OK, I Am Confused. Do Mormons Believe In The Trinity?

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Heresy - An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially one that is officially condemned by a religious authority.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts.- Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
Yes, manipulating history and science to distort the truth is heresy. You can take your science and history and I will take mine, and we will see who was deceived at the last day.
It is only heresy in the Mormon Church because the objective truth of history and science show it not to be what it claims to be. It is not my science or your science; it is the truth of the physical world. The objective truth is the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham are not what Joseph Smith claimed them to be, which makes Smith himself not what he claimed to be. Science and history are making this clearer and clearer.
All the Mormon Church has left is faith in itself. History, Reason, and Science are against it.
I’m just surprised that someone with such a know-it-all condescending tone in almost every post would think that a major character from the Book of Acts was a woman. I have heard that Mormons did not know the Bible very well but that was surprising to me.
Around these parts, one would have to wonder at the convention of people named “Benedict/a”. 🙂
Heresy - An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially one that is officially condemned by a religious authority.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts.- Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

It is only heresy in the Mormon Church because the objective truth of history and science show it not to be what it claims to be. It is not my science or your science; it is the truth of the physical world. The objective truth is the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham are not what Joseph Smith claimed them to be, which makes Smith himself not what he claimed to be. Science and history are making this clearer and clearer.
All the Mormon Church has left is faith in itself. History, Reason, and Science are against it.
That is why the church is one of the fastest growing churches huh? Answered prayers cancel out all opposition.

2 things I learned from Stephen: He loves science and objective truths
That is why the church is one of the fastest growing churches huh? Answered prayers cancel out all opposition.
This is a fallacy of some sorts, that makes no sense to anyone but Mormons.

SDA are growing faster than Mormons, by a long shot. Maybe you should switch to the “truth” they have to offer.
2 things I learned from Stephen: He loves science and objective truths
One thing we know about all Mormons, you believe, therefore it is a fact.
That is why the church is one of the fastest growing churches huh? Answered prayers cancel out all opposition.

2 things I learned from Stephen: He loves science and objective truths
ah yes the myth of “fastest growing church” which isn’t relevant to begin with. Guess that means the SDA’s or Assembly of God has it right…Islam? please…
ah yes the myth of “fastest growing church” which isn’t relevant to begin with. Guess that means the SDA’s or Assembly of God has it right…Islam? please…
What is mythical about a growth of over 13 million under 200 years?
What is mythical about a growth of over 13 million under 200 years?
The myth is that 13 million people means the Mormon Church is the true Church of Christ. We know from science and history it is not.
History and science support the Catholic Church as the true Church of Christ whether it has a billion people or not.
The myth is that 13 million people means the Mormon Church is the true Church of Christ. We know from science and history it is not.
History and science support the Catholic Church as the true Church of Christ whether it has a billion people or not.
I don’t recall reading any post that stated that myth but okay…:confused: I have never even heard that one before.
What is mythical about a growth of over 13 million under 200 years?
When you appeal to people with earthly situations, marriage, family, etc, especially those who have not heard any other teachings about Christ, God, Heaven, etc. it is easy to lead them to believe LDS teachings. They are equating earthly feelings with faith. Since we are earthly we only have earthly feelings. Humans do not have the capacity to understand what will happen in Heaven, we can speculate but never truly understand until we are there. Just because it is easy to have people confuse emotions with faith and join a church does not make it the true church.
When you appeal to people with earthly situations, marriage, family, etc, especially those who have not heard any other teachings about Christ, God, Heaven, etc. it is easy to lead them to believe LDS teachings. They are equating earthly feelings with faith. Since we are earthly we only have earthly feelings. Humans do not have the capacity to understand what will happen in Heaven, we can speculate but never truly understand until we are there. Just because it is easy to have people confuse emotions with faith and join a church does not make it the true church.
Just because the Catholic church is the longest existing church doesn’t mean it is correct either. i have heard lots about how science and history proves everything. I don’t recall the Catholic church having the best track record. Just because a church has histor doesn’t necessarily make it correct. What scientific evidence makes the Catholic church the true one?
Just because the Catholic church is the longest existing church doesn’t mean it is correct either. i have heard lots about how science and history proves everything. I don’t recall the Catholic church having the best track record. Just because a church has histor doesn’t necessarily make it correct. What scientific evidence makes the Catholic church the true one?
I’m not sure what you mean ‘the true one’; it seems vague to me. If you mean the true Church started by Jesus Christ, then yes it is a historical fact the Catholic Church was started by Christ. The Catholic Church can trace its history continuously back to Christ. There is no science that has shown the Catholic Church not to be the Church started by Christ himself.
Just because the Catholic church is the longest existing church doesn’t mean it is correct either. i have heard lots about how science and history proves everything. I don’t recall the Catholic church having the best track record. Just because a church has histor doesn’t necessarily make it correct. What scientific evidence makes the Catholic church the true one?
It’s not that the Catholic Church is “old” that makes it true; it’s that we are the first, we have endured, and the fact that we still exist proves by itself that Mormonism is false.

