Shoot.You should try harder, because so far you failed. There is a guy called Lee Strobel who wrote a few books titled “The Case for…” He proudly stated that he used to be an atheist, and he will interview prominent apologists and present them “hard” questions from the atheist standpoint.
No question about it, he presented the problems very well. The problem was that the apologists gave really lame answers, and instead of pointing out the problems with those answers, he simply “folded” his cards. “Wow, he said, that is a good answer…”. So he came across as an “uneducated ATHEIST”. Just like you.
That is a very admirable back-pedaling. (NO sarcasm!) Previously you said something very different. You said that only Christians are capable of “REAL agape”, of sacrificing their life for a total stranger. You affirmed that this is a “FACT”, not a belief. Of course you never gave a “proof” of this “fact”. Instead you tried to turn the tables in “REAL” PRmerger style.
Now you backpedaled. You only say that you “don’t believe… unless…”. That is perfectly fine. So here is some evidence for you. Ever since the dawn of time soldiers sacrificed their lives defending their tribe / country / whatever. The overwhelming majority of those soldiers were NOT Christians… since they lived before Christianity was even invented or established. So now you can either say that non-Christians and atheists ARE able to perform self-sacrifice for others, or you can downplay their self-sacrifice as insignificant. “Yeah, they gave their life… but that does not count, because it was not REAL agape” (which would be a blatant example of the “No true Scotsman” fallacy).
After all that is what you tried to establish: “Well, atheists can be heroes, can perform some good acts, but they NEVER, under ANY circumstances can be as self-giving as a Christian can.” So no matter that some atheists try become good people, they are always behind the Christians.
I will leave you alone.
If and when you will understand the difference between “reasonable expectation” and “blind faith”, and the difference between “preference for okra” and “preference against rape” check back, and I will continue to talk to you. I certainly learned a lot “about” you, even though I did not learn anything “from” you.
In the meantime I will wish the best for you.
Again I return to CAFs and lament the fact that someone who needs to be here and in dialogue with knowledgeable Catholics has not learned how to charitably continue with educated and articulate arguments for his positon.
Anyhoo…not sure what Lee Strobel has to do with the dialogue here on this thread.
I will say that it still remains unchallenged: there is no atheist equivalent of the magnificent men and women of faith, who gave their lives out of love for complete strangers.