OCD Discussions

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You often can see your own habits when someone else has the same ones, and wonder “whatever are they doing”?!
Yes 😂 I think that especially with scruples. I think that is part of the OCD curse. We give great advice we don’t take ourselves lol!
I think for me it’s more that I linger over subjects. I can stay on one topic for days!
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Yes! That is me, and I think it’s because I ruminate so I talk about the stuff I ruminate about.
I think for me it’s more that I linger over subjects. I can stay on one topic for days!
Yep, me too. I also ruminate on things. And I remember stuff like crazy…people will tell me the same story over and over and act like they don’t’ remember telling me…I can’t every forget 😦
I was talking with someone else on these chats that I also used to whisper conversation that was just said. privately of course! Now it’s out loud, but also privately!
I have the memory of the sages too I tell you! I remember I always felt afraid that people would think it was weird that I remembered insignificant details of conversations we’d had or things we’d done. I also think this is part of what makes confession so hard for me. I remember, I don’t want to say all, but I remember a huge amount of my sins in detail.
I do that too, but I do it to analyze. I always have this feeling that people don’t like me, or that I annoy people, so I go over our conversations to see hints that I bothered them or to reassure myself that I sounded “normal”.
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Yeah, and I do that to see how I sounded to the other person; cordial, abrupt, normal, loud enough, etc. And also remember what they said!
One thing is, about getting help or not, is that if you’re already not socially normal, like me, you’ve got nothing to lose by getting help. You’ll get the help, but other people aren’t phased!
No, what I meant was directed to another person; I’ll come out of a visit to a therapist, eg; and remember lines from both of us that are repeated out loud by me.
Well, she still thinks she can handle it on her own. I believe she also doesn’t want someone to stop her way of controlling her weight.
One priest long ago told me that scrupulosity was a spiritual disease. And he wasn’t kidding.
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I just try not to talk about religion with mine. Anything about scrupulosity is kept for a spiritual director; but since OCD often involves medicine use, I trust the therapist. and the different medicines have been working.
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