I am.going.to try to break the statement in points.so you can see where my idea comes.from.as I am not sure if I can.explain.it in a.clear way (and.sorry if I sound convoluted):
- First says that “Boils down to women knowing women better than men knowing.women`s bodies”
what I notice first is that the women and.men.is being.understood here as “all” women and.“all” men so this is understood as generalization which means that no.man in the world knows the body of any woman better than all.the women in the rest of the world. The starting words are also “boils down to” this refers to lesbian sex. Boils down means to reduce ultimately so what is stated in the first sentence is that lesbian sex ultimately is reduced to something. The statement doesn’t say that “sometimes”.or.“in.some.cases” or anything other that includes other situations so.what is suggesting is that all.lesbian.sex is reduced to… “women (all) knowing women (all) **** better ** ** than men (any man) knowing women’s bodies”.
So if Joe is married to.Jane, there is.no way in the world (per the above) that John can know Jane`s body better than Lucy, a lesbian who does not even know Jane. The problem.is that this is not an objective truth. It is only a subjective statement based on.someone else’s bad experiences. First all.women are different and what one.likes the other may not like. Second.a woman who has a successful relationship.with a husband has taken the time the explain to her man what she likes, how and when and where she likes it and when a women does that the man.is going to know his woman’s body much better than any other woman. Any woman that has a successful relationship.with her man knows that is not true that women.know.her body better than her man. However, if a woman does.not.have a good relationship with her man.he is definitely not.going to know her body. If the relationship is a.selfish relationship then he won’t.even care what she likes or.wants. So under that premise…a bad relationship with men… is where it becomes true that any other woman knows her body better as the odds of having someone.with a similar body to like something similar to you are way better than someone.who does.not.care.about you or your body is going to know.you.
So if you put all that together, and.given that that is what ultimately lesbian sex is (boils down) then.lesbians can’t have successful relationships with men because they think that another woman.can know.her body better.(when that is.not.true)
2…“Women caring about their partners… much more than men do”. Again, is the same premise I spoke above, according to thus lesbian view no men in the world cares about their partner getting off. Basically here it says all.men are.selfish and.do mot care about their partners
3.Women not rolling.over and going to sleep…like men.do". Again, what an.awful.partners all.men.in the world.are. At.this point only from these statements I am.wondering what kind.of.men these women.hang around that they are.So.selfish and egocentric.and.bad.
4.“Like men do instead of.enjoy spooning”. So no man in this world spoons with his woman.or.has ever spooned with his woman. All these are a ton of false generalizations that come.because some.men.are.selfish on.some.relationship. In conclusion.lesbian.sex.boils.down to a bunch of.false generalizations.resulting out of the fact that some.men are awful.people.
That is why I say that looking.At the statement objectively it suggests that lesbians have lesbians sex.based on bad experiences.