I attend a very solid, ‘charismatic’ and very Catholic Church but have not yet been received into full communion with the Church. I have been a Christian for 14 years, being a member of non-denominational Christian churches during that time, all charismatic. I have gradually become aware of the **true riches and ** depth of Christianity within the Catholic Faith and Church, particularly within the Eucharist. It is wonderful for me to have so many inconsistencies ironed out and questions answered; to know too that there is accountability within the ‘leadership’ on Earth, ultimately culminating in the Pope’s relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The family of God seems even more so a family; the ties deeper, beyond subjective feeling and knowledge. The emphasis placed on family values, surrender to God and to Church authority, facing suffering head on, really walking out our faith; it is so reassuring and it stands out in the world. It is salt and it is light.
In Matthew 5, 17-20, Jesus cautions (amongst other things) his listeners, “Do not suppose that I have come to abolish the Law and the prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to complete.” [fulfill] He continues to exhort his listeners to *true holiness * and scrupulous morals and behaviour. Later (in Matt. 22) He shows how the Law and the Prophets ‘hang on’ the first and second greatest commands - to love God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. Later still (John 13 & 15) He gives his disciples a new command, to love one another as He has loved them. He tells them also -“You are my friends if you do what I command”.
**Love for God and each other, holiness, obedience ** :Inextricably, they comprise our journey of faith together. **This ** is why I love the Catholic Church, because it lives this as the body of Christ, the family of God. It shares the profound, supernatural bond of Christ’s own body, blood soul and divinity and submits itself to the Teaching and Tradition of the Church for the good of *each * member and *all * members - and beyond that, to the wider society and the world. It demonstrates the love for and the unity with one another which Jesus said would let the world know that we are his disciples and that the Father sent Him (John 13 and 17 respectively).
This last year I have had to learn what surrendering, really surrendering to God is truly about. I don’t always practise this but I do know in the deepest part of my being that this is the best and wisest thing I can ever do - for myself, my family and yes, for the Church. The Catholic Church, even though mistakes and sin have occured within, has embodied this - the surrender in holiness and obedience to Christ and to one another: Just as Jesus taught and then Paul re-emphasised, so it is built in to, and manifest in the Catholic Church.
I have come to realise that the Catholic Faith is actually the answer to all my longings and to the dissatisfactions I have had with Christian churches not having the fullness and depth of life with God and each other that you long for and hope for and expect: Even with powerfully real experiences of the Holy Spirit and times of deep contemplation and euphoria, I still found it to be true that ‘there has to be more’ (and there are a surprising number of Christian worship-songs which express this need, this cry!) I really thought it was simply a longing that I could only expect to be fulfilled in heaven. But then, AMAZING, I met the REAL Catholic Church and fell in love with her. I have had my agonies and my times of desperation and confusion over some teachings, and then our wonderful Lord and Savior has created in me a deep understanding in my spirit, even in my body I would venture to say, which has had me in tears and songs both of absolute
joy. It is a sense of profound peace, of completeness; of finally knowing.
I hope that any others motivated to look more closely at the catholic Church will press on with courage, surrendering to God to receive His leading. He is so faithful and good to us.
Well, I had only intended to write a short paragraph but I couldn’t hold back!
I am hoping to come into the Church 2005 Easter Vigil. There are some circumstances beyond me which might make it wise to wait. Might. I need to know what God wants me to do in my situation so I would be grateful for your prayers - for my husband and children also.
Thankyou! Peace be with you!