This will do as an example. Although there are multiple others.Some cultures consider it moral to mutilate a woman’s genitals so she cannot enjoy sexual intercourse.
There is no doubt that this is immoral. Therefore, there exists objective morality.
Is it moral to cause harm?
To oneself or another?
To another.
Is the harm justified?
As far as the person causing it is concerned, yes.
How about for the person who is harmed.
They would object.
But is there an overall good?
That’s debateable. It’s in regard to sex and whether it could be considered for enjoyment only.
Would the person being harmed agree?
Possibly. But they may well be involved at some point in perpetuating the harm.
So they would ultimately agree that it was for a good cause?
Indeterminate. It may be cultural indoctrination.
Would anyone agree to undergo a painful procedure for an indeterminate outcome?
So where does that leave us?
It means that causing harm to a woman by rearranging her genitalia without pain relief and without her express permission may be wrong if the ultimate outcome is not ultimately for the greater good.
What if she agrees and it is with pain relief and it can be shown that it is for what all concerned is the greater good.
That would depend on one’s personal opinion on what would be considered to be the greater good. On the assumption that all concerned did indeed accept that it was for the greater good, then the question is moot.
And this is objective morality?