The problem with what Popes John Paul II and Francis said, that the death penalty is not needed anymore, is that this is a matter of prudential judgment, not doctrinal teaching. The Church has no authority nor competency in determining the adequacy or inadequacy of a State’s penal justice system. The condition and advancement of a State’s prison system is not within the competency of the Church’s authority. And with regard to the dignity of the human person, this is not new to the Church. In fact, the Church has championed human dignity since its beginning. And besides that, God actually sanctioned the imposition of the death penalty PRECISELY because of human dignity (i.e., man made in the image of God), so if anything, that argument has already been taken in support of the death penalty by none other than God Himself. And I have visited prisons and dungeons in Europe… we have had the capacity to successfully confine criminals for millennia.Changed circumstances, evolved understanding of human dignity, improved capacity to suppress and confine criminals was inconceivable so couldn’t be expressed in Church teaching.