Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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  • Whenever someone includes his middle name, my eyebrow goes up.
  • It isn’t at all understandable why people were concerned about his origins.
  • He didn’t “keep quiet” about his place of birth. It was public knowledge.
Lots of our American Presidents have used their middle names. Lyndon Baines Johnson’s campaign nickname was LBJ. Another example is FDR, and a third example is Richard Milhous Nixon. And of course, William Jefferson Clinton.
My eyebrow goes up when some includes “Hussein” because his name is not popularly referenced using his middle name. Gotta wonder why people are drawing attention to it then.
People were concerned about Pres. Obama’s origins because we were all still very jittery after the attack on our country on 9-11 by extremists who practiced an extreme form of Islam. We were afraid that we might become victims of an infiltration. You can laugh or snort or roll your eyes if you’d like, but it’s the truth. We were afraid. It might be unfair and unjust, but fear isn’t based on rational thinking–it’s an emotional reaction to terrifying and tragic events like the bombings and the deaths of over 3000 innocent Americans at the hands of monsters.
You do realize that Kenya is largely Christian, right?
Many American Presidential candidates pepper their campaign speeches with anecdotes about their place of birth and their upbringing/childhood/growing up years. Pres. Obama didn’t really do this. That’s OK, but it was different than what we were used to. Yes, he made public the place of his birth, but in his speeches, he didn’t discuss his parents much–he did so in his book, though, but we weren’t reading it at that point.
This made you wonder if he was a true American citizen? That he didn’t wax poetic about his upbringing?
That’s like folks waiting for someone to say the “N” word before they think racism is happening.
No. It is not pretending you know what someone means because you hold a political animus.
When Obama ran for president the racism that was always there in some quarters became evident.
Among Democrats.
never ran a campaign about throwing out whites. It would have been significantly odd if he never mentioned race. When he did, he was accused or racism.
I don’t care about his race. Never did. His race doesn’t matter. Never did. Race only seems to matter to the race baiters on the progressive left, who take after their Democrat forerunners.

I care only about his leftist policies, which I oppose. I oppose leftist policies from Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Reich, any number of people.
I would vote for Tim Scott. Because he’s black? No. That’s irrelevant. Because he is a conservative.
Would have voted for John James if I lived in Michigan. Because he’s black? No. That’s irrelevant. He’s conservative.
As I said, I think birtherism was a personal insult to him and that he was remarkably reserved in not reacting very negatively towards it.
Yes. Meanwhile, Trump has been regularly called a racist, a fascist, Hitler. He’s been far more reserved under such despicable lies than I would be.
Yes. Meanwhile, Trump has been regularly called a racist, a fascist, Hitler. He’s been far more reserved under such despicable lies than I would be.
This has much less to do with Trump and much more to do with the office he occupies. I can’t think of a president in recent years who wasn’t called Hitler.
This has much less to do with Trump and much more to do with the office he occupies. I can’t think of a president in recent years who wasn’t called Hitler.
Maybe, but not openly in the dishonest DNC media, among Congress members who are far more authoritarian in their views than Trump, and others.
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This has much less to do with Trump and much more to do with the office he occupies. I can’t think of a president in recent years who wasn’t called Hitler.
Maybe, but not openly in the dishonest DNC media, among Congress members who are far more authoritarian in their views than Trump, and others.
GWB and Obama were publicly called Hitler by members of Congress. I think we’ve done such an awful job teaching history to people that they actually think these comparisons make sense. Really pathetic.
Actually that’s incorrect

Palin described herself and “hockey moms” as bulldogs with lipstick

She was trying to be spunky or something
“Classier” is not the word I would apply to Palin. Have you seen the news related to the goings on in her family?
GWB and Obama were publicly called Hitler by members of Congress. I think we’ve done such an awful job teaching history to people that they actually think these comparisons make sense. Really pathetic.
Oh, I agree. There is no American leader today anything like Hitler. There are none anything like Stalin or Mao.
The comparison minimizes the horrific suffering of tens of millions of their civilians.
“Classier” is not the word I would apply to Palin. Have you seen the news related to the goings on in her family?
The comparison is to Obama and the sexist insult he has hurled at her.

