Yes and no. That is a little bit like saying I got engaged and married at same time…why not just say they got married? What is purpose of betrothal?I am not an expert on this but it is my understanding that the marriage took place at the betrothal.
My understanding is that you first were betrothed per Luke 1:27. This means an agreement was reached that the two would be “wedded” at some point in future and that point was up to the groom…no set date but could happen at his choosing ( hence to always be prepared as per 10 virgin story). They were not to have relations yet, just like we are not between an engagement and the actual wedding. The girl remains with parents. At some point the groom comes for his wife, takes her to a wedding party/ feast…they are wedded…that night he takes her into his home and consumate marriage.
Again, this is norm for Jewish wedding. Did you read the two pages from book I posted? I think you said book is wrong yet you humbly admit to not being an expert.
Anyways scripture tells us Mary was betrothed which means she had not wedded yet. There is no explicit indication she vowed to be forever virgin. I understand your implication however of such a vow by her response. It is a possible rational interpretation. But so is it also possible and rational that no vow took place. Her response only indicates beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was virgin by two counts, which cover all the bases for a human ( male) pregnancy …she had no relations with any man, before her betrothal and during her betrothal and she had no relations with her betrothed Joseph…this was the expected of any God fearing law abiding
Jewish maiden. This to fulfill prophecy of a virgin coming to bear the Messiah. Her response settles the matter quite succintly as no other response could. Quite to the point with an economy with words.
So again understand your position of a vow and it’s biblical roots. I just kindly disagree and have other biblical understanding. We both also have traditional roots also that are at odds.( understand your tradition to be more prevalent thru out history).
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