What if the Athiest does not seek God but is still good like the good samaritan. Thats the issue here. Are we honestly suggesting that he goes to hell because he did not believe in God on his deathbed or did not have some life changing moment…
The persons acting as he did …and seeking goodness like he did can be a sign that he is seeking God.
The Church Teaches that yes it is possible for God to save them in a way known to God - but not seen by us!
We do not enter into life though by our “good deeds” by our virtues. But they can be a good sign of our openness to God* even if we do not know it*…that we are open to truth and goodness - open to God. God can work with this - God can reach us in ways others do not see.
Yes it is possible for those who through not fault of their own do not know Jesus or his Church…but who still seek God…and seek to live according to his will as they see in their conscience …even if it is not an “explicit” seeking as I noted…
We just do not know all that God does “behind the scenes” as it were.
(Though one will find in Private Revelations such as to the Polish St. Faustina some interesting light on even in the very last moments of life -if the door is left open - God can still in his mercy save even those that seem beyond salvation…)
They do not though enter that state of salvation “by doing good”. They do not “earn it” - they cannot “earn” such initial justification. Such is by grace…by Jesus …
It will of course still be Jesus of Nazareth the Christ and Logos who saves them…(and Christians are to proclaim Christ…the Gospel to them!)
Whoever is saved in the end…will be saved by Jesus Christ…even if he has never heard of him or the Church …
God can reach them in ways we do not know or see…
Such yes can include atheists and others.
bottom line …we do not know and God does He wills our salvation…and knows what the person may have rejected (a “fake Jesus”) etc…
Jesus came to give us* true life* - he is the Logos and the Good Shepherd in search for the sheep …