Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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As recently as LBJ we had a Democrat President who reveled in using the ‘n’ word. Even as he was approving the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he was still showing his personal prejudices.
That’s what kills me. People have an “Aha!” moment about the n-word and are ignoring actions. Racism is not just using nasty names. Take a look at the group picture for a company sometimes or its board of directors. Anything funny about the diversity of folks in the picture? You see the makeup of the Augusta Country Club for the Masters (ignore Lynn Swann)?

A person can’t expect to see a ‘white’s only’ sign these days to figure that there is some racism in action.
One parent homes apparently, have not been positive. Have grown in number.

That’s a whole topic in itself.
But those homes have not grown only in minority neighborhoods and not only as to folks receiving welfare benefits.

As the Jesuits warn, post hoc is not always propter hoc. Don’t confuse an antecedent with a cause.
But those homes have not grown only in minority neighborhoods and not only as to folks receiving welfare benefits.
You are correct the welfare state has impacted poor whites [I know this first hand in my own family] as well as minority communities -But the undeniable fact is that the greatest impact has been felt in the African American community - they are the group that has felt and reaped the disastrous rewards the most … but it is not just the failed welfare state, its drugs, abortion [where Planned Parenthood targets minority community] in addition tot he advent of gangs … The Gangs which give those absentee fathers and young men with no future that sense of belonging and purpose … and a host of other failed leftest policies. And yes as our culture has cheapened - the impacts hit to varying degrees across all of society… That does not change a negative impact to a good impact

Its a fact that the government has usurped the role of fathers … especially among African American … dont take my word for it - read Star Parker’s book or listen to her discuss the issues she dealt with. Read “Uncle Sam’s Plantation”

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And that was nonsense. Trump got no where near 30% of black votes anywhere.
Prove it, you must have the stats then. Debunk it please. What a polite civil answer.

No citation, no back up. Please provide some back up or the facts speak for themselves.

After all, if one votes for Democrats, one votes for those who support abortion and Planned Parenthood and high amounts of unborn African Americans are aborted.

If anything is nonsense, it’s supporting the Democrats. If anything is nonsense, it’s espousing the Democratic view and claiming others are racist.

12-14% of the population is African American but in one recent year, 36% of all abortions were of African American unborn. And the Democrats stand solidly behind abortion law and Planned Parenthood.

For those who make so much about race but nothing is more racist than the DNC abortion policies. Won’t catch me using my vote to enable this. Why take your word on this?

The truth is, those voting for this help enable Planned Parenthood and US abortion law. Those who do, should own this fact.

Trump has not done anything like this at least, in the present day, if people make a big deal out of accusing others of racism.

As I said, we certainly do not need Democrats to tell us what racism is.

Oh, and history? Seems off-limits but one party has a real history of it as well.
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According to AP VoteCast, Trump won 8 percent of the Black vote, about a 2 percentage-point gain on his 2016 numbers (using the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, or CCES, a national survey of more than 50,000 confirmed voters, as a point of comparison).

Seems that Trump increased the black vote by 2%… from 6 to 8%.

Edit to add… I thought the quote would show the link. It’s…
The polls have been shown to not be accurate.

I still go with the 25% range.
Well that’s quite an inaccuracy to go from 8% to 25-30% but the final numbers will eventually be available. I’ll have to wait and see…
Well that’s quite an inaccuracy to go from 8% to 25-30% but the final numbers will eventually be available. I’ll have to wait and see…
The poll you cite seems to be from Harvard or something. Perhaps, they are not that trustworthy.

Also, BIden seems to be one of the poorest performing Democratic Presidential candidates in the general election among the black community in recent history, worse than Obama, worse than Kerry and so on.

We have voting blocs, Jewish voting bloc, Hispanic voting bloc. These are entrenched voting blocs.

However, as I indicated, DNC policies are shown not be very helpful to some minorities. They may get the vote but are they helping them? The summer riots were in fact, primarily in Democratically controlled cities.

Even the Vox article indicates 18% of black males voted for Trump, 8% of black females.

These are voting blocs. The Jews in New York vote in similar fashions but are the Democratic officer holders treating them well? There seems to be a debate about that.
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The riots in the summer. One can say “oh, they don’t like the platform” but there is more to it than that.

Why the unrest in Democratically controlled cities almost exclusively? What is that vote getting one??

And so on.

If one is saying, “oh, those people don’t like the platform”, what is Democratic leadership giving these people? Looks like the Democrats have some work to do. It can be argued that these are not smart votes.

Or Obama’s home town of Chicago, how is that doing? The place has a lot of murders and so on.

Yes, indeed, these people are voting Democratic alright. One could ask what good it is doing?


San Francisco, why I even believe Denver or somewhere in Colorado has had this where people can relieve themselves on the streets. Is this really something one wants to aspire to??

I worked at the Mousetrap in Denver, I know that area well. It pains me to see what in some ways seems to be a perceived decline in that city and state.

One can easily argue the Democrats are running society and these cities into the ground. Baltmore? Minneapolis and so on.

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Deblasio . . . should resign and pray to God for forgiveness. I do not know his heart but I really worry for his soul.
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The ones who brag about keeping certain people out of the suburbs?
It depends on what kind of “certain people”. If someone who lives in a homogeneous neighborhood wants to keep people of a different race out, that’s racist.
OTOH, If someone wants to keep the general government from forcing low income multi-unit housing into their community because of its impact on property values and infrastructure, that’s not racist. It’s common sense. If someone wants to keep criminal elements out of their neighborhood, that’s wanting to protect their family, not racism.
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You are correct the welfare state has impacted poor whites [I know this first hand in my own family] as well as minority communities
Actually, I was thinking of Bristol Palin. There are a lot more single family homes for a lot of reasons.
Prove it, you must have the stats then. Debunk it please. What a polite civil answer.

No citation, no back up. Please provide some back up or the facts speak for themselves.
" About 87% of Black voters nationwide chose Biden over Trump, according to preliminary national exit polling. Those early exit polls show that 19% of Black men voted for Trump, as did 9% of Black women.

An Associated Press VoteCast survey showed overall larger Black support for Biden — 90%. According to the AP survey, 12% of Black men voted for Trump, while only 6% of Black women supported him."

Instead of demanding backup for some statistics, one can just look at a number and think: “No way that can be accurate.”
You may not call it racism, but aren’t you still stereotyping?
Stereotyping what? Low income housing lowers property values. How is that stereotyping?
Criminals lower the quality of life snd safety of residents (the reason why inner city citizens want more policing, not less). How is that stereotyping?
They come from the black communities so they must be criminals? Isn’t that what you’re implying?
It can be accurate and by the way, let’s add in to the equation that yes, you may have an inner city, it’s close to 100% or 80% for the Democrats but that is just that concentrated area. Maybe one would see that in a Cleveland or wherever.

It is something to examine in context.

Again, what is the state of inner city Baltimore or whatever? Didn’t their mayor go to jail? I hardly see the DNC as helping these people.

Voting blocs.

It’s like one has to demonize the others, these cities are such failures, Minneapolis another. Why not blame it on others.

So, yes, there may not be that many votes in some parts, are those cities doing well? Often no.
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