Northern Ireland's IRA activity

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vern humphrey:
How many Catholics in the United States voted for “pro-choice” candidates?

Let’s cleanse our fingers before pointing them at someone else’s spots.
How many of those people are really Catholic?

I didn’t vote for any abortionists…surely you didn’t either, Vern! (At least I would hope not.
vern humphrey:
How many Catholics in the United States voted for “pro-choice” candidates?

Let’s cleanse our fingers before pointing them at someone else’s spots.
How many of those people are really Catholic?

I didn’t vote for any abortionists…surely you didn’t either, Vern! (At least I would hope not.)
David Oatney said:
How many of those people are really Catholic?

None of them are – but many of them come to Mass and take communion. And in many cases, priests knowingly give it to them.
David Oatney:
I didn’t vote for any abortionists…surely you didn’t either, Vern! (At least I would hope not.)
Of course not. I take the Church’s teaching about abortion seriously.

My point, however, is that justice in Ireland is not a matter of who should be in office, but of the will of the majority of the Irish people. To say that this or that Irish politician isn’t following the teachings of the Church doesn’t invalidate democracy.
David Oatney said:
**Someone who is truly pro-life will not be afraid to publicly proclaim that fact. Someone who believes that the Church ought to have some influence of the actions of the State and the conscience of its leaders will not make statements to the contrary, as Gerry Adams and SF have in fact done. **

If SF is going to be a truly pro-life entity, its leaders must re-enforce that fact.

Lets just say I’ve confronted SF on the issue of abortion, and they know my position, and I made it clear that I wouldn’t sign a childs death warrant.
And I’m keeping an eye on the situation, how can anyone be patriotic and then kill it’s own citizens.
Not me they can count me out, and keep their 30 pieces of silver !
Wisdom from the Ancients “A bad peace is even worse than war”

Pro-innocent life/ Pro-War.

Catholics can disagree over Just War Doctrine. The only fault I see with the American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (both I’ve been to) Is we are not converting them to Christianity. War is Hell. It will be hear until the second coming. In the Old Testament did not God instruct the Jews in some instances to kill all the men, women, and children. Even cut down the trees of their enemies.

Yes it may be sad that innocents die, but such is life. Its high time for Ireland to liberate their country. Then end the schism in England.

What the world needs is War. A new Crusade against faith-less Europe and inquisitions for a century in the entire West.

Valour Is Superior to Numbers
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