Northern Ireland's IRA activity

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Terrorism in the form of criminal activity?

Police say IRA behind bank raid Hugh Orde met key figures in the Policing Board

**The IRA has been blamed for the multi-million pound Northern Bank raid in Belfast. **

Chief Constable Hugh Orde said that organisation was responsible after meeting key members of the Policing Board on Friday.

The Northern Bank has now reassessed the amount stolen from its head office on 20 December as £26.5m.

The IRA said it was not involved in the bank robbery and Sinn Fein leaders have said they believe the denial.

The Northern Bank now intends to withdraw most of its current notes and re-issue them in a different colour and style.

To date, the police have made no arrests nor have they recovered any money from the raid, thought to have been one of the UK’s biggest cash robberies.

A number of homes in republican areas of Belfast and several business premises have been searched by police in recent weeks. **This was a violent and brutal crime, not some Robin Hood effort **

Hugh Orde
Chief Constable

Northern withdraws its notes

Mr Orde told a news conference in Belfast: “In my opinion the Provisional IRA were responsible for this crime and all main lines of inquiry currently undertaken are in that direction.”

But, he said, he had not bowed to any pressure to attribute blame. He said he was doing so now because it made “operational sense”.

Mr Orde also said the raid was not a victimless crime, but was “violent and brutal… not some Robin Hood effort”.

The chief constable refused to be drawn on the likely political consequences of his announcement.

Afterwards, Downing Street said the prime minister had made it clear the political institutions could only be restored if there was a “complete end” to all paramilitary and criminal activity.

The spokesman confirmed that the matter will be looked at by the IMC (Independent Monitoring Commission) in due course.

Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said trust and confidence in the peace process had been damaged.

“An operation of this magnitude… has obviously been planned at a stage when I was in negotiations with those that would know the leadership of the Provisional movement,” he said.

Timeline: Northern Bank robbery

However, Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness MP said Mr Orde’s comments were “nothing more than politically-biased allegations”. “This is more to do with halting the process of change which Sinn Fein has been driving forward than with anything that happened at the Northern Bank,” he said.
SDLP leader Mark Durkan said the raid had dealt a “real blow” to the Agreement and the peace process.

Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Ian Paisley is to meet Prime Minister Tony Blair in Downing Street next week to discuss the ramifications of the chief constable’s comments.

Mr Paisley is urging the government to move ahead and create a devolved executive without Sinn Fein.

He said that they have now “done a deed that has put them outside the present political initiative”.

Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble said: "Gerry Adams has betrayed the prime minister personally.

“I call upon him to use the power created by Ulster Unionist Party pressure and exclude Sinn Fein from any Northern Ireland Assembly.”
Yup, well I’m still waiting for them to show a single scrap of evidence proving that the IRA had anything to do with this crime. Until then these so called reports and comments from the British police and the Ulster Unionist and their buddies is just more hot air.

Linda H.
Does seem weird that so many people (including Bertie Ahern, the Taoiseach), were so quick to blame the IRA! Stinks of political wrangling but was much more damaging than anything Paisley said! Why would Bertie say that??? How can it help the process??? Unless he’s telling the truth?

“Bertie Ahern said on Sunday he was convinced republicans were aware of the plan during intensive political talks in December.”

Basically, they’re saying that no one else was organised enough to carry out such a raid…But maybe the group who carried it out had pre-empted that thought?

In any case, it is a very sad development…One thing is certain, things are much better at home since the ceasefire!
It isn’t the first time the security forces have set up the IRA, it could have been dissidents to try and break the fragile peace.
Isn’t it convenient that the Unionists were trying to look for the back door way out, and then hey-presto, a banks raid, the biggest in these parts.
The IRA aren’t saints don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think they’ll be rushing to confessions to British Ministers, or Unionist politicians, some of whom openly mock the Pope.

I don’t know if they were involved or not, right now I’m war weary, fed up, sick to the teeth of Northern Ireland, and their corrupt politicians, making money out of innocent peoples misery.
The IRA aren’t saints don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think they’ll be rushing to confessions to British Ministers, or Unionist politicians, some of whom openly mock the Pope.
And IRA terrorists who have blown up women and children don’t mock the Pope as well?

I pray for Ireland to be freed from both sides of this bloody conflict.

– Mark L. Chance.
IRA is a rabbish, I want an united Ireland, but I don´t want terrorism, because it removes the reason, greetings
NI raid ‘suspects’ on police list Chief Constable Hugh Orde has blamed the IRA for the raid

Northern Ireland police chief Hugh Orde has been updating the Policing Board on the £26.5m Northern Bank raid.

The IRA has twice denied it was behind last month’s robbery in Belfast but Mr Orde’s assessment has not changed.

The BBC understands that the police believe the robbery was planned and carried out by the IRA in Belfast. Police have a list of suspected IRA figures they believe were involved, names which have been included in security briefings given to government. The chief constable’s meeting with the Policing Board, which monitors the activities of the police service, took place behind closed doors on Thursday.

It seems that this police chief won’t change his original statements? Will this bring on any clash in the community?
Of course it will, his unwavering stance leads me to wonder just what his connection is in all of this? I do believe there is much more to this than meets the eye.

