Need an explanation please... the rosary

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No little mary you have not answer my question,but that is ok, what you refer to is what Gabriel said to her when he told her she was goign to have the son of God is was never meant as a prayer.

But thank you anyway
Yes, Jesusthesavior, your questioned was answered and if you’ll check Darcee’s post that one is much more detailed than mine. You have chosen to ignore all answers because you prefer to criticize with closed mind and ears.

And who said Gabriel’s words couldn’t be a prayer? You? Your pastor?

Thanks anyway, but I’ll stick with Christ’s church. Not the opinions of men.
No little mary you have not answer my question,but that is ok, what you refer to is what Gabriel said to her when he told her she was goign to have the son of God is was never meant as a prayer.

But thank you anyway
Within prayer, there can be an opening statement or a greeting, then an acknowledgment of who one is talking to, followed by a request. This is the formal way of praying. And what better way to pray than use the words of scripture in greeting and addressing the Mother of God? Therefore “little Mary” answered you correctly.
Great responses, everyone, however fruitless. Protestants, like these “two”, if they are two, are only here to endlessly debate and play back, like a tape recorder, what they’ve been recorded. I’ve come across only a very few, who honestly try to understand what the Catholic Church teaches, even though they may still oppose it. These “two” are not of that caliber. There is no need to beat dead horses, simply refer them to Karls excellent tracts. Once they have those understandings of our teachings, we can discuss their learned disagreements. However, that is not the case here.
JesustheSavior going by your way of thinking the only prayer one could pray is the Lords prayer because thats the only one I can remember Jesus gave us. Wouldnt that be repetitious? The church ok’d the Rosery and thats really all you need to know, remember the Holy Spirit will guide it into all truth.
Hi, I thought I’d give it a try one more time.

“In the verse below, Christ condemns prayers that fall into the category of “vain repetition”. He’s not condemning repetition, but the fact that prayers offered to false gods (i.e. the gods the pagan Gentiles prayed to, such as Zeus, Jupiter, Apollo, etc.) are vain because those gods don’t exist.
We can be sure that Christ was not forbidding repetitious prayers per se, because, as we’ll see, he himself prayed repetitiously, he gave us the greatest of all prayers, the Our Father, which he intended us to pray repeatedly, and God the Holy Spirit inspired many repetitious prayers in Scripture and intended that they be prayed and sung frequently by believers. And finally, notice that in the Garden of Getsemane Christ repeated the same prayer three times during his agony.
Catholics are criticized for praying the Rosary–the repetitious series of scriptural prayers that help us meditate on key episodes ofthe Gospel narrative, as well as mysteries of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Also, with regard to the Rosary, we should recall that Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, especially chosen by God to be the mother of Christ, the theotokos (Greek:“God bearer”). One of Mary’s main Old Testament prefigurements was the Ark of the Covenant (cf. Exodus 25, 2 Samuel 6), and the Old Testament Ark was used by the Israelites in battle as a mysterious and formidable weapon against the enemies of the Lord. The Ark brought down the walls of Jericho (cf. Josua6); its holy presence routed the Philistines in more than one battle (cf. Numbers 10:35). In an analogous way, we Christians pray the Rosary and ask Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant, to intercede on our behalf and use her prayers as a weapon of grace against the evil one, the Red Dragon spoken of in Revelation 12. Mary and her Church as the “woman” who does battle with the Dragon, and when we pray the Rosary, we go well-armed into battle against the adversary, who is 'prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
“Psalm 136 is a good example of repetitious prayer especially because it was inspired by the Holy Spirit! The phrase 'For his steadfast love (mercy) endures forever” is repeated many times. Similar repetitious prayers are scattered through sections of the Old Testament. And finally, notice that in the Garden of Gethsamane, Christ repeated the same prayer three times during his agony. (Matt 26:44)
(above excerpt taken from Patrick Madrid)
See also Luke 18:13 - collector kept beating breast and praying, be merciful. Rev. 4:8 - “repeat day and night, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord”. 1 Thess 5:17 - pray without ceasing.
See also Daniel 3: 57-88 Notice how in the passage from Daniel the repetition of “Bless the Lord” at the end of each verse much in the same style that Catholics employ when they pray a litany, which obviously is a very biblical practice.

I hope this helps. May God bless you with the gift of understanding. I suggest we all take a little break and go pray the rosary so that they people will receive the grace of God to see.:blessyou:
darcee said:
The Bible teaches you the Hail Mary.

