Offensive drawing against Our Savior

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I don’t think the student is still in the school.
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The reason I was considering doing it myself was because it was more likely to not draw attention, especially if the teacher refused to take it down.
If I were a teacher and a student decided to take down another student’s project without talking to me about it, there would be discipline coming. We are not commanded to be “vigilantes for Jesus”. Speak with your teacher. Tell them that this is offensive to you as a Christian. Give your teacher the respect of your honesty.
A question I have is does it need to be disposed of in a special manner? I’ve heard of idols being burned but this isn’t an idol. It is blasphemy however, another reason I was considering taking it down myself was because I could then dispose of it in any manner required. Plenty of saints have committed such acts.
Thanks for the clarification. I thought that pink thing was some sort of animal (the colors are so odd), but now it seems more likely for it to be Jesus.
No, there is no special way to dispose of a color sheet you don’t like.

Is this worth a disciplinary action on your permanent record? Please, speak to your parents before you do anything.
Lol, that’s a way to put it. Don’t worry, I’m not doing anything rash or uncalled for. I mostly made the topic so I could figure out the right decision.

Also I already did tell my parents.
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Ok, I will request that it be taken down still. It makes me very uncomfortable. Thanks for the feedback!
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Yes, I think if it is genuinely troubling you, you should arrange to discuss it with the teacher responsible and ideally the student who created it. You may all learn something from the experience. School should be somewhere where you feel safe. On the other hand, school should also be somewhere where you allow your beliefs to be challenged. Discussion is the best way forward.
OP, the tape holding that picture up looks very old. In the event it loses its stickiness and the picture drifts down to the floor below, you’ll want to be careful not to step on it, especially during this time of year. It would be a real shame for that picture to be found face-up on the floor with a muddy/snowy bootprint on it. I can’t imagine anyone would want to display it in such a horrific state.
I can’t see anything that tells us this person in the drawing is Jesus or anyone else from the bible. It may be just a picture of his father or someone else. I would try to find out what it was and/or just ignore it unless u find out it is supposed to be Jesus.
I think I read earlier in the thread that this is a public school?

If that’s the case, and assuming the artwork was produced by another student, I would try to understand where this student is coming from. Can you talk to the student who created it?

If the student is gay, it is very likely he or she has an issue with Christianity. There has been a history of Christians singling out gay behavior as especially sinful, and gay people have been harassed mercilessly. The art may be an the product of some event in the student’s life. Maybe you can befriend this student, show him or her that there are Christians who do not fit the stereotypical, intolerant Bible-thumper. At some point, maybe you could explain why this image is hurtful to you. It could be an encounter of understanding.

Whatever the case, you do not have the right to destroy something that offends you. You are going to come across a lot of things in this world that offend your faith. How would Jesus respond?
I don’t think the student is any longer at the school. Jesus did flip over the tables in the temple on one hand. On the other, he did say blasphemy against The Son was forgivable, so it’s hard to say what Jesus would do. What about the many many saints who have done very similar things. And what rights do you speak of? There’s a point at which Christian’s should not be tolerant to the world. I’m not saying that point is here, and I’m not referring to people who are homosexual, nor do I intend to rid of it myself. But I do think there is a case for intolerance.
Jesus did flip over the tables in the temple on one hand.
Jesus was and is God incarnate. He had all of the authority in heaven and earth.

You and I, we are not God, we do not have that level of authority
I don’t think Jesus was too concerned with “vandalism” when he cleansed the temple.
But God did give the Israelites authority to destroy idols. God has given his people authority to establish what is holy and destroy evil.
Would you cite me the Catechism where we are given authority to destroy art that we do not like?
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