To the OP, I would say that even though you are correct that we cannot alter the Bible and this quote from Jesus, it is an equal and opposite hazard to read the Bible and Jesus’ statement as though it were in a vacuum and as though He never spoke words that were to be understood in context of the culture in which He was living.
Jesus lived in a culture where the absolute norm and expectation was that a person would be irrevocably attached to the family, tending to the family fields or business, putting the physical well-being of the family
far above any other goal in life other than obeying the Torah–and since that appeared to reinforce this family attitude, the two were seen as inseparably bound. Family was so sacred in the mind of the Jewish culture that to detach from it for any reason, even if it was for the noble reason of being able to spread one’s love, time, and resources among all people equally, would have been seen as a terrible offense, at least emotionally and in principle, against the family.
When an itinerant preacher, Jesus, came along preaching that a true disciple must be willing to
leave family and attachments thereto behind, when He preached that one’s duty to the poor and the spiritually dead was just as important as one’s duty to blood relatives, that would have sounded abhorrent to the traditional mindset. Surely, they would have thought, there is no obligation to people even
nearly as powerful as that to one’s family! To demote one’s family from a nigh exclusive status in one’s material and emotional concern would have truly seemed to require an incredible lack of love due to the family; to the Jewish mind, to lack that much attachment to your family
would have to be hatred, and in fact Jesus’ admonition that people ought to practice that detachment was not something they would have taken lightly…and Jesus would seem to be speaking to the Jews frankly in their own “language” and “perception” so to speak. Since they would have considered detachment from your family to
be hatred, Jesus is telling them that’s exactly what they must do. No words need to be put into or taken out of Jesus’ mouth in order for that to be the meaning, nor would He have had to put qualifiers on it for people of the time to know what He meant. Using any softer language, in fact, would have failed to get the full point across, since anyone in such a culture wouldn’t have interpreted anything less than “hatred” as a command to sever your attachments to family.
The background on how Ancient Israel viewed family obligations and would have viewed Jesus’ commands is something I learned in College; I do not remember what book we were using in that class, but I imagine that this attitude toward family life among Ancient Israel is pretty common knowledge in the academic world, and it certainly fits with every conception I–and likely you or anyone else reading this thread–have ever heard as to what Ancient Israelite culture was like (unbelievably strong focus on the family, etc.). Again, one need not imagine that Jesus meant to say anything other than what He
did say in order to arrive at this conclusion. In fact, if this explanation is as sound as it seems to me, Jesus would have chosen those exact words quite
deliberately to drive His point home.
I find this to be sound and satisfactory, and in no way does it seem to me to alter or play with Jesus’ words; I see no problem with this explanation, and I see nothing about it that subverts the authority of Jesus’ words nor that calls into question whether or not He said those words as recorded in scripture. In short, it answers for me all the challenges you assert, and I’m happy with that. If it doesn’t for you, or if you feel it doesn’t address the issue, it will probably be safe to say we disagree about that…but may you find an answer that you find equally satisfactory.
Blessings in Christ,