On the Tiber's shore

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The Sola Scriptura went off for me a long time ago (I was a teaching assistant for New Testament at university then, and I still recall that moment when I realized there wouldn’t be a New Testament were it not for tradition), and recently, discussing salvation with someone, I realized I had lost the Sola Fide somewhere on the way too.
I can definitely relate to this. It’s a bit disconcerting at realize one day that you no longer believe the things you once relied on so heavily.
No, just Reformed service, and we’re not charismatic either.

But many of my colleagues give in to the temptation of wanting to be “cool” and “up to date” and “shaking the old dust off the Christian faith to show society how much we’re pertinent”, which results in things like suppressing the Apostles’ Creed to replace it with a text which talks about “experiencing rainbow moments” and “touching the curves of God’s love”.

A colleague and I went to war on that one, that was a hill we were willing to die on. Thankfully, things are getting better where the Creed is concerned. But that’s just one example among many. Sometimes the task feels really endless.
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And realizing your belief system is centered upon an incorrect assumption in SS. It’s a real ego bruiser.
Yes, it is ; I felt (and still feel, to an extent) completely unsettled, as if I was treading on moving ground. It takes a while to get used to that new paradigm.

I’d like your post if I could, but apparently I’m over my limit for a little while more !
Start watching out for loads of Catholic stuff popping up in your life.
Yes, that is what happened to me. Catholic channel started coming in on my radio, Miraculous medals found on the sidewalk of my small town, new friends who just happen to be Catholic coming in to your life…
new friends who just happen to be Catholic coming in to your life…

We made friends with a couple around the time I decided to swim. He’s Catholic, she grew up Presbyterian. I told them today I had decided to convert, and she said, “wait, same!”
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Just a note for those who are considering crossing the Tiber but are concerned about spouses, I was there and God opened up some amazing doors. It took time but both my husband and I are now Catholic.

Two great saints to pray to asking for intercession, are Saint Monica and Saint Rita of Cascia.
Have you heard about Hahn’s conversion story? It sounded like he turned his seminary almost completely catholic in practice. They loved the changes but didn’t know where he got them.
I just had that radio thing happen to me. I don’t even listen to the radio but I slammed my brakes and catholic radio went on. My son and I were dumbfounded. The thing is we’re already catholic.
I just had that radio thing happen to me. I don’t even listen to the radio but I slammed my brakes and catholic radio went on. My son and I were dumbfounded. The thing is we’re already catholic.
Don’t you understand? The Vatican (through the Jesuits) controls the FCC, Sirius Satellite radio, and OnStar. 😉
I had it happen in a way. I opened a letter today and the person writing in made sure to mention that they are a “practicing Roman Catholic in good standing.” Timing of that seemed odd (or perfect, depending on how you look at it).
I had it happen in a way. I opened a letter today and the person writing in made sure to mention that they are a “practicing Roman Catholic in good standing.” Timing of that seemed odd (or perfect, depending on how you look at it).
And the Vatican (through the Jesuits) controls the U.S. Postal Service. Still working on UPS, Fed Ex, and Amazon Prime. These things take time, you know…
Very likely, though the way things are going I’m sure more and more will be in the name of creator, redeemer and sanctifier.
The vast bulk are.
It’s my understanding that groups with invalid baptisms are basically viewed by the Church as non-Christian, since their view of the Trinity is so warped/absent. By that logic then, I’d imagine that all Protestant baptisms as valid since Protestants are Christians, whereas groups like the LDS are not.
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