Betrothal is, take her to wed/ home isNone of these events are in the Bible.
Betrothal is, take her to wed/ home isNone of these events are in the Bible.
Which says zero against Her perpetual virginity.Betrothal is, take her to wed/ home is
It doesn’t matter. She was either planning to get married or not. Neither is able to explain her objection at the Gabriel’s message.Betrothal is, take her to wed/ home is
Correct…never said otherwise…we have been discussing Jewish form of "betrothal/ marriage ".The Bible doesn’t say Mary sinned or consummated her marriage with Joseph so this should be easy enough.
Exactly. So there is no evidence in the Bible that Mary had other children. Done.Betrothal is not ink is dry nor does it mean a dowry was exchanged and nothing is mentioned about consummation other than Mary denying it would ever happen.
Actually people do think it helps explain her response, either a vow of chastity, or simple waiting period of betrothal.It doesn’t matter. She was either planning to get married or not. Neither is able to explain her objection at the Gabriel’s message.
So no contract or dowry exchange? What does betrothed mean to you? Is that like our “engaged”?. When can a betrothal be consumated in a Jewish setting of that time ?Betrothal is not ink is dry nor does it mean a dowry was exchanged
This is only past / present tense understanding. Just as " until" may be irregardless of future , So is her assertion to being virgin. Has zero indication of future.Mary denying it would ever happen( consumation, knowing a man)
Show me in scripture, one time any apostle declared salvation is given through Mary, or that she is a mediatrix, or she ascended to Heaven, or she was a perpetual virgin, or she never sinned.You do not understand what is meant by through Mary. This is obvious because of this statement
1 John 4:1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.We are told in scripture to test all things according to God’s word which is scripture.
What is Scripture?Show me in scripture
None of them say you have to test everything with Scripture.There are literally too many passages in scripture glorifying God’s word (scripture) to list here.
And none of them say what Scripture is. The Bereans, like everyone else at the time, had only the Old Testament, including the deuterocanonical books that @ReadTheBible and company reject; the Bereans were Greeks and THIS is what their Bible looked like.None of them say you have to test everything with Scripture.
Mary was Jesus’ Mother. He came through her. He just didn’t just show up. Only Jesus ascended to Heaven. Mary was assumed please start being more respectful I would hate to see you suspended. You need to show me where Jesus said that our faith is found in only in writing. Show me where He said that we should only believe what is in Scripture. Show me where He said I didn’t mean that Peter should have the keys to heaven.Show me in scripture, one time any apostle declared salvation is given through Mary, or that she is a mediatrix, or she ascended to Heaven, or she was a perpetual virgin, or she never sinned.
Matthew 17:15Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.
Ok, where does the wedding feast take place? Are you saying as soon as they are married /betrothed they could become one conjugally if a couple desired, and is that before wedding?..confused only on these pointsI have posted twice what betrothed means.
Again… none of this is in the Bible.Ok, where does the wedding feast take place? Are you saying as soon as they are married /betrothed they could become one conjugally if a couple desired, and is that before wedding?..confused only on these points