OCD Discussions

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If you have a car, you can find a parish where you don’t know the priest. You’ll start out strangers, but go to the same one, either for confession or spiritual direction.
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I have been thinking of doing this. I’ve even thought of going to visit my grandparents in Mexico and staying with them for about a year so I can receive direction from a priest there and then come back home when I’m better lol! I’m literally thinking of leaving the country for confession 😂
And that’s why it’s religious in nature. It’s just the “letter of the law” that matters. My concern now is to learn the “spirit of the law”, so that sinful rituals can be dropped. And the question “What would Jesus do”, can be answered both in prayer and in spiritual direction.
Man, it’s crazy just how many people on these forums are affected by OCD.

It can be a trial to overcome is for sure.
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I think I never grasped how bad it is till I learned that It’s more commond than diabetes. I used to work in a hospital, and I had a handful of patients with diabetes every day. If OCD is more commond than diabetes, that means that the thing is everywhere, maybe not to the same degree, but it has to be all over the place. Like I said, in my family alone two of my sisters and I have it. It’s so sad. It’s even more sad that such few people are informed on it since it is so common.
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Really? I had no idea it was more common than diabetes! Scary…

BTW, I have Religious OCD (but much, much better now, thankfully). And I agree that we need to stick together and support each other in what ways we can.


Stay strong, all.
Yes we should, and I’m happy to hear that you’re getting better AdiLila 😋!
Guys, so I know that making a general confession for someone with OCD is not advisable, but the thought that I have to make one because I fear for the validity of my previous confessions has been there for a good two months and has been taking all my peace. I do want to say that I tried to make one already, but looking back I see that I messed up. It was an extremelly painful experience, but I will do it again if I have to. What do you all think?
And it’s something-OCD- that can affect you more negatively than diabetes
when looking for this kind of forum, it was suggested by someone to go to “Catholic.com”. I have scruples too, and haven’t lately been seeing a spiritual director. Maybe the website knows this is for a lot of scrupulous people who need direction?
One of the ways of my knowing if it’s a sickness or a “lack of responsibility”, by saying I have mental illness is that medicine is prescribed, and it helps. With a lower dose of say Zoloft, there would be a difference, so I guess it is mental!
One thing that helps me see this as a sickness is based upon past ocds that aren’t around anymore. Like constant weighing, the diet and measuring the baked potatoes, etc. And ask, would God want me to pick up these habits again? the answer is no!
Jessica o/. What your saying does sound like a scrupulous “thread of logic” to me. I’ve done this many times lol. I would reccommend bringing that one up with your confessor at the next scheduled confession, and not seek reassurance here. All the best,
In Charity, Servant31
And no one can really relate to habits they don’t have, but another OCD person does. We can only relate to the common factor of trying to get everything “just right”.
Just a thought, but if your parish ever has “penance services”, sometimes they will suggest that the penitent just say their most important sins; these services are often short in length, but also have a choice of priests to confess to.
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