Hello Onesheep.
I took out some of your comments. First off I don’t resent you at all. But if I was a person from the 1st Century an you explained away things demonic via a condescending attitude that all but claim those brothers and sisters of mine, the early Christians were a bunch of ignoramuses and inferior in their education and understanding and so God dealt with them at their level. well, need I say more? But that is how your words come across. They were stupid and blamed the devil for everything and Jesus dumbed down His superior knowledge to help the poor stupid ignorant folks of the past who haven’t the wisdom of the ages that we have in the Nuclear Age! Right? Is that it?
Yes, minus all the condescension. My catechesis informed me that Jesus spoke in the vernacular and the science of the day, he was not there to educate them about mental disorders or what have you. It is ridiculous to blame people 2000 years ago for not knowing what we know about the mind, psychology, and pathologies. Jesus’ words and actions are not diminished by modern science, period.
As for the insinuation the Canon laws forbids laypersons from using the word heretic or heretical or heresy, please find it and quote it here so we can all be corrected.
I got that straight from the mouth of a canon lawyer. “Heresy” is very strictly and specifically defined, it is not a word for lay people to throw around. I do not have the references at hand, you will just have to take my word for it.
Modernism is a heresy and there used to be an Oath against it that all who were to serve the Church had to sign. A Pope took the errors of the Modernists very, very seriously. I kinda agree with him. To me, there isn’t any part of the Modern errors that are acceptable or as you say, to be praised.
Any revelation that shows people the presence of God is to be praised. Any revelation that shows the goodness of God, in all that is, comes from the Spirit. Again, I am sticking with St. Augustine’s words I quoted on this. If there is another power other than God, we are talking about dualism. That is the Star wars theology, Manichaeism.
I am not promoting Modernism, I am saying that science has revealed much about the human mind, and those revelations are extremely helpful in curing individuals.
Yes, it is true that not all Catholics see things the same way as I do. Bit to tell me to stop seeing things that way isn’t polite of you. I appreciate your contrary opinions but I do not resent you. I simply have a different way of seeing things. If you can respect my opinions they shouldn’t offend. Polite conversations can be had even if person agree to disagree, don’t you think?
If you check my post, not once did I tell you to stop seeing things the way you do. Your seeing is normal and human. And yes, we can have polite conversations.

And I apologize for the gaff about your diet, I meant to throw a smiley face after it. I also noticed that my post had a frown on it, which I must have hit accidentally. Sheesh, I was trying to set a different mood, and failed miserably!
So, lets prove that we can discuss politely by continuing, shall we? How does one distinguish the idea that satan has the “power to possess” from ordinary dualism? If the perception is there that there is such a power, and that power’s extent is unknown, then in the mind the power is an infinite power, an infinite unknown. Oh, we may say, “well, the devil has power, but nothing is greater than the power of God”, but this does not erase the perception of an infinite unknown. Manichaeism is a very real developmental phenomenon. Arguably, Manichaeism is the “status quo” of secular society, it is a natural manifestation of a normal conscience. To take a step further, in order to see the
unconditionally loving
God beneath the conscience takes a deeper look, such a deeper look manifests itself with statements like those I quoted from St. Augustine. (BTW, Cardinal Ratzinger writes of our unconditionally loving God in
Introduction to Christianity which I am now almost finished reading.)
What I don’t share with St. Augustine is condemnation of Manichaeism. I think M. has its place in normal spiritual development!