But I was truly hoping for more substantive criticism
I think there are 2 difficulties right off the bat. One is that we do not know which crimes were investigated: violent crimes and property crimes? Violent crimes are known to the police only if someone complains or there is a body or severely injured person who comes to their attention otherwise.
My previous comment touched upon crimes against persons the police may not have even known about. How is this taken into account in the study?
And what property crimes? Arson, vandalism, car thefts?
The article is very vague on these points.
Another is if they looked at arrests, convictions, or what in order to determine how much crime is committed by those here illegally. They didn’t specify how Adelman did his research, but I have the impression that he compared crime rates over time with the estimated number of people in those cities illegally over the same period of time.
But for the past couple of decades, crime has been falling generally. Perhaps crime rates would have fallen more had there been no people here illegally? How can that be corrected for?
And finally, as someone who has tried to find out information about crime rates among those here illegally, it seems that this type of record is not kept.
This is what I think given the small amount of information we have about the study.