Another “beautiful” example of Christian “charity”…You’re not from this county.
You’re not Catholic.
You literally have no dog in this fight.
So it’s not your business.
Another “beautiful” example of Christian “charity”…You’re not from this county.
You’re not Catholic.
You literally have no dog in this fight.
So it’s not your business.
No. Like I said, I paid little attention to it because I found it silly. But my question was where was race specifically mentioned in the questioning of Obama’s birth certificate?Come on, you can’t see that the entire birther conspiracy was racist?
The only books I ever read by Presidents were Harry Truman’s “Plain Speaking” (which was great, I recommend it) and JFK’s “Profiles in Courage” (his lionization of Sen. Taft was a bit much but I would need to read it again).I have not read any of Obama’s books and don’t plan on reading this one.
How wonderful it must be to read other people’s mind. Do you also think that Trump is a “deep thinker”?But he was shallow and empty.
John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. That is undisputed. Had he been elected, he would have been the first President not born in the US (even the earliest Presidents were born in the US, but under colonial rule–but people born in the colonies were grandfather in per the Constitution). There was some talk about the “natural born citizen” issue in early 2008, but most people did not think it was a serious issue.one of whom was John McCain, who ran against Obama in 2008.
I think we all know that the entire birther controversy was inherently racist. Please, just think about it. Obama as the first (half) black man to run for the presidency. By an astonishing coincidence, he was also the first presidential candidate about whom it was seriously suggested that he might not actually be eligible (I am not including minor quibbles such as Goldwater being born in the Territory of Arizona shortly before it was admitted as a state). Nobody is suggesting, for example, that Donald Trump might actually have been born in Scotland. Now, you may think that that sounds ridiculous, but there is precisely the same amount of evidence for Trump having been born in Scotland as there is for Obama having been born in Kenya.But my question was where was race specifically mentioned in the questioning of Obama’s birth certificate?
For instance? I think that canard as to Obama was always inaccurate. It seems Kafkaesque.Obama did so much destruction with his race baiting…
Actually, he never did make this an issue – those deniers did. After Obama’s birth reports from the Honolulu papers came out, there was nothing left to birtherism but racism. As much as folks want to deny it.But instead of presenting his birth certificae, Barack Obama chose to make a huge issue out of this.
Where did I say I read people’s minds?7_Sorrows:![]()
How wonderful it must be to read other people’s mind. Do you also think that Trump is a “deep thinker”?But he was shallow and empty.
Actually, an investigation into the birth certificate was done in Arizona. A report of the findings were given to the public.0Scarlett_nidiyilii:![]()
For instance? I think that canard as to Obama was always inaccurate. It seems Kafkaesque.Obama did so much destruction with his race baiting…
I think it is about time that Obama called birtherism what it was – racism.
Actually, he never did make this an issue – those deniers did. After Obama’s birth reports from the Honolulu papers came out, there was nothing left to birtherism but racism. As much as folks want to deny it.But instead of presenting his birth certificae, Barack Obama chose to make a huge issue out of this.
This on top of the Central Park Five ad Trump had paid for several years prior. Among other things.Surely this makes the whole birther controversy even more obviously racist.
Interesting tidbit—the media actually liked Sarah Palin when she was governor.But what does John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate have to do with anything?