Now illegal for churches to have a drive in Sunday service

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I doubt people who do that are seeking to affect people who have any knowledge/experience of the place - the intended audience have red hat collections.
Somehow, I think the ‘Chinese Century’ is going to be upon us all earlier than expected - “Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat,” as the Romans would have put it.
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It does not matter if it is thirty-five feet as was the Massachusetts law, it is not allowed at all in the USA. Buffer Zones were struck down by the Supreme Court.

The is another matter. Canada only allows 5 or fewer people to assemble.

So what happened to freedom of religion and freedom of assembly.
First Amendment : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. .
The comments take on a life of their own. A simple article can become 500 posts.
The more contentious a topic, the more engagement it gets.

Others have said they are already on other Catholic forums but they are very limited so why not copy that and keep the posters already on these forums.
I once worked for a company that had to do some layoffs. I went to a new place and that place was hiring more people. I was asked if I knew anyone that qualified for a specific position. I knew someone. But that someone tended to cause unnecessary chaos. Rather than invite chaos, I declined to name someone. I felt that be inviting that person I would be partially to blame for the chaos she brought.

Why do I share that story? To illustrate that there may be experiences that one is not trying to create in a new forum. One may be more selective in what people they invite.
The more contentious a topic, the more engagement it gets.

This Video Will Make You Angry
Others have said they are already on other Catholic forums but they are very limited so why not copy that and keep the posters already on these forums.
I once worked for a company that had to do some layoffs. I went to a new place and that place was hiring more people. I was asked if I knew anyone that qualified for a specific position. I knew someone. But that someone tended to cause unnecessary chaos. Rather than invite chaos, I declined to name someone. I felt that be inviting that person I would be partially to blame for the chaos she brought.

Why do I share that story? To illustrate that there may be experiences that one is not trying to create in a new forum. One may be more selective in what people they invite
Thanks for the video. I had to think about this and will continue to think about it… I am not angry…

I defend what I believe to be the Catholic teachings on faith and morals. That does not make me angry. There are many on these forums that are Catholic and I debate back and forth with many of them but certainly want the best for them, their children, and their lives. For the many none Catholics and Atheists, I want the best for them.

I do not agree with Catholics on political issues but I do agree with them on issues such as abortion and gay marriage.

How we get there is seen differently. They see it as programs and help for the poor and I get that actually just not sure if their political party is being honest at all.

So if I came across as angry I apologize as I have not intended to come across that way. I think it was the length and constant back and forth on the news cycle that created that atmosphere of hostility that should have been limited. and not just recently but many years ago when gay marriage articles and debate was all over the news cycle.

I am a cradle Catholic and have always believed in the Catholic Church…
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Thanks for the video. I had to think about this and will continue to think about it… I am not angry…
I’m not implying that anyone is angry. But nonetheless I thought the video illustrated well that when someone has strong feelings about something and encounters statements in opposition to their position there may be greater motivation to respond. Discussions on politics and religion are full of such topics.
Thanks for the video. I had to think about this and will continue to think about it… I am not angry…
I’m not implying that anyone is angry. But nonetheless I thought the video illustrated well that when someone has strong feelings about something and encounters statements in opposition to their position there may be greater motivation to respond. Discussions on politics and religion are full of such topics.
How can one be on a Catholic forum and not discuss religion?
How can one be on a Catholic forum and not discuss religion?
For world news, politics is the more important thing. In a community of people that are mostly of the same religion, those shared values lower the potential for conflict there.

That being said, the philosophy subforum in times past (I haven’t been in there recently, so I can’t speak of present times) would have discussions in trying to form arguments to convince someone of a different religious disposition or secular arguments on issues such as abortion, self termination, and other issues. Those were always interesting. Also,while this is a Catholic forum, there were many non-Catholics that participated in discussion.
In a community of people that are mostly of the same religion, those shared values lower the potential for conflict there.
You would think that would be true but was not the case on these forums. Thousands and thousands of posts on gay marriage were debated between Catholics themselves and others on the forums. There were always “sides” .

When gay marriage was initially discussed years ago, the daily threads were similar to the political party debate. today. Thread after thread about whether gay marriage, bakers florists, and just about everything to do with gay relations became debatable back and forth.

Emergency Contraception became a big topic.
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I’m confused as to why a “TV church” has to have people gathering in person at all, much less sitting in their cold cars in the middle of the cold snow. Why doesn’t their minister simply stream himself and the rest of the service on TV?
This isn’t a TV church. It’s a rural Mennonite parish.
Also, what’s that group of maskless people in the picture doing conversing with the police in a group? They aren’t distanced and they aren’t wearing face coverings and they aren’t in a car.
I’m going to guess that an officer asked someone to ‘get out of your car’ as they like to do. That’s exactly when you don’t reach for the glove compartment, even to get a mask. As I’ve found out myself, standing outside in the cold and wind, it’s hard to hear what a person is trying to tell you when stuff is muffled behind a mask. When an officer is present having something to say, I would step in closer to hear, whether I had a mask on or not.

