On the Tiber's shore

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I don’t know much about Lutheranism, but what about Lutheranism is drawing you more to it than Roman Catholicism? For me, the more I research and study Catholicism, the more I see its beauty and desire to be apart of that beauty. I have listened to some lectures on Lutheranism and watched a few videos on Youtube from a guy called Ten minute bible hour about that church, and while doing that it didn’t intrigue me. To be honest, it just felt like a weak copy of Catholicism, with a few changes to make it a little bit unique. But it seems like Catholicism is the greater fulfillment of it all.
What about Lutheranism is drawing to it over Catholicism? I am curious

Thank you and God bless!
I saw that too. IMO the guy hosting the show is on his way to Rome whether he knows it or not.

And he made a good point interviewing the Lutheran pastor when he asked about their theology. He said something to the effect that this is a big package and tough to present to the random person on the bus. So the simplicity factor doesn’t apply to them like it does for evangelical theology who can narrow down their theology to Romans 10:9.
Yeah his interview with the Catholic priest seemed to have a very large effect on him, so much so he was willing to do confession with the priest and said how relieved and free he felt afterward. And then he has more videos about how great Mary is and even defending the Catholic veneration of her. It’s great!
Agreed. The guy seems very sincere which makes his videos appealing. His approach is excellent.
I saw the videos, too. Pr. Weedon is one of the best Lutheran pastors around. His enthusiasm is contagious, but Lutheranism is presented in a very complex way.

I’m still struggling with things because while watching that video, and the one where Matt interviews the Catholic Priest, I hear both men speak and I’m like “yes, I agree with that 100%.” Then there’s other times where I’m like “ehh, not so sure about that.” (and I’m currently LCMS).

Still in the river, can’t decide to cross.
Hey, if you have any questions about the Catholic faith send me a message. God Bless
If you do not mind sharing, in what way do you think Catholic theology does not flow from the cross?

I am curious because I think I share with you that theological centrality of the cross, and I find it explicited better than anywhere else in the Eucharist. To be honest, it is precisely one of the main things that are drawing me to the Church - the fact that in this sacrament, I see Christ’s life and Christ’s love poured out for me from the cross. It kind of made more or less abstract notions come alive for me.

I hope you don’t mind my asking !
and I find it explicited better than anywhere else in the Eucharist. To be honest, it is precisely one of the main things that are drawing me to the Church - the fact that in this sacrament, I see Christ’s life and Christ’s love poured out for me from the cross. It kind of made more or less abstract notions come alive for me.
Very well said. Ditto.
Still in the river, can’t decide to cross.
You are doing the right thing by taking your time:)

It probably took me 10 years from the first point that I started studying the Catholic Church. No rush whatsoever my friend.
Sorry for the delay. As I said previously, I work retail and social media does not help me relax or calm down (it distracts me from the things that do. However!)

I’ll try to answer everyone’s questions.
I find it explicited better than anywhere else in the Eucharist.
Yep. Lutherans hold to the Real Presence as much as Catholics. I have heard from some Lutheran pastors that a Lutheran is one only insofar as he believes what he receives in Holy Communion is his Lord’s own Body and Blood. My statement was one of focus. There is a saying I have heard some Lutheran pastors use: “If Jesus hasn’t died by the end of your sermon, you haven’t preached a good sermon.”
What about Lutheranism is drawing to it over Catholicism?
It is hard to put it into a forum-post-sized bit. Or even into words. Twice Lutheranism drew me away from Eastern Orthodoxy. It seems twice now as well it is drawing me away from Catholicism.

I have often said that anglophone Lutheranism is weak, often too much like its non-Lutheran Protestant neighbors and too neglectful of it’s own heritage. Lutheranism SHOULD strike people as very similar to Catholicism, the two lay claim to 1500 years of shared history and theology. Lutherans SHOULD see themselves fundamentally as Catholics-in-Exile.

However, I can’t bring myself to set aside the Augsburg Confession or Luther’s Catechisms. I can’t bring myself to call Luther a heretic. (How many times has reading a passage of his lifted me out of despair now, when nothing else could?) I can’t bring myself to say that Lutherans do not have the Real Presence in their Lord’s Supper, not when it was communion at a Lutheran parish that brought my brother to the point of wanting to return to Christianity, especially when nothing else had an effect on him.

Are they rational reasons? Probably not.
Are they reasons anyone who is completely convinced of modern Catholicism would see as valid? I assume not.

But they are enough to hold me back for now. Perhaps my road is longer and windier than I previously thought.

Thank you. I promise to check back on occasion, but no where near as often as I used to.
If you all could keep me in your prayers, it would be appreciated. Everything is going great with RCIA, but I’m really struggling lately with personal sin in regard to purity with the internet. I was exposed to it in a couple different ways as early as age 8 and it has been a terrible burden since. I’m working on removing everything that causes me to sin, but it’s slow going. Thanks everyone.

My wife and I had a good talk and I gave her the letter. The night was quiet we went to bed early without much said after she read the letter. But this morning we talked about it and she said that if this is what I feel like I need to have a better relationship with God then I should do it. She isn’t comfortable with it and won’t go to a Mass with me but won’t hinder me!
God is truly great and has answered my prayers and all of those who have prayed for me!!! Thank you all who have prayed and all that gave me advice!

God bless!!!
she said that if this is what I feel like I need to have a better relationship with God then I should do it. She isn’t comfortable with it and won’t go to a Mass with me but won’t hinder me!
This is how it began with my wife. I prayed the 54 day miraculous rosary novena and now she’s joining with me. Prayer is very powerful and I would highly recommend a daily rosary.
I have been praying a daily rosary ever since this all started months ago. God has answered my prayers and I am ever humbled and thankful. I have always heard the stories of how powerful of a prayer the Rosary is and now I am seeing. Thanks be to all who prayed for me and my wife and thanks to the Blessed Virgin for her powerful prayers and ultimately to God for His wonderful grace!

God bless
Now that my eye sight has gotten back to normal, I’ve had a chance to catch up on this thread.

I continue to pray for all of you. I am so glad to hear that for many the swim continues. I will pray, in a special way, for those who are still discerning the waters.
If you all could keep me in your prayers, it would be appreciated. Everything is going great with RCIA, but I’m really struggling lately with personal sin in regard to purity with the internet. I was exposed to it in a couple different ways as early as age 8 and it has been a terrible burden since. I’m working on removing everything that causes me to sin, but it’s slow going. Thanks everyone.

I’m another who prays daily for all of you who are discerning, that you will know with confidence that you are seeking the true path to everlasting life in Heaven. God knew that we’d have trouble remaining totally pure, free of sin, so He gave us His Son, His Church, and His Sacraments to help with our journey to Him. Although we strive for perfection, none of us are perfect; our Church truly is a hospital for sinners.

As a boy of 8, your understanding of the soul and eternity were far from what they are today, or even a few months ago. Look at the progress which you’ve made! What’s important is that you keep plugging away to be the best you can be, from now until you draw your last breath. Your battle will likely be easier for you after you begin to receive absolution and the Holy Eucharist—Lol!—the original Body Extra Armor!
So as I’m sure is the case with most converts, the issue of the Blessed Mother always seems to be the biggest “stumbling block,” if you will.

I saw an EO Christian mention that the Immaculate Conception took away her free will, and it struck me as a valid point. Anyone care to share any light on this? If she had said no, how would her IC have been handled?
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