Need an explanation please... the rosary

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No, my questions are showing that I am trying to gain understanding, does it not? So if I don’t instantly agree and understand everything there is to know about certain issues, am I not worthy?

I think your assumptions are dangerous and may turn people away from the church.
Your desire to know the truth is a gracious gift from God, as are you!
No one wants to turn you away from the Church…no way!!
My thought about praying in public is that Jesus did it himself on so many different occasions…and if we are to live His life and follow His example, then praying, earnestly and sincerely, both in private and in public, is according to His will.

I’ve found that reading Scripture in big chunks at a time helps to get the big picture a little better. Context and intent of the writer or speaker are very important!

At any rate, what father doesn’t love to hear the voices of his children giving him praise? All the more so, our Heavenly Father.

It also pleases Him to hear us tell Him how beautiful His most glorious work of art is! (Mary)

God bless you. Keep on searching for the truth! :blessyou:

To archbishop 10-k

The pharisees in Jesus days were like he call them hypocrites read Matthew 23:24-33 even do they new the truth they hide it from the people they were blind leading the blind and today we have the same in many churches but those who teach wrong doctrines regardles of there name or religion will have to answer to God in due time
to maresiedotes

You answer so great but i have to disagree with you the most beautiful work of art is the life,dead and resurecction of our Lord Jesus what more precious can it be than the love of God sending to us His only son to die for you and me so we can have eternal life that is His work of art not Mary and besides she is not the mother of God she is the mother of Jesus and yes i do believe that Jesus and God are one but Mary was selected because she was favored by God nothing else to elevate Mary over Jesus is sin in the eyes of God,
or to compare or say that is the most beautiful work of art from God is to diminish the sacrifice and the greatest love of all and more is not recognize the beauty of our Lord.
For me and many others that is the most beautiful work of art Jesus Christ and for that name and not Mary people are dying and are persecuted and torture in many parts of the world.
to maresiedotes

You answer so great but i have to disagree with you the most beautiful work of art is the life,dead and resurecction of our Lord Jesus what more precious can it be than the love of God sending to us His only son to die for you and me so we can have eternal life that is His work of art not Mary and besides she is not the mother of God she is the mother of Jesus and yes i do believe that Jesus and God are one but Mary was selected because she was favored by God nothing else to elevate Mary over Jesus is sin in the eyes of God,
or to compare or say that is the most beautiful work of art from God is to diminish the sacrifice and the greatest love of all and more is not recognize the beauty of our Lord.
For me and many others that is the most beautiful work of art Jesus Christ and for that name and not Mary people are dying and are persecuted and torture in many parts of the world.
Is it just me or does it sound like he’s saying that God’s greatest creation is Jesus??? Jesus is not a creation. Jesus is eternal.
Is it just me or does it sound like he’s saying that God’s greatest creation is Jesus??? Jesus is not a creation. Jesus is eternal.
It’s hard to say what he believes:
…that is His work of art not Mary and besides she is not the mother of God she is the mother of Jesus and yes i do believe that Jesus and God are one…
My head is spinning. :whacky:

Peace in Christ…Salmon
quote= Jesus ever mention we had to pray to her???or that she is the person who intercedes between us and God…the bible states clearly that is the Holy Spirit that does that in Romans 8:26 so why say something that is not biblical???

WE who live here on earth pray for one another. Praying for another means that we are interceding on someone’s behalf to God. Of course, that intercessory prayer can not take place without the aid of God (the Holy Spirit), but we must also cooperate with His promptings. Intercessory prayer doesn’t stop here on earth. Jesus gave us Mary as our Mother as He hung on the cross, "Jesus said to his mother, ‘there is your son.’ In turn, he said to the disciple, ‘There is your mother.’ "(John 19:26). As a mother who wants all to know the love of Jesus, she continually prays for us…she intercedes with Jesus just as she did at the Wedding at Cana.

I consider myself blessed to be able to ask for her help…to know that I have the tenderest, most loving mother possible who cares about me, because of her Son.

Even the angel who came to ask her if she would be the mother of Jesus honored her with his words…“Hail FULL of grace!” Have you ever thought what it means to be FULL of grace? She would have to be, because she would carry the Eternal Word within her. How holy is that?