Edited to add… I’ve been to an outdoor wedding in a rural setting and even though the wedding was mic’ed up with speakers, the train going through town and highway noise makes it hard to hear anything.
Why do I get the impression this is all more about civil disobedience than worshipping God?
They arrived to the location with the intention of staying in their car. Social distance was in place and one can argue that being in a car with windows closed excedes the compliance we see going on at Walmart. This is how parents show their children that the rules are followed, and church is important. Our Mennonite neighbours are not much for staying home on Sunday to watch TV. They have a strong sense of community.
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Meanwhile in Winnipeg, the capital of Manitoba where the above took place, they were busy filming a movie. My friend’s grand daughter was employed as a make up artist. This gets a big pass while under very tight covid restrictions…

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

You can’t get a haircut anywhere because that kind of business is shuttered. Hair and makeup are not an issue here.
In our Catholic Church, we have mass at 4 on Saturday and 8 and 10 on Sunday morning. Everyone is required to wear a mask and social distancing is enforced by them blocking off every other pew and limiting three people or two families per pew.

If people would follow common sense restrictions like these, the churches wouldn’t have to close.
In our Catholic Church, we have mass at 4 on Saturday and 8 and 10 on Sunday morning. Everyone is required to wear a mask and social distancing is enforced by them blocking off every other pew and limiting three people or two families per pew.

If people would follow common sense restrictions like these, the churches wouldn’t have to close.
They are following common sense rules. People at the Masses are wearing masks. I really do not think that is the issue as these people are sitting in cars. The people in Canada have no rights if they have no first amendment rights.

That is crucial to a democracy. We were on cusp of loosing that here except our US Supreme Court took it up in a New York case recently and said churches have freedom to assemble.

I hate to think what could have been the case if this court had not had Amy Coney Barrett but Ruth Badger Ginsberg on the court.

Do you think it would have been different? Do you realize how close we got to losing this right?

Other nations such as Canada and the UK do not have these rights that we take for granted and we are always at risk of losing those rights.
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The people in Canada have no rights if they have no first amendment rights.
We do in fact have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms in our constitution. Among our fundamental freedoms are: freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and of other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association.
Freedom of religion in Canada is a constitutionally protected right, allowing believers the freedom to assemble and worship without limitation or interference. Canadian law goes further, requiring that private citizens and companies provide reasonable accommodation to those, for example, with strong religious beliefs.
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We do in fact have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms in our constitution. Among our fundamental freedoms are: freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and of other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association.
Freedom of religion in Canada is a constitutionally protected right, allowing believers the freedom to assemble and worship without limitation or interference. Canadian law goes further, requiring that private citizens and companies provide reasonable accommodation to those, for example, with strong religious beliefs.
Would this not mean that these people could go to church in their cars? Or that these rights which have been given have been encroached upon?

We had laws in our Constitution and once New York decided that it would not allow two Jewish and one Catholic parish to participate in religious services, they took their case to the courts and did get a final ruling from the Supreme Court on their freedom of assembly and their freedom of religion?

The Supreme Court voted 5/4 that they could attend Church.

We barely kept two freedom, assembly and religion… Again if it were Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still on the Supreme Court when they came up, do you think the vote on freedom of religion would be different?

The founding fathers felt this was so important that they made it the first amendment to the Constitution.
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It does not matter where it is. The USA has always led the way on issues of the Constitution and where did we get those principles from. We got them from the UK and their common law.

The founders of America came from the UK to make a better world and wrote on paper what they saw to be the problems .
First Amendment : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Freedom of Religion is first before freedom of speech, press, assembles, or petition for redress of grievances.
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I already posted the city of Winnipeg and Stienback are under a code red - for a small city we have had 10 people dying a day here we lost 14 yesterday hospitals are filling up ICUs getting full more space now were losing 10 a day - say what you want I live here and it is needed - it was only for 2 weeks and could be extended and no one can even wait that long - is your faith really that weak that you can’t follow guidelines for 2 weeks - we were up at 500 cases a day and now it has come down due to the restrictions to 277 but still 14 died yesterday . The doctors are pleading with the people telling them they can’t handle the cases there are so many - they thought it would go to 1000 a day and for a small city that is pathetic. It has nothing to do with religion people are dying.
Only essential items can be purchased in store everything else has to be ordered online or curbside pickup.
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