Need an explanation please... the rosary

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the 4th Commandment: Honor the Sabbath Day and keep it holy…changed to Sunday
The tradition of keeping Saturday is actually an ecclesiastical law (made by the Jewish “Church”) and not divine law. For example, when the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years, they celebrated Sabbath based on a lunar cycle (which did not always land on Saturday.) The commandment is to keep a seventh day holy. Sunday comes after every set of 6 regular days. Not sure how this commandment was changed, then.

Are you a Seventh-day Adventist? If you aren’t, how do you keep the Saturday Sabbath?
the 2nd Commandmant: worship of idolatry and graven images… Anyone have a crucifix? a rosary? hmmmm
Does anyone here worship a crucifix or rosary? I don’t. They’re made of wood/metal. I think all Catholics know that. They’re very nice to look at and meditate on, though.
and the big difference between asking someone to pray for me and asking Mary to ask for me is that the person I ask to do… actually does… because they aren’t dead.
Then why does Revelation speak of elders offering the prayers of the saints to God? Why did the Church Fathers teach the intercession of saints?
and the big difference between asking someone to pray for me and asking Mary to ask for me is that the person I ask to do… actually does… because they aren’t dead.
Really? DEAD? What happened to the Lords Promise of Eternal Life? NONE of the Saints who have gone before us are DEAD!! They are ALIVE in Christ and with Christ. ALL in Christ are ALIVE forever more. AMEN
To iguana27

Will you please answer my question to why you pray to Mary and not to God?is that hard to answer with a biblical verse or scripture and show me were in the bible tells me or anybody else that you have to pray to her or anywere in the bible that Jesus told his disciples or any one else in those times that we had to pray to Mary.
The bible does tell us to “bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal 6:2)

Mary in Lk 1:48 says "For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. "

**Colossians 4:12
**12Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.

This Epaphras man appears to be a powerful intercessor.

We are told in the Bible that wherever two or three are gathered in my name , there I am also…

Intercessory prayer seems to be taught in scripture. When you couple that with the eternal nature of the soul and the instantaneous nature of eternal life (Jesus says on the cross “today you will be with me in paradise.” We have a cloud of witnesses, the communion of saints, to pray for us to our heavenly father. We are part of one big family that is not separated by physical death.

Yes, Moses died - physically - his soul is eternal and could not die.

You assume a lot to say that I pray to Mary and not to God.
  1. I pray to God all the time. At meals, in the morning, aspirations throughout the day, The Lord’s prayer, nighttime prayers…
  2. I ask Mary to interceed for me because, as the Bible says, the prayer of a righteous man avails much…(James 5:16)
  3. I also ask my friends on earth to pray for me, even though I can go directly to God. I do not believe that I need to ask them to pray for me, but I believe that it helps me.
As I have said earlier - you are under absolutely no obligation to ask Mary for her intercessory prayers. But I bet she’s praying for you anyway 😉 .

God Bless,
To iguana27
Will you please answer my question to why you pray to Mary and not to God?is that hard to answer with a biblical verse or scripture and show me were in the bible tells me or anybody else that you have to pray to her or anywere in the bible that Jesus told his disciples or any one else in those times that we had to pray to Mary.
Hello JesustheSavior and JesustheWay! It’s so great that you two great people have taken the time for some great dialogue.

Someone made this point before about in John 19:25-27 with Mary and John at the foot of the cross, and her being our mother. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer (Mt 6:7-16) we, along with Jesus, are calling God ‘Our Father’. We all agree that since Jesus is God, then he is perfect. He himself would have obeyed all the commandments (honor your father and mother Ex20:12). In **Jn 14:21-25 ** we are told that those who love Jesus will keep his commandments. If he gave Mary (Jn 19:25-27) to us as our mother, and we are part of Christ’s church which is body of Christ (Col 1:18, 1 Cor 6:15,12:20-27, Eph 5:30) why would we not want to honor our mother as Christ honors her? WE DON’T HAVE TO PRAY TO HER ASKING FOR HER INTERCESSION, but it doesn’t hurt. When we pray to Mary we are giving her honor…not worship. Think of it this way, she is in Heaven with God. If she isn’t in Heaven, then no one will be since she perfectly did God’s will(Lk 1:38). Your are certaintly right about only One mediator between God and man ( 1 Tim 2:5). God has to play a major role in order for our prayers to reach Mary since she is not standing before us in her flesh. Since she is with God, she is beyond space and time and is able to hear everything to intercede and pray for us. In reality then, we are praying to God when we direct our prayers towards Mary since she is taking part of his Glorious Kingdom.

