There is no need to have an expensive funeral. See about buying a wooden coffin from a religious order.
Yes, but if there’s one thing funeral directors know, it’s that many people don’t know about those laws.The laws in the US required transparency in funeral home pricing.
Unfortunately, the issue is not how affordable the casket is going to be. It is really the FIXED costs that are funeral homes are going to charge. No matter where one has a funeral, the out of pocket costs for a one day traditional service is about $4,500 - $5,000, which includes the cheapest casket of about $800-$1,000. There is no way around these costs that I can envision or even be negotiated because some person or family is poor. The same is true for the cemetery costs (i.e. open & close, vault liners, plot) involved. The Catholic cemetery charge the same FIXED costs that also go up approximately 5%-10% each year. Even when I said I would pay $11,400 upfront for a double burial with everything included, they discounted the price about $100. The refrain from the cemetery is that you can pay off the expense over four years at 0% interest. In other words, there are no price breaks as they know people die and need to be buried somewhere.Costco has inexpensive caskets.