On the Tiber's shore

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He can recommend this, but I’m not convinced he can insist upon it.
True. But not listening to my priest was what got me in this trouble in the first place!
He is Catholic already,
But I repudiated the Catholic Church. I called her teachings heresy, Pelagianism. I called the Pope the anti-Christ. I mocked her priests. I have mocked her lay members too. I refused to go near a Catholic church until just a few days ago. I have prayed for conversions from the Catholic Church. I have said, supported, and done things which should not be said, supported, or done, even on these forums, and all here were witness to this just several months ago. I promised to “continue steadfast in this confession [“the doctrine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church”] and Church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it.” I have received and venerated the Lutheran Lord’s Supper for years now, and gone to a Lutheran confession. I denied at several points our Lady’s perpetual virginity and Immaculate Conception.

How, when I have done all this in the past several years, can anyone say that I am still Catholic?

Sorry. I started tearing up as I wrote all of that. It isn’t like me to be this emotional. Sorry.
How, when I have done all this in the past several years, can anyone say that I am still Catholic?

Sorry. I started tearing up as I wrote all of that. It isn’t like me to be this emotional. Sorry.
Its a good thing i am not a Catholic priest as i would be giving internet absolution after reading this. I pray you see a priest soon.

Peace be with you friend!!!
It’s okay, brother. The point is that you’re not doing that stuff anymore, you’ve repented and have come home.

If you feel the need; just offer up a Rosary and/or Holy Hour in reparation.
I teared up reading this too.

God is merciful and sees your pain. I’ll pray for you, and pray that you may soon have an opportunity to confess and receive absolution.
But I repudiated the Catholic Church. I called her teachings heresy, Pelagianism. I called the Pope the anti-Christ. I mocked her priests. I have mocked her lay members too. I refused to go near a Catholic church until just a few days ago. I have prayed for conversions from the Catholic Church. I have said, supported, and done things which should not be said, supported, or done, even on these forums, and all here were witness to this just several months ago. I promised to “continue steadfast in this confession [“the doctrine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church”] and Church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it.” I have received and venerated the Lutheran Lord’s Supper for years now, and gone to a Lutheran confession. I denied at several points our Lady’s perpetual virginity and Immaculate Conception.
And our first Pope, the rock upon which the Incarnate Son of God built his Church…denied Jesus.

Three times.

And what did Jesus say when he met Peter face-to-face on the seashore?

“Do you love me?”

And when Peter answered in the affirmative, what did Jesus say? “Well, you sure didn’t show it that night in the high priest’s courtyard!”…no. He never mentioned that at all. Instead he said, “Feed my sheep.”

Through the intercession of St. Peter, may you know God’s peace, consolation, and forgiveness. I wish you peace as you search for the will of God.
How, when I have done all this in the past several years, can anyone say that I am still Catholic?
What a powerful testimony. God is merciful. Repent and confess. And, just like the prodigal son, God will welcome you back without hesitation.
Ok, I dread trying to explain that to her. That might, in fact, go over worse than the fact of me going back to Catholicism would alone. If I am not clear, it could sound to her like the Church is “trying to steal” me again.
Please bear in mind that there are other options if she refuses to go along with a marriage blessing. When you meet with Father please ask him about Radical Sanation.

It sounds like a marriage blessing followed by confession are the only things holding you back from being in full communion once again.

Or, living as brother and sister until your marriage is blessed by the Church followed by confession.
Is this really necessary ? From what I understood, a marriage between two baptized Christians who are free to marry and who freely made promises before God is considered as a valid sacramental marriage. If I’m wrong, whoa. This would be another conversation I’d dread having.
If neither of you were ever previously recieved into the Catholic Church (even Catholic infant baptism) there is nothing that I would assume invalid with the form. Your marriage would be presumed valid.
I’m not 100% sure I understand the marriage blessing. Since my wife’s not making the jump with with me, and we were married in a Presbyterian Church, does anything have to be done?
A friend of mine was able to get his marriage convalidated without the knowledge of his wife, due to the extreme difficulties of convincing her. This is a possibility but has to be done through the direction of the hierarchy on a case by case basis.
(even Catholic infant baptism)
Well. I’ll have to have that talk then.
(Baptized as a baby by then non-practicing Catholic parents, came to faith as a teen in a reformed community. )
Talk to father. Be sure to ask about Radical Sanation. There are options even if your spouse is resistant.
I’m not 100% sure I understand the marriage blessing. Since my wife’s not making the jump with with me, and we were married in a Presbyterian Church, does anything have to be done?
If either you or your wife are Catholic by baptism, you may need to have your marriage convalidated. If you both agree, it will be performed by the priest. If there is some hesitance on the part of your spouse you may be able to address it through Radical Sanation. In either case, you’ll need to speak to your priest.

If neither of you are Catholic and you were both free to marry when you did, you probably have nothing to worry about. It’s still a good idea to talk to Father about it.
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First marriage for both of us and both were baptized as infants. Based on what I’ve been able to read, I think we’re good. I’ll still talk to the priest.
I guess, from my point of view and depending where they are (as far as age, kids, etc…) in their relationship I would assume the reluctance may come from an uncertainty of what divides it could put in the family (like now having to attend church twice on Sunday or one spouse not attending with the family at all anymore and one spouse not communing with family anymore).
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Sounds like Convalidation… Maybe a short ceremony if she is willing.
I’ll still talk to the priest.
If you were both baptized as infants, you should definitely address this with your priest. I’m sure it will all work out fine.
Well, depends if it was Catholic or not. Catholics aren’t the only ones who do infant baptism.

But it can’t hurt to ask.
I’m by no means suggesting it lol. Could be a option thrown out there by Father depending on the circumstances.
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