Now, lets look at 1Kings 2:13-21. Here we see the queen mother INTERCEDING on behalf for someone to the King. We all are in agreement that Chirst is the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and that Mary is Jesus’ mother. The Queen Mother intercedes to the King! That’s that way is was during David’s kingdom, and that is way it was when Jesus was born. Then we can’t forget how Mary interceded at the wedding in Cana John 2:1-9 when the wine had run out. Even though Mary the Mother of Jesus is mentioned only a few times, every time her name is mentioned, it has significance. If this example is to used on how many times Mary’s name is mentioned to validate her importance, then one must ask how many times the Bible states only Bible Alone or Faith Alone? True scripture says that both are important, but not standing alone.

This is to be continued in the next post.
Here is the rest

How is praying the mysteries of the Rosary taking away from the Glory of God? The whole Rosary is centered around Christ giving glory to the Father. The mysteries that are meditated on are: Joyful Mysteries: 1) The Annunciation **Lk1:31-32 ** 2) The Visitation Lk1:42-45 3) The Nativity of Jesus Lk 2:6-7 4) The Presentation in the temple **Lk 2:22 ** 5) The Finding in the temple Lk 2:46-47 Sorrowful Mysteries: 1) Agony in the garden Mt 26:36-39 2) The scourging at the pillar Mt 27:25-26 3)Crowing with Thorns Mt 27:28-29 4) Jesus carries the Cross Jn 19:17-18 5) Crucification and Death Lk 23:45-46 The Luminous Mysteries: 1)Baptism in the Jordan Mt 3:16-17 2) Wedding at Cana Jn 2:1-9 3) Proclaimation of the Kingdom Mk1:14-15 4) The Transfiguration Lk 9:28-29 5) The Institution of the Eucharist Mt 26:26 The Glorious Mysteries: 1) The Resurrection of Our Lord Mt 28:5-6 2) The Ascension into Heaven Lk 24:50-51 3) Descent of the Holy Spirit Acts 2: 3-4 4) The Assumption of Mary Judith 13:18-19, Rev 11:19-12:1, Mt 27:52, 1 Thes 4:17 5)The Coronation of Mary Rev 12:1-2.

I know that people have problems with the Assumption of Mary (I had my own 4yrs ago when I first started studing Christianity and Catholicism) because it is never specificaly mentioned “her body was assumed into heaven”. We must also remember that Scripture never said that her body WASN’T assumed into heaven either. Just the same as Scipture also never states in one verse “God existes as Trinity…3 beings in one God” but we know that to be true because that is what the Church teaches 1Tim3:15 .
I understand what it means, I learned very thoroughly exactly what it means to pray to Mary. But you are still lacking scriptural evidence as to who said you need to do it… will you find it? No… it is a man made tradition… And the Word of God is above the tradition of men… not the other way around…

Again, I see yet another example of how some people (you in this case) are presented with straight answers to straight questions and yet they still CHOOSE to ignore them.

You have been told over and over again that Catholics do not NEED to pray to Mary yet they can if they want to. Jesus does not mention in in the Bible because he never said it BECAUSE you don’t HAVE to do it.

FURTHERMORE, you seem to criticize man made tradition here notwithstanding the rosary. Well, OK, do you go to church every week? That is a tradition. Do you believe in the trinity? That word is not in the bible. Do you call the bible the bible? The bible doesn’t. Does everything you believe have to come from the bible? The bible doesn’t say so. In fact, Jesus says that the CHURCH is the foundation of the truth. Anyway, there are many things that many protestants do that are tradition. Is tradition bad, Catholic or not? No.

It has also been pointed out to you that the bible came out of the church, not the church out of the bible. The bible was compiled by Catholics and ratified by the Pope. So, the next time you meet a Catholic, ask him to thank his Church for you for the wonderful Good Book that you have.

I am going to request something similar to that of a previous postr, please acknowledg what has been explained to you so far so that we can all stop repeating ourselves.


(Also, could JesustheSavior consider using a little punctuation, because his posts are a little hard to read.) Thanks.
“If you love me, Keep my Commandments” And I do… I keep the original 10… not the re-written and half deleted ‘commendments’ of the RCC…


Exodus 20: 12 Honor your father and your mother, that you may have long life in the land which the Lord, your God is giving you.

