Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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I think the Republicans still have some work to do…the Democrats could improve on the senate as well…
I think the Republicans still have some work to do…the Democrats could improve on the senate as well…

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Let’s take this further,

No, I don’t think it speaks well of diversity if some minorities abortion rates are three times their percentage of the population.

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This is extremely disproportionate and I don’t think a good thing at all.

This is for 2008 but it’s pretty much constant year to year.

I don’t take my right to vote and further this, high numbers of all African American unborn being aborted.

I think the Republicans still have some work to do…the Democrats could improve on the senate as well…
In Michigan, Republicans offered John James for the senate - in 2020 and 2018. He lost both times. He got something under 10% of the black vote in Detroit.
I’m not hearing calls that Michigan is racist.
On the other hand, if Warnock, whose pulpit rhetoric is far more Jeremiah Wright than it is Martin Luther King Jr., loses, all we’ll hear is Georgia is racist. Based on recorded utterances, Warnock is the one who has used racist propaganda.
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I think the Republicans still have some work to do…the Democrats could improve on the senate as well…
I take it that you understand the racism and misogyny behind statements like," You ain’t black"?
I take it that you understand the racism and misogyny behind statements like," You ain’t black"?
What I take is that the majority of blacks weren’t bothered by this statement, at least enough to drive a large portion of blacks to vote Trump. I think we whites sometimes see racist type statements whereas blacks might not? I think this can apply to both parties.

I’m trying to understand why minorities don’t buy in to the Republicans platform nation wide. What’s turning them away? I give all minorities full credit for being able to see which platform fits their big picture and where the Republicans are failing to have minorities also buy into it. The media doesn’t influence all minorities…their own community interactions sway them much more…which is often true of many whites as well. What Republican platform idea turns minorities off? What’s stopping their buy in to it?
What I take is that the majority of blacks weren’t bothered by this statement, at least enough to drive a large portion of blacks to vote Trump. I think we whites sometimes see racist type statements whereas blacks might not? I think this can apply to both parties.

I’m trying to understand why minorities don’t buy in to the Republicans platform nation wide. What’s turning them away? I give all minorities full credit for being able to see which platform fits their big picture and where the Republicans are failing to have minorities also buy into it. The media doesn’t influence all minorities…their own community interactions sway them much more…which is often true of many whites as well. What Republican platform idea turns minorities off? What’s stopping their buy in to it?
Actually, versus past elections, they indeed did do reasonably well.

African American voters:

Besides being most popular does not mean best. My whole life places like Baltimore and so on, have not gotten much better if not gotten worse.
Do you think it’s just a past loyalty and now just a time factor? Do you think eventually minorities will shift to the right?

I agree that Trump made some gains amongst some minorities but they still tend to be quite low overall.

Regarding the pie charts I posted, it appears that perhaps the Republican Party just isn’t presenting minority or female candidates that appeal to other Republicans…are none or extremely few running?

@MNathaniel, I don’t ever remember voting for a female candidate just because she was a woman. I never particularly cared if my preferred candidate was female and/or minority but only the platform they espoused. It just seems that Republicans never run minorities or females often…and I’ve voted Republican before due to their platform being better in my view…but, they were always white men.

I don’t want the House and Senate “balanced” just for appearances sake. I’m just trying to understand why white men seem to be the only choice we are often given. I know that fundamentalist Christians have problems with women in leadership roles…is that influential enough to keep the Republican Party shy about which candidates they push?
Do you think it’s just a past loyalty and now just a time factor? Do you think eventually minorities will shift to the right?

I agree that Trump made some gains amongst some minorities but they still tend to be quite low overall.

Regarding the pie charts I posted, it appears that perhaps the Republican Party just isn’t presenting minority or female candidates that appeal to other Republicans…are none or extremely few running?
That’s all to be considered all right. I"m sure the people who are of color or female have to deal with that.

But we know a whole lot of Republican women won seats in the election.

At least 16 Republican women won a seat in the House of Representatives.

One in Colorado, one in New Mexico, I did see the whole list.

The count may still be rising.
I’m trying to understand why minorities don’t buy in to the Republicans platform nation wide. What’s turning them away?
Could their being told they “ain’t black,” or being called Uncle Tom or Oreo when they do have anything to do with it?
I give all minorities full credit for being able to see which platform fits their big picture
Ayep, sure, and for the past few elections we have heard how some people are voting against their own self-interest (in a shocked tone of voice) when they vote for a Republican.

