Okay Catholics, time to play “Hard Ball!”

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The following is a question that I find Christians understandably avoiding, but I am more than merely curious about the Catholic response. I need a Catholic answer…

Does the Pope, do the Cardinals, the Bishops, and all others purporting to be disciples of Jesus within the Church hate their families and their own lives?

Is this a prerequisite, requirement of office and discipleship maintained throughout Catholicism? By what means is it verified?

If not, by what cause of belief are these people to be followed and where can I find a disciple of Jesus?
The answer to your question is very simple, and very conclusive.

There is a group of people, the Apostles, who learned the Catholic faith directly and without error or misunderstanding from God (Jesus Christ, followed by the Holy Spirit. So, do we have any evidence, that any Apostle, or any Early Church Father taught by an Apostle, claimed that we must actually and literally hate our family members or our own lives?

The answer to your question is found in the answer to my question.
Thank you KindredSoul for that very well considered, thoughtful, and wise response. :clapping:
I appreciate your accolades. 🙂
Thus, he really did mean if any of THOSE people felt that they did not seriously hate their families, then they would not make the journey and need not bother to try.
Much like breaking an addiction, one must at times come to loathe everything about their lives and give into death before they can be free to accept the simple water of life.
Yes, I do indeed believe you have correctly paraphrased what I am suggesting. 👍 It is important to observe the probability that, after breaking the attachments to their families and transforming their world view (but only after, thus the strong wording was still necessary) many might have realized “Well, this isn’t exactly hatred after all,” but until they were first willing, for the sake of following the Gospel, to commit what they thought to be hatred, as you rightly observe, they would not have been able to even consider doing what Jesus preached.
But now as to how much this is really the case in the Church is still on the table.
Well, it is a little known fact that, although the Church has infallibly declared the books of the Catholic Bible to be Canon, the Church hasn’t actually infallibly interpreted the entire thing verse by verse. There is a list of those verses that the Church has interpreted infallibly, and as a word document it is no more than two pages long.

Otherwise, the Church has given us the Bible, alongside Her teachings, and we are simply to read the Bible in a way that does not conflict with what we know–through the Church–to be true. How exactly we do that, except for with the list of officially interpreted scriptures–is completely up to us. As long as we do not fall into heresy (or, of course, dishonesty), we have much more freedom interpretting the Bible than non-Catholics tend to imagine. The scripture in question is not one of those infallibly interpreted verses, so as long as one doesn’t contradict Catholicism (as I have not with my explanation, to my knowledge) one may understand it in whatever way one sees fit. In other words, there probably is no official definition of what is “really the case with the Church” with this specific verse, so I have no fear of unhappy contradictions or conundrums regarding the issue.
Thank you each and all for allowing me to offer such a challenge, (foul balls forgiven 😉 )
You’re most welcome. 🙂
{{now for the ice cream}}
And now I find myself craving a Snicker’s Ice Cream bar, which I currently do not have. Thank you…thank you for that. 😃

Blessings in Christ,

P.S. I have the list of those Infallibly Interpreted scriptures saved on my computer (I got it from the internet before even being confirmed two years ago), but the link is outdated and no longer works. I cannot find it online anymore either. If anyone should be interested, I can send them those scriptures in a PM upon request.
Otherwise, the Church has given us the Bible, alongside Her teachings, and we are simply to read the Bible in a way that does not conflict with what we know–through the Church–to be true. How exactly we do that, except for with the list of officially interpreted scriptures–is completely up to us. As long as we do not fall into heresy (or, of course, dishonesty), we have much more freedom interpretting the Bible than non-Catholics tend to imagine. The scripture in question is not one of those infallibly interpreted verses, so as long as one doesn’t contradict Catholicism (as I have not with my explanation, to my knowledge) one may understand it in whatever way one sees fit. In other words, there probably is no official definition of what is “really the case with the Church” with this specific verse, so I have no fear of unhappy contradictions or conundrums regarding the issue.
Within this, you unwittingly cast a even less known very dark light upon the Church (but still related to the OP) - an even more concerning question and situation involving all of Mankind. But that is of a different game on a different day.
P.S. I have the list of those Infallibly Interpreted scriptures saved on my computer (I got it from the internet before even being confirmed two years ago), but the link is outdated and no longer works. I cannot find it online anymore either. If anyone should be interested, I can send them those scriptures in a PM upon request.
Yes, I certainly would like that if you would be so inclined. Thank you. 😃
The answer to your question is very simple, and very conclusive.

