Before I forget: don’t do anything anywhere that you don’t want to see emblazoned on TV as a teaser for the next news show. 1984 is here, all around us; concealed cameras are in all kinds of places!
What was the age, mental capacity, general attitude and likely motivation of the “artist” whose work has been posted? One reason I ask is that the use of only the first name, and in such large letters, is more often the work of a younger child, not a teenager, in my experience, or someone who lacks the maturity of an older teenager. (Although not an art major, I did teach art, among other courses, for two years in a public school and three years in a Catholic school.)
Was this a 30- or 40-minute class assignment to draw a picture based upon a coloring book page (or whatever the last image is)? Or did the student spend a long time at home on this project, which was of his own choosing?
I’ve read many of your posts, and I believe that your heart (not the beating heart inside your chest) is where it will do you, others, and the faith the most good. But, I also believe that in this case, in your desire to both protect and promote Catholicism, specifically, and Christianity, in general, you’ve maybe over-reacted.
Notice the goggles and chest insignia. Is there also a gas mask trailing over the subject’s right shoulder? Until I saw the last image, the black-and-white drawing, I thought it looked more like a bored kid had drawn a comic book figure planting a gay flag, united with the cross, on Mars.
I’d let it go, Chistian-ity, and say a short prayer or ejaculation when entering the room. I think that any conversation that might result from your expressing disapproval would backfire on you. Best wishes to you in whatever you decide to do.