Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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Why woulf that irritate you?
I can understand and agree with what you have said about adapting to meet culture–although I personally find it hypocritical.

Speaking a different language is one thing–of course people who are not from the U.S. will love the opportunity to speak their heart language when they meet nationals from their home country.

But behaving differently around people who are different from you–I simply have a hard time with that.

I value genuineness.
Peeps, im very sorry, but I have to say that I find the above really, incredibly offensive.

People who are mixed race often have to straddle two different sets of culture and adapt their interaction styles accordingly. That is not them being ‘hypocritical’ or not ‘genuine’, that is them being a direct product of a mix of two different cultures with different speech or behaviour patterns.

As a mixed race person who has two very culturally different families, the insinuation that being naturally adaptive to those different social norms, is somehow duplicitous, is so derogatory.

Perhaps you don’t mean it to be so, but I think you really need to reflect on what you are implying here.
Peeps, im very sorry, but I have to say that I find the above really, incredibly offensive.
I apologize for my comments that offended you.

I have a hard time with people who act differently around different sets of people. It’s probably because my husband and I were ousted from our last Protestant church by people we thought were our friends. I have a very hard time trusting people, and people who have two personalities are especially hard for me to trust.

I have to say that I am suspicious of nearly everyone, and that I don’t have a lot of friends, in part because I don’t let people in easily, and because I say what I mean, I offend people often.

I do appreciate that you are being honest with me and telling me that I have greatly offended you. That willingness to speak up and say what you are feeling and thinking makes you more trustworthy to me. It’s better than just ignoring me and being “polite.”

Again, maybe that’s why I like Donald Trump–I like his blunt, brutal honesty. He has no concept of tact and timing, and we don’t have to guess what he is thinking. He just comes out and says it! I feel like I can trust him, while someone who is “nice” is, in my view, deceving me and will probably hurt me later when I least expect it.
I’ll be sure to look up Jonah Goldberg on this topic. He is a notorious chickenhawk, but is otherwise pretty sound.

I am sure that there are good and bad on both sides and always have been. However, what I am mostly seeing these days is leftists pushing inherently racist concepts such as critical race theory, white privilege, and cultural appropriation. The University of Michigan has now opened racially segregated cafes.
However, what I am mostly seeing these days is leftists pushing inherently racist concepts
Did you hear any dog whistles when Trump told a federal legislator to go back to her country or when he said that the Democrats were trying to ruin the suburbs? You hear any code speech there?
No, I don’t hear any dog whistles about that. Anyone hear dog whistles over this?

3 of 4 abortuaries a stone’s throw from minority neighborhoods​

Friday, October 16, 2020 | Charlie Butts (OneNewsNow.com)
A leading pro-life group says it has data proving that America’s largest abortion chain continues to be racist in its practices while giving “lip service” about mending its way.

Life Issues Institute has done a good deal of research on the subject – and its study of 2012 has just recently been updated showing that 79% of all Planned Parenthood abortion mills are located in or near a minority neighborhood, which means they are within walking distance. LFI spokesman Brad Mattes says there’s “absolutely” no question Planned Parenthood is targeting minorities.

“… With the recent dust up of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York taking Margaret Sanger’s name off their building and giving lip service to stomping out racism wherever it exists, they made their grandiose remarks in the media and went back to business as usual,” notes Mattes.

Again, do we need Democrats telling us what racism is and pointing at others?
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I was hoping someone else would notice that. Probably a little bit of segregationalism thrown in as well in that one Trump statement. He should know as he’s a landlord.
Did you hear any dog whistles when Trump told a federal legislator to go back to her country or when he said that the Democrats were trying to ruin the suburbs? You hear any code speech there?
No, I don’t hear any dog whistles about that. Anyone hear dog whistles over this?
You see - this is the problem with dog whistles - People dont hear them - only dogs do …

So Nepperhan - since you are the one hearing all the “dog whistles” … and the MSM leftest - have to decipher all the “code speech” - who are the “dogs”?

So - I am not Victoria - but I have read her posts and believe I understand her thoughts - So forgive my license in speaking for her.:

Victoria does not hear the “dog Whistles” because she is not a racist. In fact she is out there fighting for the lives of African Americans. She wants them to be born and born into two parent households. Victoria wants their neighborhoods to be safe - safe from crime, safe from drugs and drive by shootings. She wants the schools to produce students who can read at grade level and master the fundamental subjects. And if the public schools fail to provide this - School Choice.

