It is not that simple. The basic items, like food and medication should not be subject to sales tax. On the other hand, luxury items could be taxed at a higher level than ordinary items. A car and a yacht could be taxed differently. That would take care of the regressive part.
Since there are items which benefit everyone, and which are necessary, some kind of taxation is logical and rational. Uniform legal system with uniform enforcement, some level of national protection, and a few more things. Of course the only truly fair systems is voluntary. It could be a lottery based system.
But if you are interested, read the book of Henry Hazlitt - titled “Economics in one lesson”. It is written for laymen, and explains everything in simple terms.
Since there are items which benefit everyone, and which are necessary, some kind of taxation is logical and rational. Uniform legal system with uniform enforcement, some level of national protection, and a few more things. Of course the only truly fair systems is voluntary. It could be a lottery based system.
But if you are interested, read the book of Henry Hazlitt - titled “Economics in one lesson”. It is written for laymen, and explains everything in simple terms.