Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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I know some would say he was not absolutely hostile towards Islam.
  1. Muslim Brotherhood came to power during the Obama administration.
  2. ISIS rose to power.
  3. Favorable deals to Iran, gave them billions.
I’m sure the list goes on.
You forgot “4. Osama bin Laden takes one in the face.”
My eyebrow goes up when some includes “Hussein” because his name is not popularly referenced using his middle name. Gotta wonder why people are drawing attention to it then.
Of course you know that when the Thomas More Society (supposedly a “Catholic law group”) sued the administration over the ACA, they titled the lawsuit as being against “Barack Hussein Obama”. You can look that up. That’s more than micro-agression, its a biased dog whistle.

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A good leader would have said, loudly and often, that people were allowed to disagree with his policies, and were not to be labeled as racist.

But he didn’t.

On purpose.
I thought he called for unity when he was elected and reached out to those who did not vote for him. That’s what I recall.

Compare Trump’s speech at Mt. Rushmore and his invocation of ‘us vs. them’.
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You forgot “4. Osama bin Laden takes one in the face.”
Obama drone attacked many people, even Ilhan Omar says that. Even the Huffington Post says that.

This is nothing I will take lightly, Christians greatly suffered, Catholic, because of Obama’s wrongheaded policies that help lead to the rise of ISIS.

  1. Remember the JV Team?
And all of this would be in addition to what can be called misogyny.
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Trump has made racist and fascist remarks and has been called out because of that.
No. He hasn’t. Fascists believe in strong central government. Trump’s governance has not had evidence of that. In fact, quite the opposite.
Fascists practice socialism (strict government control or ownership of the means of production). Trump’s own business practices may have elements of of crony capitalism, but his four years in office has been quite the opposite of fascistic socialism.

In both of these, progressives far more often resemble fascism than Trump, and when one throws in the blackshirt practices of progressives in the streets, cancel culture efforts, etc. it is sometimes hard to distinguish between the two.
Some folks seem to think that no criticism of Trump is ever appropriate or that some severe criticism of some of Trump’s acts is uncalled for.
Criticism that is untrue, like the charges of racism and fascism are not appropriate. There are plenty of accurate criticisms so dishonest ones are not necessary.
In 2019, President Trump tweeted that four congresswomen of color should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” (even though three of them were born in the United States).
Let’s keep in mind that the Washington Post, once a respected newspaper, is part of the dishonest DNC propaganda machine.

Now, while that tweet was uncalled for ( no American deserves that kind of comment), it was neither racist nor fascist.
It was one of several examples over the years of Trump suggesting that citizens of color or naturalized immigrants are less American than White people.
Where does he say that race was the distinction? Please be specific. I’ve said this before and it is still true; an accusation of racism without specific evidence is racist itself. It is what the Democrats have done for decades and it is despicable.
Trump echoed the racist birther theory he once employed against Barack Obama to suggest that Harris, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, might not be eligible to serve as vice president.
Source, where he was speaking of her race. Nationality is not race.
He called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate.”
There are certainly elements of it that are. We see them in the streets rioting and looting. We hear their leadership promote Marxism which is, in my view, a source of hate.
That month, in the first presidential debate, he asked the far-right group the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by."
And you buy the idiotic notion that he was commanding and directing them somehow?

In short, there is no evidence that Trump is racist and far less that he is fascist.
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I thought he called for unity when he was elected and reached out to those who did not vote for him. That’s what I recall.
Everybody call for unity.

It generally means “everybody unite behind my ideas”
Yes, I believe one would say this, that’s why so many Chechens are or were in ISIS, why there have been 2 Chechen wars and one Afghanistan war, Soviet support for Palestine and some for Saddam.

Let alone, the Beslam attack and others.
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I support the Palestinian people, not the terrorist organizations, Hamas, nor Hezbollah, nor Assad which should be called a terrorist regime whom Russia have aided in mayhem.
I’m not just going to put down people ethnically, I think that is wrong.

The forced relocations in the USSR and camps can easily be called genocide.

Support for the Serbs in the Balkan wars also can be seen in this light.

I am not just going to get into mudslinging, I see no good in this. It also seems like prejudice.
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It seems rather bigoted to put down nationalities.

I note, Western Europe, functioning fairly well, Eastern?? We see it in the headlines.
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Let’s keep in mind that the Washington Post, once a respected newspaper, is part of the dishonest DNC propaganda machine.
Keep in mind that even Sen. Tim Scott said that Trump remark was racist.
Everybody call for unity.

It generally means “everybody unite behind my ideas”
Cite Trump calling for unity, if you can. Its not there.
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Keep in mind,

So, a vote for the Democrats filters its way to Planned Parenthood.

Keep in mind, Democrats have spoken glowingly of Margaret Sanger and accepted an award named after her.

The list goes on.

Here is more:
All four women are U.S. citizens, and all four are people of color. Only Omar, who came to the U.S. from Somalia as a refugee, was born outside the U.S.

Trump started a firestorm of controversy Sunday when he tweeted that “‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen” should “go back and fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

Racially offensive, not sure if he said they are racist.
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So a bunch of racists elected a black man as president? .
Hey if the two Ben’s (Shapiro and Carson) can be Nazi’s, anything is possible in the mind of a Leftist.

Racism is simply redefied as anyone not accepting the racism (traditional definition) inherent in the new religion of identity politics.
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You’d think a guy who won two terms to the highest office in the land wouldn’t be so bitter and unhappy. Take a cue from your predecessors and lay low with some class, fella.
Cite Trump calling for unity, if you can. Its not there.
His speech at Mount Rushmore.
Au contraire!

"Speaking at Mount Rushmore ahead of Independence Day in what the White House billed as an official presidential address — not a campaign event — Trump veered quickly into a dystopian description of a nation split between a “left-wing cultural revolution” and those “strong and proud” Americans who “will not allow our country and all of its values, history and culture to be taken from them.”

“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try,” wrote former defense secretary Jim Mattis in the Atlantic in June, after Trump called for troops to respond to protests. “Instead, he tries to divide us.”"
You’d think a guy who won two terms to the highest office in the land wouldn’t be so bitter and unhappy.
He does not seem bitter or unhappy.

The criticism he got was unusual and unrelenting. It was also inaccurate. Unlike the present occupant, he usually let it go.
A 700 plus page memoir and It’s only volume one. Plus his earlier memoirs. I’d say he’s an egomaniac or a greedy opportunist getting richer than King Solomon off of exploiting public service, but so as not to be accused of rash judgement nor wanting to be uncharitable, and to give him the benefit of the benefit of the doubt I won’t.
Calling Trump a Fascist is as extreme as calling Biden a Marxist. As for Obama & his book, does certainly show the difficulties he faced in office. It seems harsh to call it racism, because if it were purely based on race he would have never made it to President. However I don’t discount the fact that all previous office holders have had their fair share of discrimination.
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