As I said, one THEORY I’ve heard as to what actually caused the fall of Satan was his pride which made him feel that God was putting far too much love and (1) emotion into human beings which to Satan were far lower on the food chain than the angels were. (2) That is what I meant by the monkey remark. Let me add that this is just ONE of the possible stories I’ve read or heard and I don’t believe it or not believe it. I take it with a grain of salt as a possibility as no human knows for sure.
If you read the whole piece in chapter 6 vs 1 to 4 you will see that these so called giants and heroes (3) were supposedly the result of angels having intercourse with human women–a no-no per God. Re-read it.I don’t subscribe to that belief either as we simply don’t know and I assume if God wanted us to know, he’d tell us–but at least it has a biblical basis.
(4)I’d love to hear where in the church literature you got your ideas about the place where the fight between the angels and Satan occurred. I’ve never heard of it before. Anywhere!
(5) In no sense are we still in the Garden of Eden. We may be happy with our living arrangements on earth, but if you remember, God drove Adam and Eve OUT of the garden when they sinned and even put an angel at the entrance as a big “NO ENTRY” sign just in case they didn’t get the point!
- Sorry to say love does not equal emotion. In a sense it’s the exact opposite. Love means to suffer, and God certainly didn’t put emotion into anything. Jesus Christ didn’t come jumping up and down from happiness, but he came to show his love for us, by suffering.
- I thought you meant it literally.
- Found what you were saying. The sons of God. According to the commentary below it states that according to traditional exegesis these may be angels, nobles or men descended from Set, good and just people, If you know something about angels, you must know that by their very nature don’t poses a body. Angel means messenger. And when they come into our plain of existence we perceive them as having a body. And if you read further you will see that it is stated the: God felt sorry for he had made man. It is not meant to be read in a literalist sense, but in a literal sense. God doesn’t go into moods, and certainly doesn’t feel sorry for something he has done. The point here is that humans did become evil, and were incurring the wrath of God on them. So I highly doubt that those sons of God are actually angels.
- Is the Scripture Church literature? Hmm?!
Read Revelation 12,7-18. It speaks of the war in heaven and the outcome of it. The temptation of the woman and the aftermath. It’s a bit hard to understand the genre, but if you are all that interested look into it.
- I know that the Garden of Eden is a specific location, and not the entire earth.