So cannabalism is morally acceptable in some conditions. To blandly state that is it morally wrong is, in itself, wrong. You need to know the conditions under which it occurs.
Is cannabilism acceptable?
It depends. Was the person killed in order that that might happen?
No. They died in an accident.
It still depends. Was eating the flesh done for pleasure?
No. It was the only means of survival.
It still depends. Was it done gratuitously?
No. There was respect for those who died.
Then yes, it is appears to be morally acceptable, given the conditions you have listed. Presumably one could then state that whether cannabalism is morally acceptable or not is relative. Relative to the conditions.
Is causing harm acceptable?
It depends. Harm to whom?
A woman.
It still depends. Is the harm justified?
By some.
It still depends. Is it with her consent?
Then no, it appears that it is morally unacceptable, given the conditions you have listed. Presumably one could then state that whether causing harm is morally unacceptable or not is relative. Relative to the conditions.
If you want to insist that the second is objective, then the first also becomes objective.
If causing harm to a woman for unspecified reasons without her consent is objectively wrong, then eating the flesh of another person as the only means to survive if that person was not killed for the purpose of being eaten is objectively right.
But you have already stated that the second (eating human flesh) is relative to the situation. So why on earth is the first (causing harm) not relative as well?
The way you are interpreting moral acts as objective is purely arbitrary. There is NO moral act that does not come with conditions attached. None at all. Zero. Zilch. Nada. The act either causes harm or it does not. And the conditions dictate whether we consider it to be right or wrong. And not whether it complies with God’s will, but whether we personally consider it to right or wrong.
If it needs to comply with God’s will, then you are going to be asked how you personally know what God’s will actually is. Because there are some instances, which people seem to believe actually happened, when God’s will appears to us to be immoral (ordering the slaughter of children). So God’s will might be directly in opposition to what you personally believe to be correct. Let me know how you work out who is right.
And in passing…
No-one has sex just for pleasure? You are kidding, right? And I’m not sure why you associate it with adultery. Don’t married couples have sex for pleasure? It is physically impossible for my wife and I to have any more children, so what on earth is the reason do you think we still indulge in a little horizontal folk dancing? Excercise?