The rosary is one of the most beautiful forms of prayer that we have. Mary will always point us toward her Son as she interceds on our behalf. :amen:

God bless you in your quest for truth.

Is it just me or does it sound like he’s saying that God’s greatest creation is Jesus??? Jesus is not a creation. Jesus is eternal.
If that is the case about the rosary were in the bible tells me that i have to pray that???one thing is our Father in heaven another one is the one for Mary…and besides how many times that the New Testament mentions Mary have you count them???and did Jesus ever mention we had to pray to her???or that she is the person who intercedes between us and God…the bible states clearly that is the Holy Spirit that does that in Romans 8:26 so why say something that is not biblical???
You present a great many issues here. Catholic Answers has a library of articles and tracts that could be helpful since they address many of your questions in considerable detail. I would suggest you browse through it. It is a great resource.

to maresiedotes

You answer so great but i have to disagree with you the most beautiful work of art is the life,dead and resurecction of our Lord Jesus what more precious can it be than the love of God sending to us His only son to die for you and me so we can have eternal life that is His work of art not Mary and besides she is not the mother of God she is the mother of Jesus and yes i do believe that Jesus and God are one but Mary was selected because she was favored by God nothing else to elevate Mary over Jesus is sin in the eyes of God,
or to compare or say that is the most beautiful work of art from God is to diminish the sacrifice and the greatest love of all and more is not recognize the beauty of our Lord.
For me and many others that is the most beautiful work of art Jesus Christ and for that name and not Mary people are dying and are persecuted and torture in many parts of the world.
Ok. And…? :hmmm:

I congratulate you for leaping right in on your first day. But I’m having some trouble following your point.
No, my questions are showing that I am trying to gain understanding, does it not? So if I don’t instantly agree and understand everything there is to know about certain issues, am I not worthy?
I think your assumptions are dangerous and may turn people away from the church.
Whoa… One of the problems with bulletin boards is how things come across, but my post was in no way meant to be derogatory, so I apologize if the tone seemed so. I think my points are valid: your perceptions do point to the danger of not understanding context, which directly underscores the concerns you have. It wasn’t meant as an insult, but rather a broader point that many misconceptions result from these kinds of errors. Nothing personal was intended.

You are correct, that by asking these questions, it should help you understand why these supposedly contradictory statements can be reconciled. That was my intent, and unfortunately it appears I fell a bit short.
To archbishop 10-k

The pharisees in Jesus days were like he call them hypocrites read Matthew 23:24-33 even do they new the truth they hide it from the people they were blind leading the blind and today we have the same in many churches but those who teach wrong doctrines regardles of there name or religion will have to answer to God in due time
That too (on the Pharisees.) I was referring to how one of them in the Gospels was praying out loud and criticizing another man at the same time. However, you are correct in the Pharisees also being hypocrites.

As for Mary being or not being the mother of God, that’s really an unnecessary fight of terminology. If Jesus is God, then Mary is the mother of God. Simple as that. That doesn’t mean that Mary is superior, but she IS the mother of God. Whether you want to use this term or not is an option. However, I would be careful since some non-Catholics make the mistake of putting Mary so low that they end up ridiculing Jesus’ mother.

Finally, concerning what the greatest work of art is, Jesus was begotten of the Father, not made. But I think JesustheSavior was referring to God’s greatest ACTION, which is, of course, the life, death, and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Am I correct, JesustheSavior?
To salmonNo i am not that person that you think i am,i just sign today so sorry you have to eat your hat.