Hail Mary!
Full of grace!
The Lord is with thee.

Luke 1:28

Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Luke 1:42

Holy Mary,
(Those who have accepted and live according to the teachings of Christ are sanctified and Holy.)

1 Cor 1:1-2

Mother of God,


pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death.

(We are told throughout the new Testament to pray for one another, to ask one another for prayer. The fact that a person is dead in body does not mean their soul is dead and unable to pray for us. To suggest that those who have gone before are completely dead, that their souls are not in communion with God in heaven where they most certainly can and will pray with and for us is blasphemous in that it denies the sacrifice and atonement of Christ.)



Excellent way to relate the Hail Mary to Holy Scripture! 👍
No little mary you have not answer my question,but that is ok, what you refer to is what Gabriel said to her when he told her she was goign to have the son of God is was never meant as a prayer.

But thank you anyway
Why can’t we use it as a prayer, pray tell :gopray: and I see a lot of people every Saturday morning (non Catholics) praying in public, through loud speakers.
If you know the Rosary so well, then we do include the Our Father, now unless I’m completly stupid, saying the Our Father couldn’t be addressed to Mary.
And we say the prayer of Fatima to Jesus by the way, not to Mary, we say Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit Amen, and the Apostles Creed.
At the end we say" Oh God who’s only begotton Son by his life death and ressurection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation grant we beseech thee that meditating on these mysteries of the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that we may imitate what they contain, and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ Our Lord Amen".
So as you can see all the prayers of the Rosary aren’t addressed to Mary, we unite our prayers to Marys.
Anyway repeating prayers, do you say the Our Father ? then if you do then you need not say it next week as then you’ll be repeating yourself.
Ok thats my lot :amen:
I tend to agree with usherMike on this one. Every reasonable explanation thrown out here has not been met with any kind of understanding. Just arguments. It’s like talking to someone and you can tell they aren’t listening to you. They are waiting for your mouth to stop moving so they can say what they think.
Hello JesusIsTheWay! By the way, I really like that phase you picked for a name. It’s one my favorite Bible verses; Jn14:6 to be exact.
Examples of re-written and half deleted commandments…
This is a really good point that you are making here. I really suggest that you ask this question in the “Ask an Apoligist” section or call into Catholic Answers Live (weekdays 5pm Central time) during the Q & A Open Forum 888-318-7884
I’m wondering who do you think numbered all the verses and chapters in the Bible, and decided which books should be included Bible? I hope you know that it was the Catholic Church that gave us ALL the Bible as it is today (old and new testaments). I don’t recall any other churhes being around when Councils of Hippo 393AD and Cathage 397AD & 419AD were being held when the New Testament canon was being established.
the 4th Commandment: Honor the Sabbath Day and keep it holy…changed to Sunday
Very good point my friend! I must ask something though-
Where in the Bible does it say 'the Sabbath must be on Satuday"? We know that from reading the books of Exodus, Deut, and Numbers that ancient cultures did have a type of calender system. If you want some scriptural proof read: Exodus 12:2, Leveticus 23:1-8, Numbers 9:1-7 and Deut 16:1. Besides the Early Church Fathers celebrated the Sabbath on Sunday as we do today, to celebrate the Resurection of Our Lord. They (more specifically Peter and the popes succeeding him) had/have the AUTHORITY (Mt16:13-20, Is 22:20-26, and Jn 21:15-18) TO BIND AND LOOSEN.
the 2nd Commandmant: worship of idolatry and graven images… Anyone have a crucifix? a rosary? hmmmm
As some else has already said…Catholics don’t “worship” crucifixs and rosary or statues. They help us in meditating more fully on Christ. You can’t tell me that if you were in prayer looking at a crucifix that you would NOT think of THE AWESOME, TOTALY GIVING LOVE God has for us. Let alone that price that it cost Jesus FOR OUR SALVATION. If you think a crucifix is idolatry, then I hope that you don’t have any pictures in your home. From your definition of the 4th commandment, pictures may be classified as a graven image since they too take attention away from God. hmmmm
I know the Catholic Church doesn’t rely soley on scripture… that’s my point… The Church has it’s own rules and laws… and not the ones laid down by Jesus
Yes the Catholic Church does rely on Scipture (Please read some of the Catholic Church documents and you will see). But lets not forget about ORAL TEACHING. St Paul tells us this in 2 Thes 2:15 to “Hold fast to Traditions, whether ORAL or by letter”, Gospel of John (21:25) tells us “Not everything Jesus said is recorded in Scripture”. We must also remember: If Jesus wanted it to be Sola Scriptura (Bible Alone), how come he never wrote anything down himself while teaching the original Twelve Apostles? We must also remember that all the books of New Testament were written 50-100AD. Lets not forget about Mt 16:13-20 were Peter (pope) was given the AUTHORITY to bind and loosen.