Like voting for the good of the locality the election covers is a bad thing to do…
Could their being told they “ain’t black,” or being called Uncle Tom or Oreo when they do have anything to do with it?
These were said by Democrats, right? What I’m pointing out is that this still turn them from the Democratic platform. If a Republican had said this, would that have kept them Republican? Somehow, the Republican platform isn’t swaying them to the Republican side. I don’t know why this is, other than they don’t like the Republican platform. Do you want to assume they’re stupid or completely uninformed? I know they aren’t! They just don’t agree with the current R Party. If the Rx want their votes, they might need to look at some of their platforms?
Ayep, sure, and for the past few elections we have heard how some people are voting against their own self-interest (in a shocked tone of voice) when they vote for a Republican.
Are you swayed by this statement? I don’t think they are either.
What is funny is Obama is so convinced it is “racism” that elected Donald Trump when in reality it was his terrible governance, terrible candidates, and the democratic platform that has been so revolting to voters. He is just so egotistical that he can’t imagine that his presidency was so bad that someone like Donald Trump was able to be elected and in many ways was a better president than him. Obama has been and always will be a poser. He stood for nothing, stands for nothing, and did nothing.
A lot of people say the Great Society programs, leading to welfare and in turn, single parent homes is how, they got a lot of a voting block.

So, I think the basic premise of saying “looks like they don’t like the platform”, big picture is something I would disagree with.

And this is for everyone, not just one group:

I’ll just leave it at that.

One parent homes apparently, have not been positive. Have grown in number.

That’s a whole topic in itself.

Read Thomas Sowell or someone. Is the community benefiting from these programs?

Politically speaking, anything over 25% takes away from the AA bloc for voters.

They had, I believe around 30% exit polls.

Are you saying that Republicans had 30% of black votes? Minority votes? Across the US? I’m not understanding what you were saying here…sorry!

Yes, I’m aware that some AA badmouth Republican AAs. I doubt the black or minority Republicans are bothered much by it. Do you think the possibility of bad mouthing keeps minorities in the Democrat Party?
Well when people like Joe Biden and the left say you aren’t black if you don’t agree with them or that you are a “race traitor” (yes, people actually say that) I would imagine it rubs people the wrong way.
So I guess you think it is okay …
You’ll have to read my posts or my mind to see what affirmatively I agree with, not make surmises.
Democrats believe that minorities are incapable of participating in basic ways - that they can’t produce a driver’s license to vote, speak proper English so they dumb down there speech when they meet them, they don’t believe they are capable of achievement and need public assistance via lower SAT scores to get into college or affirmative action to get hired - a lower standard as it were.
That’s not the issue at all. Democrats, civil libertarians and the courts have shown very affirmatively that the Republican drive for new ID laws was actually an act more of voter suppression than of election security.

As for affirmative action, after 200 years of carrying a much heavier load, some expect minorities to accept now that everyone should carry the same load? Think of the Atlanta Police Department. The effects of racial discrimination did not stop on a dime, no matter how much some folks want to believe so.
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Are you saying that Republicans had 30% of black votes? Minority votes? Across the US? I’m not understanding what you were saying here…sorry!

Yes, I’m aware that some AA badmouth Republican AAs. I doubt the black or minority Republicans are bothered much by it. Do you think the possibility of bad mouthing keeps minorities in the Democrat Party?
Larry Elder came out with that film that has been well received… “Uncle …” etc. etc. I won’t repeat it here, that’s for one to research.

Again , I think the Republican party made inroads. Well done.

Anyway, some early polls showed 30% success:

Maxine Waters and etc. I’m not sure if they are getting the job done.

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You’ll have to read my posts or my mind to see what affirmatively I agree with, not make surmises.
so you think a Democratic politician who called African American children “roaches” IS a racist…thank God … i do too.

We have had affirmative action policies, legislation and such now for 60 years …a topic for another thread perhaps …but a person who has been impacted by such - AA has caused more problems and issues than it has solved to the detriment of those it was intended to help …

Which - like most big intrusive government one size fits all problem solving - is the typical result
As recently as LBJ we had a Democrat President who reveled in using the ‘n’ word. Even as he was approving the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he was still showing his personal prejudices.

Snopes disputes that he said something about getting those n-words to vote Democrat for 200 years, but concedes that he did say a lot of other just as racist things.

Anyway, it was brilliant on their part, getting blacks to fall for their welfare programs without understanding they were resigning themselves to the new plantations. Aka the projects or similar neighborhoods. No one is as racist as a white liberal. Malcolm X understood this, it’s a shame he was assassinated. It really shows up in the Antifa attitudes when they do a lot of stuff for which blacks get the blame.
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