OCD Discussions

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I think constantly needing to be reassured or not being able to handle uncertainty is a key trait of OCD.
Repetitive type prayers don’t always help scruples. Getting better with the rosary, since it focuses on a part of Christ’s life, and i’m imagining the visit of the angel Gabrielle talking to Mary.
One thing that helps my sanity is to ask, “would it embarrass me if other people heard me repeat conversations out loud”? The answer’s a resounding yes!
A lot of people think they can solve eating disorders. and the thought of outside help maybe makes them think that the doctor will order them to gain weight. and it scares them
Hello John, how’s it going? What triggered this stuff for me was a lot of stress, sleep loss, and definitely guilt from past sins. Truthfully I think our society has worked to remove guilt and for me, not experiencing the guilt, remorse, regret, etc is one of the components of this. I think it keeps you in that place and not to move ahead. I think you have to experience it to heal. I can only speak for me but I definitely had a couple of years I’m not proud of. I think that’s a culture issue in the US. Forgiveness doesn’t seem to come naturally here. OneCardinal once said, the US is a culture which tolerates everything but forgives nothing, (I’m paraphrasing). I’ve always felt this. The good news is, I personally believe this, that God can help those whom you might have hurt or have hurt you. I think praying for those you have wronged can help them in ways we couldn’t understand. I’m guessing this is truein my life as I prayed quite a few rosaries for someone whom we sinned, and their life was really turned around. I dont know if that’s what did it but it seemed to be about that time… phew sorry that’s a long response.
I think this is relatively normal, at least for most introverts. Give people some credit though, most can handle a little idiosyncratic behavior!
I agree with you about not depending on “answers from the internet”. But like with a therapist who isn’t exactly in agreement with the Catholic faith, you read each other’s posts, and see what you agree with. Take from the posts what’s true Catholicism.
And a lot of people will say “don’t be so hard on yourself”, but it doesn’t always help?
It’s like the person who keeps asking someone, “do you like my new coat?”
They won’t believe any positive answer, until someone says “no”.
I’m finding out that it’s getting easier to know the impressions other people have of me. Is that the same for you?
What I meant in the previous post is that I often have trouble with making the sign of the cross, and staying on track with one prayer. I try to focus on one image of the prayer, as a mystery is being said.
I got that form of madness for a few years before being treated for a physical illness that was its real cause. I know the feeling of being in and out of it… would never go back if I could help it. I pray for you and your daughter, but know that every trial can be seen as a test and a gate that gets you closer to God. I know that I would not know nearly as much about the Lord without its influence. Just remember that the thoughts only masquerade as rational; it’s just your brain trying to ascribe meaning to raw fear.
Yes! My mom and sister-in-law tell me I like to beat myself up. I just think I deserve it though. Like, this is how it has to be with me.
No, I’m still there. I just try to stay out of people’s way most of the time nowadays though.
I feel the same way around . People will tell you to reach out to otjhers, and that’s good. But lot’s of the time you don’t feel welcomed. There are other ways to love and to give than to be in person
Exactly! Lately I’ve just been trying my best to enjoy my family. I’m trying to put all my energy into getting better and recovering the things this thing took from me.
My spritual director said that “praying for people is a form of love”. And a pastor i had maybe 30 yrs ago siad, “when you think you can do nothing, you can always pray”. Good advice from them both!
I’m looking, or hoping to find one soon. It’s so hard for me to open up to people and speaking to a priest who would actually know me is nerve wracking. I need to do it soon though.
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