I hope this reply will helps you in your quest to get some questions anwered and for you to start clearing up the misconceptions that you have of the Catholic Church.

In Matthew 6:7 we read, “…when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”

First and foremost we see that the Scriptures declare we must NOT repeat prayers, especially vain ones. Doing so is directly described as an attribute of the heathen.
Repetition is not prohibited. “Vain” and “heathen” is the problem. Since heathens pray to gods, not God, their prayers are empty, void, ineffectual, fruitless, profane, and thus even one prayer from them is VAIN.

Repetitious prayers by*** those of faith***, are not vain NOR prohibited by scripture. Ever read Psalm 136? The response “His love endures forever” is repeated 26 times.
In these articles the Pope is going directly against Scripture by suggesting PUBLIC praying of the rosary, as well as VAIN prayer.

In Matthew 6:6, we read that, “…when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

Good grief! Then whatever you do, don’t pray in church! If there are 50 people there, if you feel like praying, you all better go to your individual closets and shut the doors. If you don’t have that many closets then you can’t pray.

Is that what Jesus is saying? I think NOT
I didn’t read every posting but here are my thoughts. The Rosary is a wonderful, SCRIPTURAL, MEDITATIVE prayer (See book The Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort). In praying the Rosary, we are not praying to Mary but through Mary! She is the Christ-bearer, the Mother of God, the Mother of Christianity. (An extremely honorable position - this puts her in a class all by herself). Christ came to earth through her.

As a human being, she is uniquely in a spot where no one other created & fallen creature can claim: "My soul rejoices in God MY Savior! The Blessed Mother was saved as well as the rest of us. But the fall of man was due to the sinfulness of a woman and the REDEMPTION of man was because this humble, sweet handmaiden gave her fiat. Of the fews words she said in the Bible, she said “Be it done to me according to God’s Will”. The Blessed Mother said Yes to counter Eve’s No! Also a prediction she states: "ALL generations shall call me BLESSED"!!! So my question is this: what would we have done if she said NO to God?

She intercedes to her Son and in no way does this take anything away from Him. They are completely inseparable, either together as a family on earth or as a family in heaven. **HE LISTENED TO HIS MOTHER THEN AND LISTENS TO HER NOW! **As the Mother of Our Redeemer, she saw to the needs of the newly married couple at Cana. Would she ask of her son any less for us? We are all her children too.

Our Lord’s last words on the cross, among his most profound words, included, "BEHOLD, YOUR MOTHER". Wasn’t he speaking to all of us? Out of all the words He said, doesn’t He want us to really pay attention to His last words too?

So grab those beads & get to work!

P.S. the first post I typed, the power went out just as I was to send. The second disappeared when I hit a button I went all the way out of forums. so the third time will work!
I am not authority, but to put it simply from what I have learned:

Pray with your heart…mean what you say and say what you mean…
Thinking the wrong thing about the prayer in vain verse is a good example of interpreting things the wrong way (and perhaps taking it out of context) you have to understand who the heathens are Jesus speaks of. Jesus wants us to put some LOVE into our prayer. It can be hard, but it takes time and patience…then your prayer will conform more to the example we are given of how to pray (Like the Our Father and Hail Mary, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet etc…
As far as the don’t pray in public…we are not suppose to make ourselves look “holier than thou” and do it for the attention of to make it like saying “in your face” to others like we are showing off. We should keep it humble. Praying in groups in public is a good thing…there is strength in numbers.
and the big difference between asking someone to pray for me and asking Mary to ask for me is that the person I ask to do… actually does… because they aren’t dead.
Doesn’t Jesus say that he is the God of the living NOT the dead? Sorry for not providing the scripture verse but he clearly says that when he is questioned/accused about talking with the dead.
The Bible however, is not the sole rule of faith. Jesus left us a Church, not a book. The book came later. 🙂
way to go!! is this a quote from someone? If this is original, I’m impressed ! 👍 :cool:
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