Jesus kept this one, giving more honor to Mary than any of us can ever exceed. Are we not to try to imitate Him in all things?
To Poisson:
Children don’t sin Jesus was clear when He said that they inherit heaven,when you talk about a mentally ill person is that a person with down syndrome???because if you are talking about them i do believe they will go to heaven, i was refering to those of us who have full capacity to understand right from wrong,is sinning just killing??
or commiting adultery???what about lying or desire what others have isn’t that a sin too?
So in a way i guess you are making the word of God a lie since it tells you we are all sinners.
Yes He became human but no He did not sin if that is so then he was not the son of God and you are right he refer to mankind including Mary
Yes Romans says all men are sinners but you just acknowledged three exceptions, Romans does not say “all who have full capacity with the exception of the man Jesus” it says “all” so either you have to hold to “all” stricktly or believe that Paul meant “generally speaking all…”. If you leave these exceptions there is no way you cannot say that there may be others like Mary.
JesusIsTheWay said:
"the 4th Commandment: Honor the Sabbath Day and keep it holy…changed to Sunday

Catholics teach the 4th commandment as being, strangely enough: “Honor your Father and Mother”

Jesus was also obedient to Mary. (Luke 2:51)

Surely, it can’t hurt any of us, Catholics or non- catholics, to follow Jesus’ example. We, too, can grow and advance in wisdom as He did. Both Mary and Joseph were the teachers God the Father, Himself, selected to govern the early years of His Son.
I am new to this, and I haven’t the time to read all the posts on this site. I taught second grade CCD. During my classes I spent considerable time teaching the children how to properly say the rosary and why they say it, and how it should be said. Vain prayer as Jesus was referring to is when you are seeking to draw attention to yourself.

The rosary however is the most beautiful prayer and can be understood and prayed by all from the smallest child to the theologian. Each time you repeat a prayer like the Hail Mary and the others in the rosary you say I love you to God. You can never tell God you love him too much. Giving the gift of the rosary to someone properly is giving them the bible to praise God and meditate on his wonderous gifts to us.

I always told the children that at first you learn the prayers, but later they become the background music to the scriptural meditations of the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord as seen by the eyes of his mother. Mary always leads us to her son. When we pray the Hail Mary we echo the words of the Angel Gabriel “Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee.” and the words of St. Elizabeth inspired by the Holy Spirit “blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb” Jesus!

These words can never be said enough because we can never thank God enough for the gift of his mother who said “yes” and through that “yes” our salvation has come.

Understanding the hows and whys in this prayer are not necessary for you, trust in the Lord pray the words God has given us and you will be lead to all truth.

May God bless you!:amen:
A few things… Me and JesusTheSavior are not the same person. However, we are friends in real life. The reason why our IP is the same is that we work in the same place so we are in the same network. She works with me and I turned her on to the website.
I hope you two aren’t supposed to be working now. ( 7th commandment)
A few things… Me and JesusTheSavior are not the same person. However, we are friends in real life. The reason why our IP is the same is that we work in the same place so we are in the same network. She works with me and I turned her on to the website.

I’ll save you the trouble… it’s Cox Communications. If you are so steadfast in your faith and we are no threat to you then there is no point in banning us now is there…
Either the same person or friends, I’m not surprised. I’ve read your posts on other threads and it appeared you were backing each other up (supposedly coinsidently). I don’t have interest in banning the two of you on these forums. It’s just that I’ve seen people banned for being too argumentative. Thus far, none of the explanations anyone on these forums have offered have been accepted or understood. I would only suggest that you don’t get too combative with your questions so you won’t be banned. There are plenty of people who are more than willing to give you correct Catholic answers to your inquiries if you are seriously interested in learning about what the Catholic Church is all about.

God Bless,
Let me ask a straight question since we are exchanging opinions over here and nobody really is answering the question i have ask, for example wich part in the bible teaches me the hail Mary?.

Let’s don’t go to far some you over here have mention one of the ten commandemnents wich is honor thy mother and thy father wich i agree with that,and i interpret in what you are saying that you are comparing that verse with what Jesus said , i do believe that Mary did not exist in those day’s maybe i am mistanken in how you are interpreting that verse.
We are going over and over on this topic and i am getting the same answer that Jesus said to John here is your mother and mother here is your son, but in a biblical way none of you have answer to me what i have ask wich is at the beggining of this post.
Examples of re-written and half deleted commandments…

the 4th Commandment: Honor the Sabbath Day and keep it holy…changed to Sunday
Already explained. Besides, it still says Sabbath Day in my Bible.
the 2nd Commandmant: worship of idolatry and graven images… Anyone have a crucifix? a rosary? hmmmm
Again, already explained. Your ignorance of the Catholic faith and lack of understanding of the Bible is showing.
“Please provide proof of these pagan roots. And while there is no evidence in scripture per se, however keep in mind the Catholic church does not rely solely on scripture.”