There is a group of people, the Apostles, who learned the Catholic faith directly and without error or misunderstanding from God (Jesus Christ, followed by the Holy Spirit. So, do we have any evidence, that any Apostle, or any Early Church Father taught by an Apostle, claimed that we must actually and literally hate our family members or our own lives?

The answer to your question is found in the answer to my question.
The point in this is that you have no way of showing the truth of what you claim except to show the understanding itself (God).
When a visitor, or stranger asked “how do you know…?” and your reply is basically, “Because they told me so”, the stranger, not knowing “them” must then ask “how do you know that they know?”. This leads to a contest, basically of ego, pride, and the very Azazel of human life.

The way around this is to ask for the understanding itself regardless of how you obtained the information. If the stranger contends with the explanation, further education or influence can be delved into, progress can be made.

Begin by seeking what the stranger really needs as a response. Did I display that I would accept “Church authority” as the answer? Since it was Church authority that I was questioning, obviously saying, “because the Church authority told me so” would NOT serve the need.

Just as I seek the real truth of what the Catholic is, today, at this moment, what I asked for was the real truth of that phrase spoken by Jesus. Thus displaying that regardless of Church authority, the real truth is known to the Catholic.

Egos and pride was unnecessary “foul balls” 😉
When a visitor, or stranger asked “how do you know…?” and your reply is basically, “Because they told me so”, the stranger, not knowing “them” must then ask “how do you know that they know?”. This leads to a contest, basically of ego, pride, and the very Azazel of human life.

The way around this is to ask for the understanding itself regardless of how you obtained the information. If the stranger contends with the explanation, further education or influence can be delved into, progress can be made.

Begin by seeking what the stranger really needs as a response. Did I display that I would accept “Church authority” as the answer? Since it was Church authority that I was questioning, obviously saying, “because the Church authority told me so” would NOT serve the need.

Just as I seek the real truth of what the Catholic is, today, at this moment, what I asked for was the real truth of that phrase spoken by Jesus. Thus displaying that regardless of Church authority, the real truth is known to the Catholic.

Egos and pride was unnecessary “foul balls” 😉
I never appealed to Church authority. What I did appeal to was the historical record.

I suppose you need to tell us what you accept and what you don’t accept. You apparently accept the authenticity of the scripture you quoted in the OP. Why is that?

Do you accept that there were people who were taught the Catholic faith by God? Taught without error or misunderstanding?

Do you have any historical evidence, as I asked earlier, that a literal understanding of the passage you quoted was ever taught by the Church, and in particular, by the early Church? If you don’t, what does that suggest to you?
Well actually, yes you did “appeal to Church authority”. But if you will look up the page a bit and read the discourse between KindredSoul and I, you will see what it was that I was looking for as an answer (he hit the “Home-Run” or good enough for now - the dogma issue is still a concern, but for another day). 🙂
Well actually, yes you did “appeal to Church authority”.
I’m sorry, but I do not consider appealing to the historical record (whatever it may show) as appealing to Church authority. Perhaps others would like to comment.
Can you understand that the Mormons would say basically the same thing? And then it would be an issue of who was really right about who it was in history who really learned what from whom and who might have been lying?

I didn’t want to get into a contest of “my smart people are better than your smart people”.

If you hadn’t noticed, I am neither sheep nor wolf. Arguing which Sheppard might be better is not something the sheep can really testify to except by their behavior.
Is Jesus contradicting Himself in Luke 14:26 by implying here in Matt 10-37-39 that it is OK to love ones family-just not as much as God?

**Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. **

Here’s the CCs position on this:

2232 Family ties are important but not absolute. Just as the child grows to maturity and human and spiritual autonomy, so his unique vocation which comes from God asserts itself more clearly and forcefully. Parents should respect this call and encourage their children to follow it. They must be convinced that the first vocation of the Christian is to follow Jesus: "He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."39

2233 Becoming a disciple of Jesus means accepting the invitation to belong to God’s family, to live in conformity with His way of life: "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother."40

And here’s the CCs position on the freedom of faith-(the gospel she preaches):

