Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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Thanks for the scripture! There is always a scripture reading for every situation in my world!!!
Obama did so much destruction with his race baiting…
I did check “race baiting” to make sure that I have currently understood the meaning of the term.
The use of racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce.
the act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage
When did Obama do this?
When he assumed that police actions against people who were black were racially motivated; when he accused people whose jobs had been outsourced of becoming “bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Which is an early variation of what he is saying in the OP, right?
So, some people who supported Obama said that some people who voted for McCain and Romney were racist. To be honest, I do not remember widespread accusations of racism against McCain and Romney supporters. I do not remember there being anything remotely racist about their campaigns. I’m not sure what Obama was supposed to do about this or why it was his responsibility to speak out against people who had nothing to do with him.
I’m not sure what Obama was supposed to do about this or why it was his responsibility to speak out against people who had nothing to do with him.
A good leader would have said, loudly and often, that people were allowed to disagree with his policies, and were not to be labeled as racist.

But he didn’t.

On purpose.
At the time, I was disgusted by his behavior, and his continued refusal to offer proof that he met the two very simple requirements listed in the U.S. Constitution. I felt that his response was disrespectful of our Constitution, and of the American people, who have a right to know that their President truly meets the two very basic and simple requirement set forth in the Constitution.

Eventually, he complied, but only after a huge fight. Donald Trump refused to back down, even in the face of constant ridicule and accusations that he was a racist. This is so ridiculous–he had every right to say, “Do you meet those two requirements in our U.S. Constitution?” Every other President has to prove it–why was Barack Obama above the law?
Actually, Obama’s short form birth certificate was available the whole time. But that was not good enough. I remember people all over the internet claimed that they needed to see the “long form” birth certificate. Even after he provided that, people still tried to say it was forged.

Also—I do not recall ANY other president being forced to provide their birth certificate to the public. Did Lyndon Johnson or Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan ever have to submit their long form birth certificates to anyone?
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I thought they wanted healing and unity. This is a terrible way to go about it.
How I wish he had never become president. He accomplished nothing in 8 years. His arrogance and self importance are revolting. Why so many continued to be deceived by him is beyond me!!
seems this book will only cause more division.
Yes at 800 pages long. It’s a long book report
Who reads a 800 page book?
It’s all about nothing… It’s the food you feed mushrooms.
Mark Levin recommended not wasting your money on it. I have not read any of Obama’s books and don’t plan on reading this one. He is interested in his own legacy.
How I wish he had never become president. He accomplished nothing in 8 years. His arrogance and self importance are revolting. Why so many continued to be deceived by him is beyond me!!
I certainly wasn’t always a fan but I’ve never seen him as arrogant or having self importance. I generally haven’t thought that about any president, Democrat or Republican, before Trump. Guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder.
At the time, I was disgusted by his behavior, and his continued refusal to offer proof that he met the two very simple requirements listed in the U.S. Constitution. I felt that his response was disrespectful of our Constitution, and of the American people, who have a right to know that their President truly meets the two very basic and simple requirement set forth in the Constitution.

Eventually, he complied, but only after a huge fight. Donald Trump refused to back down, even in the face of constant ridicule and accusations that he was a racist. This is so ridiculous–he had every right to say, “Do you meet those two requirements in our U.S. Constitution?” Every other President has to prove it–why was Barack Obama above the law?
Actually, Obama’s short form birth certificate was available the whole time. But that was not good enough. I remember people all over the internet claimed that they needed to see the “long form” birth certificate. Even after he provided that, people still tried to say it was forged.

Also—I do not recall ANY other president being forced to provide their birth certificate to the public. Did Lyndon Johnson or Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan ever have to submit their long form birth certificates to anyone?
But his middle name was Hussein!

Seriously, though – why look for imaginary issues like this one when there were so many other reasons to find fault with his actions?
Honestly, McCain’s campaign was notable for not being racist. He was universally praised for immediately shutting down a supporter of his who was clearly racist. During the Romney campaign there was that infamous “Put the white back in the White House” t-shirt, but that was an isolated incident. I honestly cannot recall there being widespread allegations of racism. Therefore, I am not sure what Obama would have been condemning. If a handful of people claiming to be his supporters made allegations that McCain and Romney’s supporters were racist, that’s really not something that Obama has to get involved in. I do get it. Your posting history shows that you really don’t like Obama. That is fair enough, but please attack him on the issues rather than on invented controversies.
But instead of presenting his birth certificae, Barack Obama chose to make a huge issue out of this.
Yes, because the birther movement was blatantly racist and the people who created it and popularised it (such as Donald Trump) surely knew that there was no doubt that Obama was born in the United States. Obama presumably didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of kowtowing to their unreasonable demands.
Born in the United States.
It is actually by no means clear that the president has to have been born in the United States. The president has to be a “natural born citizen”, but there is ambiguity as to precisely what this means. It is widely held that a person who is a US citizen from birth is a natural born citizen even if they were born outside the United States. The question has never been settled because so far every president has been born in the US (with the exception of the 10 presidents who were born before the US existed, all of whom were born within territory that later became the US). If Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, had been successful in gaining the 2016 Republican nomination, he would almost certainly have been deemed a natural born citizen. All attempts to prove otherwise failed. The Illinois Board of Elections specifically ruled that he was a natural born citizen because his mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth.
Also—I do not recall ANY other president being forced to provide their birth certificate to the public. Did Lyndon Johnson or Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan ever have to submit their long form birth certificates to anyone ?
Few presidents, because the issue generally comes up while people are still running, either for the nomination or the office. Every candidate who was born outside of the parameters of being born in an area that was not a state when he was born, of two parents both of whom were citizens when he was born, has gone through this.

In fact, several others just in this century have had their status challenged–one of whom was John McCain, who ran against Obama in 2008.
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His most significant positive legacy is the ACA, and it is so paltry that it renders him an insignificant president, unless of course the country is full of racism. So, why not choose the latter - for a politician especially the choice comes naturally. Comes into office with a mandate, the House and the Senate, and produces something which reforms healthcare on a scale of one to ten, what… maybe a three, if you’re being generous? I figure he’s bitter about his own performance.
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