She wants business owners to open businesses in minority neighborhoods and serve minority customers without fear of being held up at gun point and robbed and or looted and burned in the next “mostly peaceful protest”. Victoria wants the poor and minority community to be successful. In fact Victoria wants for the poor and minority neighborhoods to be so successful that they are no longer referred to as poor or minority areas - but just nice neighborhoods where people are happy educated and safe.

We dont achieve this goal by maintaining policies that destroy the American family where 50% of conceptions are aborted and where 70+% of the 50% that are born are welcomed into single parent households and where the father is absent. We dont achieve this goal when we allow illegal immigration that depresses wages and takes jobs from American citizens trying to escape poverty - this impacts the African American community a great deal. Unrestrained borders also allow drug cartels import drugs which destroy American families, end lives and kills dreams. It also allows for human trafficking - sex slaves.

We can discuss policy and best ways to handle issues of policy - but when it comes to abortion - Victoria and so many others - there is real compromise … as you cannot abort half a baby … and the left even will not allow restricting abortion except for the LIFE of the Mother, in the case of Rape and Incest. - NO … on that issue there is no compromise in the left at all … not parental consent, no to clinics meeting health regulations and having doctors with hospital admin status, no limits - not first, second, or third trimester. No medical care for babies who survive an abortion, no limits on partial birth abortions -

Then to be demonized as a racist, supremacist etc … being told what the “coded” messages are … well its all insulting.
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ou see - this is the problem with dog whistles - People dont hear them - only dogs do …

So Nepperhan - since you are the one hearing all the “dog whistles” … and the MSM leftest - have to decipher all the “code speech” - who are the “dogs”?

So - I am not Victoria - but I have read her posts and believe I understand her thoughts - So forgive my license in speaking for her.:

Victoria does not hear the “dog Whistles” because she is not a racist. In fact she is out there fighting for the lives of African Americans. She wants them to be born and born into two parent households. Victoria wants their neighborhoods to be safe - safe from crime, safe from drugs and drive by shootings. She wants the schools to produce students who can read at grade level and master the fundamental subjects. And if the public schools fail to provide this - School Choice.
Anyone who does not think that Trump was making racist code speech to his followers is fooling himself. This was his “Willie Horton” moment.

Conservatives like to ignore the import of some words, particularly when race is involved. I don’t think they are that naive.

It is so easy for a person to pat him or herself on the back and state: “I am not racist at all.” It is much more personally fraught to call out the obvious racism in those who share the same political views as oneself.
I am from Oregon … We have lots of Californians move to Oregon to escape the policy and taxes of California … who then begin to complain and bash Oregon … they want and vote for the things they escaped …

It is not uncommon for Oregonians to express their frustration with these people with ‘go back where you come from’ … race has nothing to do with that sentiment. It is the feeling that if you have nothing but complaints about your current location [City, County, State, Nation] then perhaps you should move to where you think it is so much better …

I know people from Russia and their first generation Russian American offspring - and if either complained as much about America as some of the Congress women were - I would tell them to go back where you came from if they were that unhappy … and they are not people of color … but then of course we are also learning that in Washington State - Asian persons are not people of color … [which is interesting and probably for another discussion]

Me - I am just an American … I believe that America [the good, bad and imperfect though she is] is the BEST Country on God’s green earth … I expect you feel equally about your Country - I expect that, I respect that - though I know you are in error 😜

I expect your Country’s leadership to put your Country’s needs ahead of others, to work for your citizens. I expect my president to work for America first.

Every time a person of color - or a woman - is hired or not hired, is promoted or not promoted, is voted for or not voted for - their race or gender is not the bases. Every time a remark directed towards a person of color - or a woman - does not mean that their color/gender is the reason. It could be but when that is the case - it is usually very clear and convincing - as in your example. It does not need the “code” decoded nor for you to know it was a “dog whistle” that was blown.

Personally, I dont like the Cali-fornication of Oregon … I did not coin that term - but it fits … and I wish they would all go back where they came from [even the offspring that were born in Oregon hospitals after the move] … its the mind set they exhibit that evokes that feeling … and I say that even as I have wonder friends who moved from California and who dont denigrate my state and who probably feel the same way as I do about the CA complainers … even broad statements dont always mean ALL
Anyone who does not think that Trump was making racist code speech to his followers is fooling himself. This was his “Willie Horton” moment.

Conservatives like to ignore the import of some words, particularly when race is involved. I don’t think they are that naive.

