Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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You can not see the racism in that remark? You can not see that Biden is saying that any minority must think like all the other minority people, they must put minority issues above their own nation’s issues, and do so in such a way that they must vote Democrat?
If you were a minority you might be familiar with the history of the use of that phrase.
You ain’t black?

Sort of like calling a black man who thinks for himself Oreo or Uncle Tom?
You ain’t black?

Sort of like calling a black man who thinks for himself Oreo or Uncle Tom?
Is it racist to allege a minority has adopted the value systems of the oppressor? It is insulting but not racist.
And that is how discussion ends. Flat, blanket statements are a killer each time.

On this issue, I’m out.
That’s fine. For too many years, Republicans have shied away from fighting back. I’ve watched Democrats do this to Republicans for decades. To McCain and Romney and Dole. Democrats have made this flat, blanket statement about Republicans for decades. On this issue, I’m not out.
I can come up with specific comments by Democrats including Biden that are purely racist and with no need to explain why it is a “dog whistle” or “coded language” …

Trump never referred to African American children as “roaches” for example but a prominent Democrat did so
Is it racist to allege a minority has adopted the value systems of the oppressor?
This in itself is a racist accusation, if it is meant that whites are oppressors. Or that the value system of whites is oppressive.
That may be true of Democrats, but it isn’t as much about race as it about political and economy oppression from the left.
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You ain’t black?

Sort of like calling a black man who thinks for himself Oreo or Uncle Tom?
How about this:
“If you’re not prepared to come to that table and represent that voice, don’t come, because we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”
What specifically is a brown voice? Or a black voice? Are these voices that only agree with her authoritarian view?
If one demands that, because of ones race or gender or religion, one must hold a particular view, that is bigotry because it assigns based on immutable characteristics a viewpoint.

We saw the same thing recently by Charles Blow, columnist for the once respected newspaper now entirely dishonest DNC propaganda outlet, the [New](https://he continued, “Also, the percentage of LGBT voting for Trump doubled from 2016. DOUBLED!!! This is why LGBT people of color don’t really trust the white gays. Yes, I said what I said. Period.” “Also, the percentage of Latinos and Asians voting for Trump INCREASED from 2016, according to exit polls. Yet more evidence that we can’t depend on the “browning of America” to dismantle white supremacy and erase anti-blackness.”) York Times.
This is so personally devastating to me: the black male vote for Trump INCREASED from 13% in 2016 to 18% this year. The black female vote for Trump doubled from 4% in 2016 to 8% this year," Blow reacted. “Also, once again, exit polls show a majority of white women voting for Trump.”
He continued, “Also, the percentage of LGBT voting for Trump doubled from 2016. DOUBLED!!! This is why LGBT people of color don’t really trust the white gays. Yes, I said what I said. Period.”
“Also, the percentage of Latinos and Asians voting for Trump INCREASED from 2016, according to exit polls. Yet more evidence that we can’t depend on the “browning of America” to dismantle white supremacy and erase anti-blackness.”
Did you hear any dog whistles when Trump told a federal legislator to go back to her country or when he said that the Democrats were trying to ruin the suburbs? You hear any code speech there?
Since these “dog whistles” are only heard by racists…what does it say when no one heard them except for those making such accusations?

Who are the real racists here?
What specifically is a brown voice? Or a black voice? Are these voices that only agree with her authoritarian view?
If one demands that, because of ones race or gender or religion, one must hold a particular view, that is bigotry because it assigns based on immutable characteristics a viewpoint.
Agreed. 👍
I think the Republicans still have some work to do…the Democrats could improve on the senate as well…

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It is quite misplaced and illogical to try to charge the Democrats with racism against minorities since minorities are so much OF the Democratic party. Finally, Biden telling someone they ‘ain’t black’ if they support Trump is far from a racist remark, as some have alleged. It just isn’t so.
Democrats are racist and they say racist things … and it looks like some on the left even commit racist hate crimes … sometime even against themselves … kind of like how minorities vote democratic even though their party policies are devastating minority communities and hurting them.

This young man definitely did not help himself - nor does it sound like he has been making good decisions in his past - so young, so clueless and self destructive …SAD …

He had all the benefits perhaps - I still say that NEEDED: Fathers in the home, good schools and employment opportunities are what will help … personal responsibility too
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Democrats are racist and they say racist things … and it looks like some on the left even commit racist hate crimes
That’s just blanket buzz words. We can never progress if a person holds opinions based on rumor and conjecture.
Palin responded:
“Our country has to love truth. We have to be seekers of truth. We have to be willing to follow truth. And there are so many untruths that Barack Obama is leading people towards still.”

“For instance, a truth is that only law and order will usher in peace and prosperity,” she said in an apparent reference to President Trump’s calls for law and order amid a chaotic year of civil unrest.

She added that the Democratic Party’s platform is the “antithesis” of the “sanctity of life,” which Americans should hold as another truth.

“The provisions about it’s OK to kill a baby in the womb — there are so many things that Barack Obama stands for still and he just doesn’t get it, that the solution to our issues in this country, it all comes down to simply loving truth. He does not represent nor love truth,” Palin concluded.

She’s spot on correct on everything.

The Democrats say it’s okay to kill a baby in the womb.
So I guess you think it is okay to refer to African American children as “roaches” and that wouldn’t be racist …but I hazard to guess if Trump or any other Republican had done so instead of a Democrat the talking heads on the MSM would still be frothing at the mouth.

A Democrat said “fine people still raise the Confederate flag” and there zero discussion …Trump specifically disavowed neo-Nazi and white supremacists followed by a comment that there were good people on both sides of the Robert E Lee statue in Charlottesville … And people on the left are still misrepresenting his remarks and decrying them as racist …

Democrats believe that minorities are incapable of participating in basic ways - that they can’t produce a driver’s license to vote, speak proper English so they dumb down there speech when they meet them, they don’t believe they are capable of achievement and need public assistance via lower SAT scores to get into college or affirmative action to get hired - a lower standard as it were.

I know you can’t see the racism that surrounds the Democratic party and it’s policies …but that does not mean they don’t exist
I think the Republicans still have some work to do…the Democrats could improve on the senate as well…
[in context you posted the ‘diversity’ pie charts here, it just won’t quote for some reason]

I wonder if it’s a generational thing.

As a (millenial) woman, I specifically vote against any woman who tries to make her femaleness a voting rationale.

I’m not American so I can’t vote there (yeah yeah; still affects my life who you guys elect though), but I remember Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and that was specifically what disgusted me about her: the celebrity women of older generations who claimed that if a woman failed to vote for her, it was a betrayal of our gender and there was a “special place in hell” for such women.

Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, and at least two celebrities spouted garbage along this theme, suggesting that ‘women supporting women’ means we have to vote for the candidate who shares our chromosomes regardless of our assessment of their policies or character etc. I’d rather vote for 100% male representatives, whose policies I agree with and who don’t wave their genitals in front of my face as a reason to vote for them, then have token female representatives up there whose policies I disagree with or who waved their genitals in front of my face.

I grew up equal. I’ve never not been equal. So I feel no need for arbitrary equality of outcome in politician demographics. Equality of opportunity is what matters. And I’ll spite-vote against anyone who tries to shame me into voting for them on the basis of sharing my genital type.
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If the diversity is not doing anything to help the constituency, what great use is it? If it’s just identity politics, it might even be destructive.
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