And let’s get it straight all, if one is tossing out “racism”, then, there is “sexism” and all the other “isms” out there, be fair.

Now, if one wants to think berating or insulting a woman is alright, so be it.
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So, it’s real bad to insinuate Obama might have been born in a foreign country but at the same time, there’s all of that about social security numbers, whether he ever enrolled as a foreign student. There was that Harvard or Columbia page or something, a book where he was called a Kenyan or foreigner?

I can’t believe we are going through “birtherism” but if we do, we must be fair at least.

So, oh yeah, just because one looked into the birther theory, they are racist.

Well, then, on those grounds, Obama has been a sexist in some things he has said.

And the photo with Louis Farrakhan.

Pretty empty point of debate, if one starts bringing up all of this.
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I guess what bothered me about it was feeling like he wasn’t treating us the same–it’s the same criticism often leveled by African Americans against white Americans
This is about an interesting study which found that white liberals change their language patterns when speaking with African-Americans.
White liberals tend to present themselves as less competent when speaking to minorities — while conservatives do not, according to a new study from Yale University scheduled to be published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
You do realize that Kenya is largely Christian, right?
Yes, of course, and so is the United States. But there is still violence in both countries.
This made you wonder if he was a true American citizen? That he didn’t wax poetic about his upbringing?
Honestly, yes. It was something different than many modern American presidents. “Waxing poetic” wasn’t necessary, but describing his past and relating it to how he developed his worldview and his vision for the United States just didn’t seem to happen with Pres. Obama. I have to say, though, that perhaps in speeches and appearances that were not made public, he DID talk about his past. I know he often described his experiences in Chicago as a community organizer. And of course, growing up black in the United States often leads to a different worldview (or U.S. view) than growing up not black. He did have a white mother, and I know that he spent part of his younger years out of the country, so did have a different childhood than many blacks and whites.

To many of us, Pres. Obama did not seem to support a traditional “Constitutional” government. He was very quick to use Executive Orders, something that Pres. Trump continued (which I personally do NOT like!–the Executive Order was not meant to give the President power over Congress when they go against him/her).

At any rate, he’s history now, and whether his latest book will become an influence remains to be seen. It probably will be a bestseller because there are many Americans who truly liked Pres. Obama, and even those of us who didn’t care for his policies and mannerisms admire his rise to power, and frankly, enjoyed having a young man and family in the White House. That’s the one thing I like about VP Harris–she’s not a senior citizen! I personally wish that there could be an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution limiting the upper age of the President, perhaps to 72 years old, or even younger. Now that I am in my 60s, I definitely see a decline in physical prowess and energy, and every day I go to work, I wish I could just quit (I have about 4 years to go before retirement.)
At the end of the day Biden is no Obama but he’ll more than suffice as a replacement to Trump
I don’t know if one should be ‘openly hostile’ to Islam since it’s like one fifth of the world’s population? Maybe better to say openly hostile to radical Islam?

Also your comment seems reminiscent of the controversial ‘Obama is a secret Muslim’ trope, which sought to ‘other’ him by focusing on his appearance/background.
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Yes. Meanwhile, Trump has been regularly called a racist, a fascist, Hitler.
Trump has made racist and fascist remarks and has been called out because of that. Some folks seem to think that no criticism of Trump is ever appropriate or that some severe criticism of some of Trump’s acts is uncalled for. He’s not Hitler but Trump merited his criticism.

" No president in the modern era has relied so heavily on racialized appeals to his base. In 2019, President Trump tweeted that four congresswomen of color should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” (even though three of them were born in the United States). It was one of several examples over the years of Trump suggesting that citizens of color or naturalized immigrants are less American than White people.

After Joe Biden picked Sen. Kamala Harris to be his running mate, Trump echoed the racist birther theory he once employed against Barack Obama to suggest that Harris, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, might not be eligible to serve as vice president. He called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate.” Complaining that children “have been fed lies about America being a wicked nation plagued by racism,” he called in September for a “pro-American” curriculum in schools, and he sought to ban anti-racism training in federal agencies. That month, in the first presidential debate, he asked the far-right group the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by."

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