Ah, but no where in the scenario are you throwing “a” man out of the lifeboat. You are specifically throwing this or that particular person out of the boat. And this or that particular person carries with him or her a host of very specific qualities.Yes, but throwing a man out of a boat to save 4 lives is not evil. Look for the good effect. Now apply the principles.
If “a man” happened to be Superman, there would follow a conclusion that throwing the Man of Steel out of the boat would carry no moral consequences. However, if the individual you selectively cull happens to be a five year old overweight non-swimmer, well that is a different story altogether because those characteristics may have been the deciding factor in terms of selecting which person is to be thrown. If it didn’t matter, then short straw loses or why wouldn’t a self-sacrifice be permissible? Why are all the conditions stipulated to narrow the choice in the most refined versions of the scenario?
The refined versions do recognize that specifying rather than generalizing is important in making moral decisions when they seek to put “faces” on the persons in the lifeboat. Why would this be necessary or helpful when deciding to throw “a man” out of the boat if it is ONLY throwing “a man” (a nondescript and dehumanized individual) out of the boat?
I don’t think it is right to argue bad morality using sloppy logic.
Again,the fact that because specific individuals and their individual characteristics are integral to making the decision, the lifeboat scenario does not fit the conditions of the principle of double effect, which permits two and only two choices: carry out an act or not carry out an act and the choice by the integral logic of the situation MUST be one of the two – the lesser of two evils. This was stipulated in your cited breakdown of the DE principle.
Since the lifeboat scenario does not meet the criteria for DE, any choice made has to be argued on its own merits, not as an instance of the principle the double effect.