who came back from the dead in the Bible :

The widow of Zarephath’s son (1 Kings 17:17–24)

The Shunammite woman’s son (2 Kings 4:18–37)

The man raised out of Elisha’s grave (2 Kings 13:20–21)

The widow of Nain’s son (Luke 7:11–17)

Jairus’ daughter (Luke 8:52–56)

Lazarus of Bethany (John 11)

Various saints in Jerusalem (Matthew 27:50–53)

Tabitha (Acts 9:36–43)

Eutychus (Acts 20:7–12)

Jesus (Mark 16:1–8)

People who came back from the dead in the Bible :

The widow of Zarephath’s son (1 Kings 17:17–24)

The Shunammite woman’s son (2 Kings 4:18–37)

The man raised out of Elisha’s grave (2 Kings 13:20–21)

The widow of Nain’s son (Luke 7:11–17)

Jairus’ daughter (Luke 8:52–56)

Lazarus of Bethany (John 11)

Various saints in Jerusalem (Matthew 27:50–53)

Tabitha (Acts 9:36–43)

Eutychus (Acts 20:7–12)

Jesus (Mark 16:1–8)
None of these are NDE’s. Are you seriously trying to convince us that the Resurrection of Jesus is an example of a near death experience??
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As for the out of body experiences what goes out of body? It cannot be the soul because that would contradict Church teaching.
“As for the out of body experiences what goes out of body? It cannot be the soul because that would contradict Church teaching.”

Actually, I was just addressing this part of your post.
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There was a near death experiencer who addressed this question. He was a neurosurgeon and had a near death experience while his brain should have been inert due to an aggressive meningial infection. He described the brain as a “reducing valve” or “filter” for consciousness.
As for the out of body experiences what goes out of body? It cannot be the soul because that would contradict Church teaching.
I guess I’m not understanding how that would contradict church teaching? If God could put a soul into a body couldn’t He take it out and out it back in?
For what purpose? Saints have had visions, God has shown and told people things, the sun has danced. Why would God pull a soul out only to put it back in?
I’ll note that many NDEs are not Catholic in theology or description.
Not a lot of buhddist or Muslim or Jewish NDEs have Marian figures.
Who knows what the purpose would be tbh. I’m presuming to enhance people’s faith…
I guess I’m not understanding how that would contradict church teaching? If God could put a soul into a body couldn’t He take it out and out it back in?
No because it is a Church teaching and all Church teachings have the full authority of God behind them. What is bound on earth is bound in Heaven. If God changed a teaching it would mean he lied.
I have heard of it, and it happens with people of other faiths. I think God lets people be saved despite false belief. Becoming Catholic is not the end-all and be-all of holiness and salvation, even if the grace of salvation comes through the Church. The Church is a creature, but God is the goal of life
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