Offensive drawing against Our Savior

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There’s no question about it: that drawing is a parody/mockery of John the Baptist. See an example painting below. You can do a Google image search of “John the Baptist” and see many similar examples.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The “artist” seems to have forgotten that John the Baptist had no problem publicly denouncing invalid “marriages.”

St. John the Baptist, pray for us.
Edit, I was wrong again lol
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Seriously? You’re encouraging this person to commit an act of vandalism, and over a childish drawing?
Asking the teacher to take it down is the best thing I can think to do. If that doesn’t work, the school board. Then, the superintendent of the school district. Start low, go higher if needed to keep it as contained as it can be.
Perhaps it is simply a Minion with a beard?
Oh come oooon.

It clearly looks like it’s supposed to be Jesus with a rainbow flag, however, I agree with suggestions to find out for sure first.

Ask another teacher if they know what the pictures is supposed to represent, or the student/pupil, if you know who it is that drew it. Not like an inquisition, just curiosity. Then once we know for sure, we can go from there.

May I ask what country this is in by the way, out of curiosity?
Please… First, we don’t know that it’s blasphemy. We have no idea what the “artist” intended. Frankly, none of this is making sense. The OP provided very little background.

Also, blasphemy is not justification for criminal behavior. Most likely the OP is not living in a Christian theocracy.

One person’s blasphemy is another person’s protected free speech.
One person’s blasphemy is another person’s protected free speech.
Fair and true. But when someone threatens to burn a Koran, or hosts a “draw Mohammed” event (blasphemous to Muslims) we are told it’s “hate speech.” When someone mocks the LGBTQetc community, it’s “hate speech.” Same thing when someone draws a caricature of a Jews. I’m not justifying any of the above, but “tolerance and respect” is a two way street. If the drawing is offensive and mocks OPs faith, it should come down.
Protected from the government, not private individuals. I personally would tear down that terrible picture and set it alight.
Vandalism is not the answer.

There is a wonderful theater play, “Sister Mary Ignatius explains it all for you”. It is a scathing criticism of Catholic teachings and schools run by nuns. About 30% of the audience left in the intermission, but no one started any disruptive behavior. As the old saying goes, they “voted with their feet”.
Protected from the government, not private individuals. I personally would tear down that terrible picture and set it alight.
Why? If he does that: 1) he’s probably breaking the law, or at a bare minimum, school policy, and will get in trouble. 2) it’ll just feed into the narrative of “muh oppression by mean intolerant Christians” which will cause further distrust & dislike of Catholicism. Instead, fight the lefties with their own book: say it’s offensive to your beliefs and culture (true), then say it’s hate speech and talk about how you’ve tried to be “tolerant to others” and all you want is the same courtesy. If the school doesn’t take it down, take the issue to the county/city school board and get newspapers, churches, etc involved.
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