To the others my point mainly is that catholics emphasize a lot on Mary and not the truth,is very simple the word is clear when it comes to who intercede for us and is the Holy Spirit not Mary if you can find me any where in the scriptures that she is the one i merit you for that.
My point about… yes Jesus is God is that the Trinity is and was from the beggining of time and there both one i don not considered since reading the gospels over and over again barely mentions Mary and never does Jesus say that thru her we either go to heaven, that we can pray to her …and in Full as you say…are you Full of the Holy Spirit???that is what makes us Full all of those who believe in Jesus as our Savior not only one person and besides were in the bible do you find any quotes of her being more than anybody in this earth???yes she was blessed among women but…are you saying that she was not a sinner??? if that is so then the bible is wrong,Paul was wrong when he said in Romans 3:23 and Romans 3:10 are we to believe the bible or what man or a religion say???
are you saying that she was not a sinner??? if that is so then the bible is wrong,Paul was wrong when he said in Romans 3:23 and Romans 3:10 are we to believe the bible or what man or a religion say???
Romans says all men have sinned does that mean a young child has sinned? what about the mentally ill? Surely you don’t think a person without the capacity for reason has sinned? Wasn’t Jesus a man? Did he sin too? I think Paul was referring to mankind in a general way.
Romans says all men have sinned does that mean a young child has sinned? what about the mentally ill? Surely you don’t think a person without the capacity for reason has sinned? Wasn’t Jesus a man? Did he sin too? I think Paul was referring to mankind in a general way.
Paul was actually referencing a Psalm where David laments that none are righteous. In the context of the Psalm, it is not referring to each individual person, but to all groups of people (just like we might say “everyone was at the meeting” to mean that a representative of each department was at the meeting.)
to archbishop 10-k

Jesus existed from the beggining i am not going to lower Mary because she was blessed and choosen to have Jesus but to uplift her as many catholics do no i can not…
I will not call it an action i will call it His greatest love for all of us Jesus clearly states He is the Alpha and the Omega the beggining and the end and if you look carefully and search the bible Jesus existed from the very beggining and talks about Him thru the whole bible,if i express myself wrong i apologize for that.
I guess my whole point in reality is why talk about Mary so much??? what about Jesus and what He did for us that is something that is lost in many religions of today we just don’t give Him the importance he deserves but we substitue Him for others and claim those others are the ones that are going to get us closer to him and to reach heaven,is that difficult to understand that by grace we are save and not by our works???why do i have to be told that thru her she will intercede when is not biblical?Why is it so hard to believe when Jesus said “I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE,NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME"it is so clear what Jesus said in John 14.
In 1 John 1:9 says that"If we confess our sins,He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrightousness and” and in verse 10 says :“If we say that we have not sinned,we make Him a liar,and His word is not in us” wich it makes me believe that like i said before we are all sinners are you saying that Mary was not?.
Once more i gave her the rightfull place as the mother of my Lord and Savior but that is it,nothing else in the bible states any different
To Poisson:

Children don’t sin Jesus was clear when He said that they inherit heaven,when you talk about a mentally ill person is that a person with down syndrome???because if you are talking about them i do believe they will go to heaven, i was refering to those of us who have full capacity to understand right from wrong,is sinning just killing??
or commiting adultery???what about lying or desire what others have isn’t that a sin too?
So in a way i guess you are making the word of God a lie since it tells you we are all sinners.
Yes He became human but no He did not sin if that is so then he was not the son of God and you are right he refer to mankind including Mary
The Bible however, is not the sole rule of faith. Jesus left us a Church, not a book. The book came later. 🙂
Do you believe that death can defeat a Christian? You must, if you believe that we are not in constant, ongoing, daily communion with all the dead in Christ (the saints.) They are as much an active part of God’s creation as those of us who breathe Earth’s air this very moment.

Do you ever call up a living friend and tell your troubles to him? Do you ever ask him to pray for you or someone you care about in a time of need? Chances are you have some friends you wouldn’t dream of asking to pray for you (either because you know they aren’t particularly spiritual, or because you are unsure of the nature of their faith) and others you know are faithful and have a good relationship with God.

Some people, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, for instance, have a very close relationship with God. We know that Mary’s relationship with all persons of the Holy Trinity was of a far more intimate nature than any of us have experienced. God the Father chose her, found favor with her, and she was"full of Grace." God the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary, causing her to be with child so that God the Son could be born to us a Savior and a Redeemer.

I would much rather ask Mary to pray for me than, say, my next door neighbor.
Ok then what about the second part of the question… in scripture it states that we are to pray in secret not out in the open… yet the Pope says to do it in the open… how does that work?
Are you saying that all Christian that gather to worship and pray on Sunday moring are blantantly disregarding both Jesus and Scripture?

You seem to be saying that we are not to pray unless we are in our closet by ourselves. :confused:
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