160 To be human, "man’s response to God by faith must be free, and. . . therefore nobody is to be forced to embrace the faith against his will. The act of faith is of its very nature a free act."39 "God calls men to serve him in spirit and in truth. Consequently they are bound to him in conscience, but not coerced. . . This fact received its fullest manifestation in Christ Jesus."40 Indeed, Christ invited people to faith and conversion, but never coerced them. "For he bore witness to the truth but refused to use force to impose it on those who spoke against it. His kingdom. . . grows by the love with which Christ, lifted up on the cross, draws men to himself."41
Originally Posted by KindredSoul
Otherwise, the Church has given us the Bible, alongside Her teachings, and we are simply to read the Bible in a way that does not conflict with what we know–through the Church–to be true. How exactly we do that, except for with the list of officially interpreted scriptures–is completely up to us. As long as we do not fall into heresy (or, of course, dishonesty), we have much more freedom interpretting the Bible than non-Catholics tend to imagine. The scripture in question is not one of those infallibly interpreted verses, so as long as one doesn’t contradict Catholicism (as I have not with my explanation, to my knowledge) one may understand it in whatever way one sees fit. In other words, there probably is no official definition of what is “really the case with the Church” with this specific verse, so I have no fear of unhappy contradictions or conundrums regarding the issue.
Like sheep without a shepherd, you’re saying? What I mean is, we’re in a bit of a catch-22. If we do get authoritative teaching on all the Scriptures, we are being shepherded, but there is a danger that our shepherd is leading us astray (that this teaching is not true). But if we do not get authoritative teaching on the Scripture (or not all of them), then we are sheep without a shepherd.

It is not obligatory that individual Christians figure all these things out “on their own” – rather, they must be taught. But where is the teacher? Where is the deposit of faith?

These have been problems in the Church, in recent years – not so much in the Vatican, but in the American Catholic church. The source of this problem, in my opinion at least, was in the lack of rigor in many seminaries. I know from experience that this is changing.

At any rate, to be clear: we do believe that there is a true meaning (on different levels) to each Scripture. We believe that this matters a great deal, and we believe that discipleship is the route to understanding the Scriptures. We currently lack a great deal of infrastructure for discipleship (in the US, at least). This is, in my mind, one of the greatest challenges for the future of the Church.
Like sheep without a shepherd, you’re saying? What I mean is, we’re in a bit of a catch-22. If we do get authoritative teaching on all the Scriptures, we are being shepherded, but there is a danger that our shepherd is leading us astray (that this teaching is not true). But if we do not get authoritative teaching on the Scripture (or not all of them), then we are sheep without a shepherd.

It is not obligatory that individual Christians figure all these things out “on their own” – rather, they must be taught. But where is the teacher? Where is the deposit of faith?

These have been problems in the Church, in recent years – not so much in the Vatican, but in the American Catholic church. The source of this problem, in my opinion at least, was in the lack of rigor in many seminaries. I know from experience that this is changing.

At any rate, to be clear: we do believe that there is a true meaning (on different levels) to each Scripture. We believe that this matters a great deal, and we believe that discipleship is the route to understanding the Scriptures. We currently lack a great deal of infrastructure for discipleship (in the US, at least). This is, in my mind, one of the greatest challenges for the future of the Church.
As usual, it seems, I have to substantially agree with what you have said and even implied. 🙂

But as far as that “catch-22”, suppose someone actually yielded exactly how to resolve that in a manner certainly compliant with Jesus’ teachings yet seemingly required alteration in Church structure (so as to remove the “catch”), how resistant to such an “upgrade” would the Church actually be?

I suspect that they would be very resistant to let go of their traditional management methods regardless of the promised reward.

Yet this is exactly the case and exactly the issue addressed in Luke 14:25-27.

It is so that to gain Heaven and save Humankind, the Church must hate (loathe) her current life and associations for all of the exact same reasons revealed in that very passage.

What are the odds? :o
But read also Mt 22: 34-40 (the greatest commandment). How can Jesus contradict Himself?
IOW, you are not interpreting your first argument correctly.
Read KindredSoul’s post. He hit the “Home-run” and won the first inning (against the “Devil” :mad: ) 👍
Within this, you unwittingly cast a even less known very dark light upon the Church (but still related to the OP) - an even more concerning question and situation involving all of Mankind. But that is of a different game on a different day.
I am confident that this seemingly dark light can be shown to be bright when dealt with, assuming it has something to do with the Church’s Truth Claims and Catholicism as a religion, as I am confident there is no darkness in the Faith itself as properly understood. Might it have something to do with the following?
But as far as that “catch-22”, suppose someone actually yielded exactly how to resolve that in a manner certainly compliant with Jesus’ teachings yet seemingly required alteration in Church structure (so as to remove the “catch”), how resistant to such an “upgrade” would the Church actually be?
I suspect that they would be very resistant to let go of their traditional management methods regardless of the promised reward.
Yet this is exactly the case and exactly the issue addressed in Luke 14:25-27.
It is so that to gain Heaven and save Humankind, the Church must hate (loathe) her current life and associations for all of the exact same reasons revealed in that very passage.
The context seems to be clearly speaking of what is expected of individual disciples “If anyone…” “disciple”… There is no reason, unless I am overlooking something, to believe that Jesus’ words were meant to be taken out of their context of affirming the requirements of individual discipleship and applied to the Church structure as a whole. The Church as an entity is not human, does not have emotional attachments in the human sense. In fact, Her complex structure has been developed precisely to serve most efficiently the greatest amount of people with the Gospel message, which is (as established earlier) what “hating” one’s family (according to Ancient Israelite standards) would have freed up an individual to do. So it is that, what is required of an individual to meet this goal with zeal and efficiency is not required of an Organizational structure, and in fact may even take such a structure further away from that goal even as it would bring an individual closer.

