OK, I Am Confused. Do Mormons Believe In The Trinity?

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mormonboy, LDS use many terms and phrases that have been redefined to mean
something other than their Christian origins.
  • Families can be eternal - all who live with God live eternally. As one family with God. mormon “sealing” is not necessary, or valid
    -We can live with God in heaven - THE GOD IN THE HEAVEN, not a god in a heaven
    -there is a hell - I think Mormons are still out on this one.
    -We lived premortally with God - only a Mormon belief
    -We believe in Jesus Christ - WHO HE IS, can be discussed in light of mormon error in this matter
    -Obedience pleases God - agreed
    -The Bible - As the FINAL Revelation of GOD, also can discussed in light of mormon error
    -Christ was resurrected -agreed
    -By God’s grace we can reach heaven - Mormons do not understand “grace”.
    -Free will - agreed
Nothing gets through your thick head that you don’t want to believe. I was stating common similaarities, that wasn’t to say we believe it the exact same way. I know all other Christian denomonations don’t even see eye to eye as you make it sound.

Nothing gets through your thick head that you don’t want to believe. I was stating common similaarities, that wasn’t to say we believe it the exact same way. I know all other Christian denomonations don’t even see eye to eye as you make it sound.

You attempt to make Mormonism look like something it is not. It is a form of deception. You try to insult me as a way to silence me. Not going to work.

Christians are in agreement on everything you listed. You can ask. You will find that the nature of God is the heart of Christian faith. All of us agree, Who God IS. Mormons have put themselves outside of Christianity, yet, try to deceive Christians into believing otherwise. You even go on missions teaching “Jesus Christ”, to Christians. Nothing in that idea rings a bell that says, “Christians already know Christ”? What then, are you teaching?
=Scriptorian;5062883]Tell you what, let’s take a look:
First of all, the Sadducees who proposed the question did not believe in the resurrection. They were probably trying to trick Jesus into saying something about how the wife will belong to the first or the last husband “in the resurrection.” They weren’t asking about things “in heaven” by the way. Notice that the question was not “if any would have her” but “whose would she be.” Jesus astounded them by saying that “in the resurrection, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Then he basically closed the door on Sadducee beliefs altogether by saying that God is the God of the living and not the dead. In other words, there is a resurrection.
after the resurrection we shall be in heaven so if there is no marring in the resurrection there is no marriage in heaven.
Mormons have a scripture that clarifies this issue:
Here is my theory. When you are resurrected, you are given a body. That body can never again be changed and will remain in that same state forever and ever. If the marriage question is not decided by that time, then you get a body that cannot procreate–which is one of the primary reasons for marriage in eternity.
don’t count as I do not give the BOM or the D&C no any other of the Mormon writings any more credence than I would the Koran or the writing of the gurus in India
Greatness and glory is not the same and the mysterious and the nonsensical.

There is plenty about God that falls into the incomprehensibility category that we don’t need to make up stuff to fill that void. Human beings have no concept of the infinite and so much about God is infinite. We cannot comprehend that. God is perfection. We can’t comprehend that. God is omniscient. We can’t comprehend that either. But just because we don’t buy into the hooplah that God is one substance but three persons, doesn’t mean we diminish God.

It is not a matter of underestimating God on our part. It is underestimating his children on your part that’s the problem.
So you can pick and choose what part of God fits into the ‘incomprehensibility’ factor? If all that you mentioned falls into that category why can’t the Trinity?
That wasn’t the point of my post. We were discussing the difference in understanding between heaven and hell. I, as an LDs, cannot find any reason as to why there would only be a heaven and a hell. Does God just draw a line and say this half goes to hell and this to heaven? It seems unjust for we all committ sin of different degrees.
There is a place-purgatory. But that is a discussion for another thread.
So you can pick and choose what part of God fits into the ‘incomprehensibility’ factor? If all that you mentioned falls into that category why can’t the Trinity?
I didn’t choose for God to be perfect and infinite. Your church did choose for him to be one substance with three persons.
I didn’t choose for God to be perfect and infinite. Your church did choose for him to be one substance with three persons.
This was not the Church this was from God. You shall worship no gods before me. I AM there are non but me. In giving Jesus and the Holy Ghost completely separate beings you have created other gods and set them equal to I AM.
I figured you would have had the common sense to figure I was saying no

, brother. No offense but you had more than enough evidence to draw from to get my answer.What else do you need to know which is the true Church of Christ?
I think the real Mormon answer is yes, because all you have is faith. No history, reason, or science.
I think the real Mormon answer is yes, because all you have is faith. No history, reason, or science.
What do catholics have? I think that catholics only have faith also. And the protestants too. I see no religious faith living on evidence that god exists.
What do catholics have? I think that catholics only have faith also. And the protestants too. I see no religious faith living on evidence that god exists.
Focus…the subject is ‘the true Church of Christ’ not whether God exists

Focus……The Catholic Church has science, history, and reason. Mormonisn has none of it.
What do catholics have? I think that catholics only have faith also. And the protestants too. I see no religious faith living on evidence that god exists.
I exist, therefore, God exists.
Hundreds is an understatement… Try thousands. If I recall, the Catholic tradition is based on the word of one man, Peter…
come on thats weak Every one know what Jesus said to Peter ? Now is that true or not? Even after Peter failed the LORD he didnt get fired and someone else appointed the leader even Juduas was appointed by the LORD so men in high places have been failing since the begining ,What say mercy grace ! John 3-17
I didn’t choose for God to be perfect and infinite. Your church did choose for him to be one substance with three persons.
We didn’t choose God’s nature at all!!! God was one God with three persons long before anyone could even begin to understand the notion of the Trinity. 👍
Focus…the subject is ‘the true Church of Christ’ not whether God exists

Focus……The Catholic Church has science, history, and reason. Mormonisn has none of it.