Linda H.
Linda H.:
Of course it will, his unwavering stance leads me to wonder just what his connection is in all of this? I do believe there is much more to this than meets the eye.

Linda H.
Like perhaps he wants to derail the progress? Or do you think he was in on the heist?
I do believe that Blair wants it sorted…The peace in Northern Ireland is a fantastic political legacy for him to leave and a vote winner with the electorate…We’ll see what happens when he meets SF later!
And IRA terrorists who have blown up women and children don’t mock the Pope as well?

– Mark L. Chance.
All murder mocks God and His Church on earth, I have no problem with your statement so whats your point ?
Linda H.:
Yup, well I’m still waiting for them to show a single scrap of evidence proving that the IRA had anything to do with this crime. Until then these so called reports and comments from the British police and the Ulster Unionist and their buddies is just more hot air.

Linda H.
Agreed. No one seems to have produce any evidence the IRA did it, just a lot of statements of how they “feel” the IRA did it.

How do we know it wasn’t just an “Ocean’s Eleven” kind of thing.
Just people robbing to get money.
IRA is a rabbish, I want an united Ireland, but I don´t want terrorism, because it removes the reason, greetings
Some people just don’t get it, it doesn’t matter now if there is a united Ireland or not, we’re governed by Brussels now.

Governments have lost their authority, the reasons for unification has deminished some what, like all the conflict for which I lived through was a complete waste of time.

One step forward and two steps back, I don’t support terrorism but I do support justice, because without justice there will be no peace.
Things have changed a lot over in the north, we have more freedom, now we can apply for jobs where before we couldn’t.

Like Birmingham Alabama blacks need not apply, well over here in the small print it read, Catholics need not apply.
And I believe it wasn’t too savory in Boston years ago with the Irish told not to apply.

I know where this thread is heading like all things Irish, up the creek without a paddle.
Irish affairs turn people on this forum into people less than Christian.
My fight now is for aborted babies and thats a cause worth fighting for, because it saves lives instead of taking them.
Irish affairs turn people on this forum into people less than Christian.
My fight now is for aborted babies and thats a cause worth fighting for, because it saves lives instead of taking them.
I never thought that Irish affairs cause fights on this forum. I never was at one of those fights I guess. However, I understand that you do feel discouraged from what I read. So the EU will deter Ireland becomming one again? I really don’t understand for sure. I know that the Irish, along with many other immigrants here were and are discriminated against. People are people, and that never changes.
Those in power tend to keep things to themselves- like jobs, power, etc. I would believe what you told me of your struggle there. I am glad that you are fighting for the unborn. We all should be.
. So the EU will deter Ireland becomming one again? I really don’t understand for sure. .
It’s just like this sometimes Fitz, if Ireland was united in the morning it would create a great sense of pride in being one nation.

But now you have the problem where the Irish government is being swamped with money from Brussels, some say Ireland is living on a false economy, like it will never be able to pay back what it owes to Brussels.
The republic has decreased in it’s faith, where money enters, sometimes faith departs, sad but true.
I’m not bothered where this thread goes, I’m sure there are enough people in the USA and elsewhere that can speak for themselves.

One problem with the bank raid, whoever comitted it, is it puts the peace process on hold.

Stormont that bulwark of British Unionism in Ireland has not been operating now for sometime.
The thing is we were getting things done when the local politicans where ruling, now it’s back to direct rule from London.

Now I ask you in all honesty, who would know better about local affairs, local politicans, or British ministers?

So the bank raid is bad news, it’s the blame game over here, the innocent suffer, while the politicans line their pockets with money.

The Good Friday aggreement is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I heard one time from a woman that the peace process was bad news for her and her family, because her husband in the UDR wasn’t out on duty making money.
This woman preferred conflict because she was buying a big house like so many, and peace was bad news for her.
Where do we go with a statement like that, iI would rather live in a tent than live in a house that was bought with blood money.

There has been evil things on both sides, heres what those nice security forces done to a band travelling from the republic, accross the border into Northern Ireland.

Theres other stories on there to keep it fair and balanced, as they say on Fox News, Iv’e lived all through this from childhood in 1969, so it’s old hat to me, but hope you enjoy :ehh:
There has been evil things on both sides, heres what those nice security forces done to a band travelling from the republic, accross the border into Northern Ireland.

Theres other stories on there to keep it fair and balanced, as they say on Fox News, Iv’e lived all through this from childhood in 1969, so it’s old hat to me, but hope you enjoy :ehh:
I am confused about the report. These people were framed and they are still in prison? Or do you think they had guilt, but received too harsh a punishment? I don’t kow how you continue to live with it. I don’t think I could. I guess we all try to make a better tomorrow, but it is not easy when people want to continue to place blame. As you said there is blame on both sides.

I don’t enjoy any problems in Ireland. I think it is a wonderful place, yet I do fear visiting the North. I know it stems from old problems.

I am sorry about the bank heist. Do you think that it was an inside job?
Drew Mariani is on Relevant Radio right now, go on the internet to find it if they don’t broadcast in your state. He is having a pro life show and he just said, he thinks we will overturn Roe v. Wade.
Norma is talking now.

They have a listen live icon on the top of the page. It is a great station.
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