Or such seems a sound conclusion to me…intuitive differences between us may cause you to find it less sound than I.

As for would the Church leaders be resistant to legitimate changes in the Church structure (and for such change to be legitimate is possible, insofar as it does not contradict the Catholic religion, including belief in the authority of the papacy, bishops or magisterium–meaning of course that they alone, as mortals go, would have the authority to make those changes, which would probably involve Canon Law, certainly not Dogma), there would be the likely unanswerable (except in hindsight) question of whether or not this would be due to the leaders’ lack of wisdom (since such a change or resistance thereto is not a dogmatic matter but a pragmatic one, infallibility has nothing to do with it and would not be wounded by such lack of wisdom) or the whether or not the person proposing it had in fact made an unconvincing case that genuinely didn’t satisfy the leaders as to the wisdom of his own proposal. I suspect that any one human, or even group, who might propose such a change must not be so confident in his own logic as being superior to the Church’s that he would conclude that it was the Church lacking wisdom if they refused to make those changes. After all, everyone finds his own conclusions somehow more sound than, or at least equally sound to, the conclusions of others, and so in a great many cases it would, I think, be presumptuous for any of us to think we were truly “more objectively clever and rational” than our opponents as opposed to the case simply being that very human phenomenon playing out within us, especially if we believe the opponent in question to be the governing body of a Divinely Instituted Church–as anyone who cared enough to make such a proposal as more than just a theory probably would concede.

In short, the above paragraph is establishing that: 1) It is difficult to make the accusation, and be confident one is demonstrably right, that the Church’s leaders are not doing all they can to live up to Christ’s Gospel message, and 2) Even if that is demonstrable, due to the Pragmatic vs. Dogmatic nature, it demonstrates no weakness with Catholicism, nor with the concept of the Church being the infallible source of Dogmatic Truth.

Of course, it is possible that I have missed your point somewhere in the mix, in which case I apologize and will try to address it when it is clarified, insofar as I have the talent.
Yes, I certainly would like that if you would be so inclined. Thank you. 😃
Done (but I accidentally e-mailed it instead of sending a PM 😊 I guess the site automatically sent it to whatever your login email is).

Blessings in Christ,
Might it have something to do with the following?
Yes. 🙂
In fact, Her complex structure has been developed precisely to serve most efficiently the greatest amount of people with the Gospel message,…
Wasn’t this, in concept, also true of Mary before Jesus was born?
Done (but I accidentally e-mailed it instead of sending a PM 😊 I guess the site automatically sent it to whatever your login email is).

Blessings in Christ,
I got it, thank you very much 😃

Perhaps if you raise the eye of your conscious mind higher, above Mankind, and view from a higher perspective…

There is a mechanism that causes a Woman to become a Mother of a Son.

One day She hears the voice of a mysterious stranger as merely a whisper in a crowd of loud voices. She isn’t even conscious that She has heard it. Yet that very stranger carries the Seed of Her Son to be as an Angel with a Message unheard.

Her defenses against so many struggles keep Her safe yet even against Her Husband to be. Yet one day, She must forsake Her own trusted defenses and allow someone not of Her to come into Her and provide an impetus for a change strange to Her own ways that She must protect and nurture, even unknown to Her and unseen.

Yet having borne two Sons already who have grown angry and spoiled with their own disjointed Families, does She even hold hope for that truly loving Son? Does She long for that stranger who can see into Her very soul and know Her even better than She knows Herself, to slay that dragon guarding Her tower?

Or must it be so much more magnificent as to be met so subtle, She never even saw that Angel at all and know not even how Her new Son came to be?

But if such is not so done, no matter how beautiful, no matter how wealthy, no matter how great or powerful, due to the lack of true humility to what must be, though beyond Her sight, another will bear that loving Son fore Mankind truly cannot go on without Him.
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