What science, history or reason does Catholicism have to prove that it is the "true’ Christian church? What science proves that anything you believe to be true IS true?

You realize that everything hangs upon whether God Is…and you yourself have just mentioned that science cannot prove that. If Science cannot prove that, it absolutely cannot prove anything that depends upon that to exist, can it?

Or to take this backwards: if science can prove that…say…the shroud of Turin is real…then it has just proven that God Is.

Or if science can prove that anything about Catholic miracles is divinely caused, then it has proven God to Be.

You have history. So do we. There was a time when all YOU had was a hundred and fifty years of history, too—and Egypt with all their gods and their religion lasted considerably longer than Catholicism has. Did that long history prove THEM to be ‘true?’

I’ll admit that your statement leaves me a little flurmuggled.

Science is an important, even vital, part of life. However, it is limited to dealing with things we can see, touch, taste, smell and hear. It cannot deal with things of the spirit. Science deals with the ‘how,’ and the ‘what…’ but cannot touch the ‘why’ in any way, except in the matter of ‘cause/effect,’ and that’s “how” and about the process, not about the reason

The reason is the purview of religion. The reason is God…and proof of God is spiritual proof. God may be seen in the rainbow, but cannot be PROVEN by one!

Catholics understand, I know, that we are both body and spirit; science is that which we access by the body–and those things of God are accessed by the spirit.


What science, history or reason does Catholicism have to prove that it is the "true’ Christian church? What science proves that anything you believe to be true IS true?

You realize that everything hangs upon whether God Is…and you yourself have just mentioned that science cannot prove that. If Science cannot prove that, it absolutely cannot prove anything that depends upon that to exist, can it?

Or to take this backwards: if science can prove that…say…the shroud of Turin is real…then it has just proven that God Is.

Or if science can prove that anything about Catholic miracles is divinely caused, then it has proven God to Be.

You have history. So do we. There was a time when all YOU had was a hundred and fifty years of history, too—and Egypt with all their gods and their religion lasted considerably longer than Catholicism has. Did that long history prove THEM to be ‘true?’

I’ll admit that your statement leaves me a little flurmuggled.

Science is an important, even vital, part of life. However, it is limited to dealing with things we can see, touch, taste, smell and hear. It cannot deal with things of the spirit. Science deals with the ‘how,’ and the ‘what…’ but cannot touch the ‘why’ in any way, except in the matter of ‘cause/effect,’ and that’s “how” and about the process, not about the reason

The reason is the purview of religion. The reason is God…and proof of God is spiritual proof. God may be seen in the rainbow, but cannot be PROVEN by one!

Catholics understand, I know, that we are both body and spirit; science is that which we access by the body–and those things of God are accessed by the spirit.

Focus…the subject is **‘the true Church of Christ’ **not whether God exists

Focus……The Catholic Church has science, history, and reason. Mormonisn has none of it.
Focus…the subject is **‘the true Church of Christ’ **not whether God exists

Focus……The Catholic Church has science, history, and reason. Mormonisn has none of it.
Your appeals to “science, history, and reason” give you a good basis for living your life. Mormonism is founded on the principles expressed by Paul in 1 Cor 2:4-14. But you get to “have it your way.”

May everyone reading this have a happy and blessed Easter. You included, Stephen.
Your appeals to “science, history, and reason” give you a good basis for living your life. Mormonism is founded on the principles expressed by Paul in 1 Cor 2:4-14. But you get to “have it your way.”
Focus…the subject is ‘**the true Church of Christ’ **not whether God exists or the basis by one lives their life.

Footnotes: The Catholic Church decided to include Paul’s letters in the New Testament
The first two hospitals in my county were started by Catholic organizations
come on thats weak Every one know what Jesus said to Peter ? Now is that true or not? Even after Peter failed the LORD he didnt get fired and someone else appointed the leader even Juduas was appointed by the LORD so men in high places have been failing since the begining ,What say mercy grace ! John 3-17
Who succeeded Peter and where is record of it? How is that weak?
I think the real Mormon answer is yes, because all you have is faith. No history, reason, or science.
Let’s play jeopardy… What is… The Book of Mormon. That is plenty of history. Our church is the only faith that is based on the same organization as Jesus Christ established it. Based on prophets and apostles. The church was uniform in the middle east as so it was in the Americas. You saying the LDS has no history makes no sense, we have the Bible and BOM…

Ephesians 11:11-13

11 And he agave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Focus…the subject is ‘**the true Church of Christ’ **not whether God exists or the basis by one lives their life.

Note to Stephen: I have come to see how unorganized the Catholic religion is. Most Catholics I have talked to have said there is not true church of Christ and that the church is inside your heart… Explain that please.
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