It is so easy for a person to pat him or herself on the back and state: “I am not racist at all.” It is much more personally fraught to call out the obvious racism in those who share the same political views as oneself.
So I guess you then recognize the very blatant [both hard and soft] racism that is exhibited by the Democratic Party and Democratic politicians an a regular basis. It is their history and their present reality. They are the most racist of all the political groups - even as they gain the highest votes of minorities … but racist they are - far more racist than Trump has ever been
Surely you cannot be naïve enough to believe that it was mere coincidence that Obama was the first African American to run for the presidency
Barack Obama was NOT the first African American to run for the Presidency.

Shirley Chisholm was the first African American candidate for a major party’s nomination for the Presidency in the 1972 elections! She was also the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

And I didn’t even have to google her name!–I just had to look up which election, but I should have known it without looking. I was in high school at the time, and I and many of my friends were excited that a woman and an Afro-American (we didn’t use the term “African American” back then) was actually a serious contender for the nomination!

Considering the time and events in American history when Barack Hussein Obama was being touted by the Democratic Party as the best candidate, it is understandable why many of us were concerned about his origins, which for some reason, he seemed to like to keep quiet about. Most people come right out and say where they born and when–but he didn’t. It kinda raises some alarms. Maybe not for you, but for many of us, the more secretive people are, the more we want to know why all the secrecy.

And yes, eventually Barach Obama did openly share his birth certificate, so mystery solved.
Frederick Douglas 1888
George Edwin Taylor 1904
Channing Phillips 1968
Jesse Jackson 1984 1988
Alan Keyes 1992
Ben Carson 2016

And let not overlook how the Dems treated Justice Clarence Thomas. Portrayed as black man hyper sexual predator. It was disgraceful
. . . .

Now, the thing about, at least, Omar, she seems to make it clear she is of Somali heritage.

So, if both are critical of the UK or USA and one says “go back to your country”, it seems a bit understandable, not racist.
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So I guess you then recognize the very blatant [both hard and soft] racism that is exhibited by the Democratic Party and Democratic politicians an a regular basis. It is their history and their present reality. They are the most racist of all the political groups - even as they gain the highest votes of minorities … but racist they are - far more racist than Trump has ever been
No, I don’t agree with that and I think that the view is seriously in error. Basically, Republicans bring up charges of racism as to Democrats as a defensive move.

You see, Democrats come up with specific statements by Trump and then the response is that ‘there is abortion close to minority neighborhoods’. That’s kind of silly defensiveness.

It is quite misplaced and illogical to try to charge the Democrats with racism against minorities since minorities are so much OF the Democratic party. Finally, Biden telling someone they ‘ain’t black’ if they support Trump is far from a racist remark, as some have alleged. It just isn’t so.
Anyone who accuses another of racism without actual evidence is making a racist accusation.
Exactly! I made an accusation of racism. Whether my accusation was accurate or not does not make my allegation racist, however.
Basically, Republicans bring up charges of racism as to Democrats as a defensive move.
Because Democrats lie about Republicans being racist.
And the charges of racism against Democrats has been historically true. And it continues today.
You see, Democrats come up with specific statements by Trump and then the response is that ‘there is abortion close to minority neighborhoods’. That’s kind of silly defensiveness.
I haven’t heard a specific statement of racism from Trump. I have from Biden, and Pressley and Omar. In the media from Charles Blow and
Nikole Hannah-Jones. One doesn’t need to infer or project their meaning. They are open about their bigotry.
It is quite misplaced and illogical to try to charge the Democrats with racism against minorities since minorities are so much OF the Democratic party.
The way progressives have treated people of color in our inner cities (plantations) is far more racist than anything Trump might have said.
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Because Democrats lie about Republicans being racist.
And that is how discussion ends. Flat, blanket statements are a killer each time. If you want reasonable discussion, cite facts and incidents.

On this issue, I’m out.
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Finally, Biden telling someone they ‘ain’t black’ if they support Trump is far from a racist remark, as some have alleged.
You can not see the racism in that remark? You can not see that Biden is saying that any minority must think like all the other minority people, they must put minority issues above their own nation’s issues, and do so in such a way that they must vote Democrat?

Don’t try to struggle out from under the foot on your neck labeled welfare, poverty, poor education. Democrats come on here and say the Republicans only pay attention to abortion once every four years (which is not true), well, what do the Democrats do for the poor? Push single parenthood on them with the welfare rules (which may have changed but went on until decades later than redlining did), push poor education on them by choosing poor methods and refusing school choice, give millions to PP who plants themselves in poor neighborhoods.

At a minimum, let a black person think as he pleases!
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