Obama says rise of Trump was racist reaction to 'having a black man in the White House', blasts President for birtherism and says the rot set into GOP

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Your posting history shows that you really don’t like Obama. That is fair enough, but please attack him on the issues rather than on invented controversies.
I did tell you my “real issue” with Obama in another thread (the HHS Contraceptive mandate), and you essentially mansplained to me why I should be submissive and not mind that my freedom of religion is being trampled.

You’re not from this county.
You’re not Catholic.
You literally have no dog in this fight.

. . . .
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I certainly wasn’t always a fan but I’ve never seen him as arrogant or having self importance. I generally haven’t thought that about any president, Democrat or Republican, before Trump. Guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder.
Are we talking about every president from 1789 onwards or just the ones within living memory? Assuming that we are talking about the ones within living memory, I would suggest Lyndon Johnson as a possible candidate for an arrogant and self-important president. However, Johnson was reportedly arrogant and self-important in his private interactions with colleagues; from what I remember, he didn’t come across as arrogant and self-important in public appearances.
I did tell you my “real issue” with Obama in another thread (the HHS Contraceptive mandate), and you essentially mansplained to me why I should be submissive and not mind that my freedom of religion is being trampled.
You cannot use the term “mansplain” every time a person who happens to be a man explains something. In fact I do not think that I was even explaining anything; I was merely giving my opinion.
You’re not from this county.
You’re not Catholic.
To be quite honest, if the attitudes that I am seeing on CAF were typical of Americans and typical of Catholics, I should probably be happier being neither. Thankfully, I am aware of the fact that what I am seeing on here is not typical of Americans or Catholics or even of American Catholics.
So it’s not your business.
When somebody makes unfounded allegations against an innocent person, I think that is my business, even if that person does not hold British or New Zealand citizenship. I hope that if somebody were to unfairly attack Boris Johnson or Jacinda Ardern you would do the same.
When somebody makes unfounded allegations against an innocent person,
I just told you why Obama is not an innocent person.
You are doubling down, even though you don’t live here or have to face our reality.

Have fun.
I’m done.
Our wonderful Pope as well as the American bishops support Joe! It’s a breath of fresh air to know that we’re going to have a president that has morals.
No, the Bishops and Pope did not accept abortion. What you said is very offensive.

I did not hear the Bishops speak about how Democrats support laws that result in aborting a third of African American unborn as being moral.

Joe Biden has been a big proponent for abortion in this country.

I will also note, your very first post here as a new member for some reason was aimed at me.

The left and abortion industry is seeking to steal this election from our wonderful president and his prolife values.

I believe Biden has been condemned by some. I don’t know all the details. He has been refused communion before.
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How I wish he had never become president. He accomplished nothing in 8 years. His arrogance and self importance are revolting. Why so many continued to be deceived by him is beyond me!!
I remember one black co-worker telling me, “That man is so fine! I could just sit and stare at him!”

In the U.S., how we look is important to a lot of people. I remember an Evangelical Christian women’s writer pointing out that “God looks at the heart, but man can’t see the heart, so we look at the outside and assume that the heart looks like the outside.”
Our wonderful Pope as well as the American bishops support Joe! It’s a breath of fresh air to know that we’re going to have a president that has morals.
They no doubt support the peaceful transition of power from one U.S. President to the next, and that’s fine.

They support the President-elect in prayer, and that’s something that the Bible tells us we should do.

They support policies of Joseph Biden that do not contradict Catholic teaching, although they hopefully recognize that many of these policies will result in much higher taxes that will hurt American families (not the rich), and will also duplicate services that are already being provided by faith-based and community-based organizations–this is subsidiarity, which is what the Catechism advocates.

But to support “Joe” when he has advocated abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy and wants to make the taxpayers pay for this sin–I seriously doubt that the Pope and the bishops would support this–if they did, I’m seriously distancing myself, and I suspect many other good Catholics would consider some type of protest.
Yes, because the birther movement was blatantly racist and the people who created it and popularised it (such as Donald Trump) surely knew that there was no doubt that Obama was born in the United States. Obama presumably didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of kowtowing to their unreasonable demands.
I suppose you think it’s seriously racist when U.S. companies ask black people (and white people and every other color of person!) for personal documents to prove that they are who they say they are and that they possess the qualification required for the job?

Donald Trump has worked with black people all his life, and invited several African Americans to serve on his Cabinet. The accusation of racism is ridiculous.
Yes, because the birther movement was blatantly racist and the people who created it and popularised it (such as Donald Trump) surely knew that there was no doubt that Obama was born in the United States.
Well, it was started by Hillary Clinton, but to be honest, I didn’t follow it because I found it to be irrelevant to my decision on who to vote for.
So, my question is, what comments were made that specifically mentioned race?
Donald Trump has worked with black people all his life, and invited several African Americans to serve on his Cabinet. The accusation of racism is ridiculous.
No. It’s far more despicable that ridiculous. It is a slander.
Besides, about HALF of Catholics SUPPORT a woman’s right to choose and it looks like the Church is gradually beginning to accept it too.
About half of Catholics? I’m not Catholic in communion with the pope, but I’ve always understood Catholic teaching to be derived From Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. I wasn’t aware majoritarianism was the fourth leg. Is this the Catholic version of personal interpretation?
SUPPORT a woman’s right to choose and it looks like the Church is gradually beginning to accept it too.
I find it hard to believe the Catholic Church is moving toward supporting the “right” of someone to execute a human being in the womb.
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Our Pope spoke to Joe, congratulated him and said he looks forward to working with him. I know which way the Pope leans politically and Joe and the Pope are going to do great things for the people!
You know?
The Holy Father talked to and congratulated the Vice President. Okay, but that wasn’t my question.
My question was when did Pope Francis say he supported him in the election?
If you check my last post, Barack Obama did in fact provide his birth certificate. In 2008 and then the long form in 2011.

Trump continued to tweet ridiculous conspiracies about it.

So it’s not that Obama refused.

It’s that his birth certificate was scrutinized, called fake etc.

Trump ended his birtherism during his 2016 campaign when he held a duo purpose press conference, to show off his hotel and then to state, “Barack Obama was born in the US , period.”
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I suppose you think it’s seriously racist when U.S. companies ask black people (and white people and every other color of person!) for personal documents to prove that they are who they say they are and that they possess the qualification required for the job?
First, this is not a fair comparison. When somebody applies for a job almost anywhere, they usually have to provide evidence of being legally allowed to work in that country, e.g. a passport, ID card, work permit, visa, etc. That is a standard procedure required of most people seeking most jobs in most countries. It is absolutely not the norm for a candidate for the US presidency to be subjected to a conspiracy theory claiming that they were actually Kenyan or Indonesian. Surely you cannot be naïve enough to believe that it was mere coincidence that Obama was the first African American to run for the presidency and he also just happened to be the first presidential candidate to be subjected to allegations that he was born in Africa.

Anyway, as you presumably know anyway, Obama did release his birth certificate as early as 12 June 2008:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

This should have been an end to the matter. It clearly states that Barack Hussein Obama was born in the city and county of Honolulu on the island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii at 7.24 p.m. on 4 August 1961 and that his mother was Stanley Ann Dunham, a US citizen.
Well, it was started by Hillary Clinton, but to be honest, I didn’t follow it because I found it to be irrelevant to my decision on who to vote for.
No, that was one of Trump’s lies:

So, my question is, what comments were made that specifically mentioned race?
Come on, you can’t see that the entire birther conspiracy was racist?
Who reads a 800 page book?
I do. But I like to read. Sometimes in languages that are not my first.

For those that don’t like to read, there are audio books from places such as Amazon’s Audible.
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