Offensive drawing against Our Savior

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Hanging up in my classroom is a drawing of Jesus holding a gay flag dressed as a Minion from DespicableMe. I’ve been bothered by it for a while but now I feel like I cannot, in good faith, do nothing. Do I quietly destroy it as reparation, do I pray for forgiveness, what do I do?
I would pray and speak to my teacher, write to the head saying I find it offensive. I don’t know if tearing it up would be considered an act of vandalism? Hopefully, someone else will come along and answer.
Are you in a Public or Private school? Are you an employee? Or a student?

I wouldn’t just tear it down. As crazy as it might sound whomever drew it might honestly be curious about Christ, but got sucked in by the ‘Buddy Christ’ persona that’s passed around so much.

Instead, if you brought it to whatever authority and talked about who Christ is to Catholics, and why this is offensive (I’d say it’s offensive just with the Minion wear) to Catholics you might open up an opportunity. Because it’s been around so long I think many have a dismissive attitude towards Christianity in general. But if you point out that (most schools I think) wouldn’t tolerate a picture of Mohammed or Buddha dressed as a Minion holding a flag, and they shouldn’t Christ either, it might make some headway.
Pray, first of all. Pray.

You say it is in a classroom? There shouldn’t be any religious artwork of any kind, blasphemous or otherwise, in there. Take a picture that shows it up close and another that shows it in context (take a step back)

Show it to [dean’s office/principal] and tell them it is offensive (not just to you personally, but to all the faithful) and that it should be destroyed, not merely taken down.

Keep those pictures for a while, too.
You should not get in trouble if unnecessariy freind.Have a word with your teachers and the school authorities (Principal) immediately. Express your views as a Christian and as a Catholic of why it is wrong and why you and other Christians (not only Catholic Christians) find it hurtful and offensive. Would they put a similar depiciton of Muhammed up in your school? I’m guessing not, especially in today’s climate.

If this fails, and it is unlikely it would. You should probably involve the help of your parents or from an authority at your church such a priest or youth officer for guidance in this and state how is is disruptive to you, aswell as it’s offending nature.

You are clearly school age and I’m guessing a young person. Although we should not shirk from doing the right thing as Catholics, and I admire you wanting to stop it’s display, I don’t think you would solve anything by destroying this offensive image and thus get my yourself in trouble freind. 🙂

You need to change minds, and they (your school teachers or students) might just simply punish you, hang another image in its place. Show patience and peace, pray to for guidance from the Lord and pray a rosary for your school leaders in reparation.

God bless
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Destroying it will cause a backlash, and prove someone’s “point” about Christians being “intolerant.”

Pray for guidance, then bring up with the teacher and dean/principal and respectfully explain why you find it offensive. Document all emails, discussions, and the outcomes.

After that, if it’s not removed, take photographs and evidence to any sympathetic media outlets and have it publicized as hate speech, especially since it’s occurring during Advent.
First, if you are of school age I would talk to your parents about it.

You don’t say if your school is Catholic or secular. If it’s Catholic I would just go talk to the teacher, then principal and then the Bishop’s office if you get no headway with the principal. An email of the picture to Church Militant would help as well.

If it is a public school I would take a picture of it talk to the teacher, then principal as well. Again if I made no headway then call the Freedom From Religion Foundation and ask them to help you “get a picture of Jesus removed”. Use the atheists against the atheists…
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You don’t say if your school is Catholic or secular. If it’s Catholic I would just go talk to the teacher, then principal and then the Bishop’s office if you get no headway with the principal. An email of the picture to Church Militant would help as well.
The CM idea is brilliant!
If it is a public school I would take a picture of it talk to the teacher, then principal as well. Again if I made no headway then call the Freedom From Religion Foundation and ask them to help you “get a picture of Jesus removed”. Use the atheists against the atheists…
This is brilliant as well!
I am in a public, nonreligious school. Does it just need to be taken down or disposed of? Also I meant quietly get rid of it, not like in public or something.
I meant quietly get rid of it
I just think that if you secretly removed it (and privately burned it because it is blasphemous and should not merely be thrown away), even though it would be secret and quiet, you’re possibly going to have some kind of “investigation” or some other hullabaloo and the problem won’t go away.

If you’re willing to face the music possibly, then feel free. It may be a great opportunity to be a witness. But remain humble and bear wrongs against you with patience… again, only if you choose to remove it secretly but it ends up being revealed it was you, somehow. And don’t brag later that you removed it: not ever.
An email of the picture to Church Militant would help as well.
I thought about suggesting that you take it to the public via social media. I decided not to recommend it because I would prefer we all choose humility and charity first and I think going through official channels first is best.

No matter what, though, take many pictures.
I’d ignore it. I feel sorry for anyone mocking the Savior like that, just because they don’t know what they are doing. If anything, you should pity them.
First of all . . . . weird drawing. What’s the point of it? Second, don’t do anything underhanded or that would otherwise lead you to the confessional.

A number of CAFers get cynical about this, but playing the multiculturalism card could work to your advantage here. Explain to the teacher and principal that in a pluralistic society, your teacher needs to be respectful and tolerant of different beliefs in the classroom. In the same way you wouldn’t put up a Christmas tree or Muhammed-Minion to alienate the Muslim students, (and do use a word “alienate” or “stigmatize”; these days, people get offended by the word “offend” :roll_eyes:), s/he shouldn’t put up a Jesus-Minion to alienate the Christians. Focus your arguments on that weird Minion, not the rainbow flag.
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You are right that is horrendous and against the rights of religious freedom. You should not remove it without consulting the proper authority. I agree with the others, pray and then consult the school authority’s or whoever is in charge. Ask God for strength to stand up and do your Christian duty. I know you may feel like ripping it down or even quietly removing it, but in all likelihood no lesson will be learned and no one will even realise they have done wrong and no glory will be brought to God’s name. But if you complain about it and say that’s it’s offensive to Christians’ and must be removed then glory is brought to God’s name. If the school is reluctant or if you feel called to then yes get all these other agencies involved. This type of art must not be allowed to continue. You can always out it on social media if you like. I saw a video of a South African dad who did so of a school art exhibition which was anti Christian and removed his children from the school. I would post it, but it’s awful, it would make people weep, it did me. God bless you
It seems on closer inspection that it might be John The Baptist.
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But again, John the Baptist was a central figure in Christianity.

I’ll reiterate what I and others have said: don’t dispose of it yourself as that will backfire and make you, and other Christians by extension, look intolerant and bad. Address your concerns with the school administration, focusing on the “tolerance” aspect of it, and document all discussions, emails, etc. If the outcome isn’t satisfactory, blast that junk all over the press, Church Militant, social media, etc, pointing it out as intolerant hate speech.
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