I know the Catholic Church doesn’t rely soley on scripture… that’s my point… The Church has it’s own rules and laws… and not the ones laid down by Jesus
Where is the proof of the pagan roots? And now you’ll need to provide proof of these laws that are contrary to Jesus’ commandment.
“Jesus didn’t tell us to do a lot of things and he also told us to do others we don’t (unless you are one of those snake-handling, poison drinking types). You REALLY don’t want to go down this path, do you?”
Huh?? No, I don’t handle snakes… and I don’t plan to…
and the big difference between asking someone to pray for me and asking Mary to ask for me is that the person I ask to do… actually does… because they aren’t dead.
But Jesus said those who believe will handle snakes and drink poison and it won’t hurt them. Surely you believe, or do you not believe the words of Jesus? Or are you willing to admit not everything should be taken literally?

I have no doubt that the people you ask aren’t physically dead.
The Bible teaches you the Hail Mary.

Hail Mary!
Full of grace!
The Lord is with thee.

Luke 1:28

Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Luke 1:42

Holy Mary,
(Those who have accepted and live according to the teachings of Christ are sanctified and Holy.)

1 Cor 1:1-2

Mother of God,


pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death.

(We are told throughout the new Testament to pray for one another, to ask one another for prayer. The fact that a person is dead in body does not mean their soul is dead and unable to pray for us. To suggest that those who have gone before are completely dead, that their souls are not in communion with God in heaven where they most certainly can and will pray with and for us is blasphemous in that it denies the sacrifice and atonement of Christ.)


Let me ask a straight question since we are exchanging opinions over here and nobody really is answering the question i have ask, for example wich part in the bible teaches me the hail Mary?.

Let’s don’t go to far some you over here have mention one of the ten commandemnents wich is honor thy mother and thy father wich i agree with that,and i interpret in what you are saying that you are comparing that verse with what Jesus said , i do believe that Mary did not exist in those day’s maybe i am mistanken in how you are interpreting that verse.
We are going over and over on this topic and i am getting the same answer that Jesus said to John here is your mother and mother here is your son, but in a biblical way none of you have answer to me what i have ask wich is at the beggining of this post.
Would you pleeeeeeeeeease consider using some punctuation?

OK, you have asked a straight question. Now let’s clarify that this is your question: “Which part in the bible teaches me the Hail Mary?”

Just repeated it here to clarify because you have asked a straight question and you are about to get a straight answer not only from me, but from other posters as well (if past experience is anything to go on).

The first part of the prayer Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you are the words the Angel Gabriel used when he told Mary of God’s plan for her to become the mother of Jesus.

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus are the words Elizabeth used to greet Mary when Mary visited her. (the Church actually added the name of Jesus here)

The rest of the prayer is not in the bible. The Church, Christ’s Church, added the rest and it simply asks Mary to pray for us. It does not worship her or ask her for blessings or miracles. It just says, “please pray for me” : Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen"

Now, if you don’t like this prayer or if you are not happy with how it came about, that’s OK. That’s between you and the Holy Spirit. But you’ve got an answer. You asked a straight question and I’ve explained the origin of the prayer.

Now I have a straight question for you: Can you clearly acknowledge that you have received an answer to your question?
I was doing a little research and I am finding a contradiction and I was hoping for a little feedback… The prayer of the rosary…

Looking at the process fo praying to the rosary I see there is a lot of repetition. Now the part where I see the contradiction come in is that the Bible specifically warns against this…

In Matthew 6:7 we read, “…when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”

First and foremost we see that the Scriptures declare we must NOT repeat prayers, especially vain ones. Doing so is directly described as an attribute of the heathen. In these articles the Pope is going directly against Scripture by suggesting PUBLIC praying of the rosary, as well as VAIN prayer. In Matthew 6:6, we read that, “…when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

I’m seeing some issues with this??

Can someone explain?
oh, ding dong… your not doing vain repetitious paryers when your doing the rosary… you are meditating on the life of christ… asking for the help of his mother as the waiter did at the marriage of Cana… you guys really got to get a grip and leave the interpretation of the bible to the people that wrote it… the catholic chruch… 👍
darcee said:
The Bible teaches you the Hail Mary.

Hail Mary!
Full of grace!
The Lord is with thee.

Luke 1:28

Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Luke 1:42

Holy Mary,
(Those who have accepted and live according to the teachings of Christ are sanctified and Holy.)

1 Cor 1:1-2

Mother of God,


pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death.

(We are told throughout the new Testament to pray for one another, to ask one another for prayer. The fact that a person is dead in body does not mean their soul is dead and unable to pray for us. To suggest that those who have gone before are completely dead, that their souls are not in communion with God in heaven where they most certainly can and will pray with and for us is blasphemous in that it denies the sacrifice and atonement of Christ.)



Thank you Darcee, this is awesome. I learned something too!!
:bowdown: :tiphat:
No little mary you have not answer my question,but that is ok, what you refer to is what Gabriel said to her when he told her she was goign to have the son of God is was never meant as a prayer.

But thank you anyway
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