Science will not prove the Church, it supports the Church. Archeological sites from our Bible, ancient texts from our Church fathers, the logic of our theology fits in with the scientific discoveries about the way the world works.

We do not have all of the answers, but we have the most truth of any faith system out there. In addition, we commune with the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ at every Mass, both spiritually and physically. No other religion can validly say that, because Jesus promised it to the Catholic Church alone. That is what makes Catholicism the One True Faith.
We do not have all of the answers, but we have the most truth of any faith system out there. In addition, we commune with the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ at every Mass, both spiritually and physically. No other religion can validly say that, because Jesus promised it to the Catholic Church alone. That is what makes Catholicism the One True Faith.
Very well said!!
Just because the Catholic church is the longest existing church doesn’t mean it is correct either. i have heard lots about how science and history proves everything. I don’t recall the Catholic church having the best track record. Just because a church has histor doesn’t necessarily make it correct. What scientific evidence makes the Catholic church the true one?
No, the Catholic Church does not have a spotless track record, but neither do any religions. The teachings of the Catholic Church are perfect, people who carry out these teachings are NOT perfect. As I stated we are earthly and prone to earthly desires. I truly believe that any ‘scientific evidence’ I would provide would not be accepted. Probably to the same extent I would not believe any scientific evidence you provide to prove the LDS religion true. As I have stated before, I was LDS for many years and I equate the LDS religion closer to a cult. Instead of a loving response from the LDS family and friends I had when I converted to Catholocism I was treated with disdain and hate. IF they belong to the TRUE church shouldn’t they have showed me love and Christly behavior hoping that I would ‘see the light’ and come back? I do not hate the LDS or those in it, I do, however, approach them like I’m approaching a chained dog I have never met before–cautiously.
Just because the Catholic church is the longest existing church doesn’t mean it is correct either. i have heard lots about how science and history proves everything. I don’t recall the Catholic church having the best track record. Just because a church has histor doesn’t necessarily make it correct. What scientific evidence makes the Catholic church the true one?
Thank you for your question!

I can’t state that I know of any “scientific” evidence, but it continues to be difficult to ignore, why does one group of faith and another (lung) continually have all these miracles, or matters that are not explained by science, why is there a disproportionate number for us scientist to prove?

Maybe my Lord is trying to say something? Why don’t these items appear time and again except with this one Church?

Before thinking of the comeback, as I see you are a recent prolific daily poster, why does this one group have seemingly “all the luck”? I won’t go into the events at Lourdes, Fatima, Lanciano Italy and the number of untold Eucharistic miracles today. One can Google these events as I do not want to loose my point.

I guess you and others want to say it is your interpretation of your scripture that matters as one is free to choose. Great, but to my point, while there is no scientific evidence and since I am a “Bayesian”, i.e. one who ascribes to Bayes theorem, why do all these things all happen with this one group? There may be more evidence there than you think?
What is mythical about a growth of over 13 million under 200 years?
as compared to what?

during its first 200 years Islam’s growth dwarfed that!
but let’s look at apples to apples and compare other US religions founded during that genreal time period and see how they did:

assemblies of God didn’t get started until 1901 (Topeka, KS) and has 60Million members worldwide

a closer example would be Seventh Day Adventists who got started in 1863 and also claimed to be led by prophecy and now has 16 million members

why the church of Scientology (which didn’t get started until 1952) claims 8 million members worldwide!

Had Brigham Young not been able to basically found his own nation in a remote location and inculcate an entire generation of people into a culture that he ruled absolutely, Mormons would be no more prevalent than Shakers. even with that their only real growth is through birth these days and that appears to be losing ground to those who resign or just “quit”.

I fail to see how mormon membership numbers have any bearing at all on it’s “truth”.
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