”Just because there’s a time delay between the action and the death doesn’t make it unintentional.” Taking this argument – that any action which causes the delayed death of a human being is always intentional and, therefore immoral – to an absurdity would proscribe conception, the ultimate cause of death. Leaving absurdity aside for the moment, your argument would condemn our Department of Transportation (DOT) as murderers. If it is always wrong to kill another person, then it is wrong to build highways, because we know that these highways will cause the deaths of some people in traffic accidents. Or are we excusing these deaths because they are “accidents”? But they are not accidents, because they are foreseen! The mother and father and the DOT (and the bomber) foresee their action as causing death but death in all these cases is an unintended effect and an intended proportionate good effect moves them to act.Err, no. Planting a bomb in a cinema to kill soldiers is, kind of by definition, intentional killing. In the same way that pushing someone overboard and preventing them getting back is intentional drowning. Just because there’s a time delay between the action and the death doesn’t make it unintentional. There’s a time delay between a bullet leaving the muzzle and hitting someone in the head, but that doesn’t change the intention.
No, strictly speaking I’m using the double effect’s proportionality rule that the good effect must equal or outweigh the bad effect.So you’re using consequentialism to calculate the utility (enemy soldiers killed minus collateral damage).
If we agree that waterboarding is torture, yes. Torturing a human being is intrinsically evil. However, striking a lethal blow in self-defense is morally permissible (CCC #2263).But then you say it’s intrinsically evil to waterboard one enemy soldier to find out where to plant the bomb to maximize enemy soldiers killed, although not intrinsically evil to actually plant the bomb and kill those soldiers.
CCC #2297 … Torture which uses physical or moral violence to extract confessions, punish the guilty, frighten opponents, or satisfy hatred is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity.Previously I’ve debated a Catholic who was adamant that torture is permitted, for instance when interrogating a terrorist suspect to try to find out where a bomb was planted in an effort to save lives.
I think the debate is not whether torture is intrinsically evil. That issue is settled in 2297. The debate is whether all types of waterboarding may be categorized as torture.I mean fine if you (and he) are each following your consciences, but that’s indicating that morality is opinion however it’s founded, and you’re each using differing interpretations of the CCC, PDE, etc.
Torture, yes. Deliberate killing, no. Intention and circumstance may justify the unintended killing of a human being. Would you not want the moral authority to defend your mother, father, brother, sister or any innocent person from murder even by lethal means if necessary?Does the Holy Spirit get a say? The Spirit tells me that torture and deliberate killing are always categorically wrong. Can’t point to any specific verse or logical argument or teaching, just seems right to me. Another opinion I guess.